>Said prayer before a big lift.
>Benched heavy weight for several more reps than I usually do with hardly any difficulty.
Why aren't you praying before your lifts /fit?
>Said prayer before a big lift.
>Benched heavy weight for several more reps than I usually do with hardly any difficulty.
Why aren't you praying before your lifts /fit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pray to Jesus gains.
>Acting like I don't pray before every workout
>implying I don't lift for Him
Don't waste our savior's time with this shit
>He died for our gains
Considering the amount of weight I lift could easily cripple or kill me, I absolutely pray to Mormon Jesus every time I lift.
>implying God doesn’t want the bodies he gave us to do good works with in peak condition
God’s first rule was establishing a rest day.
How is an atheist supposed to answer this question without being considered an edgelord?
Even “because I don’t believe in god” seems to trigger Christians.
There’s no winning for us
They think we’re all nihilists and fedora wearers
Probably the most tactful way would be to just say "Uh, no, I'm not religious"
How about you don't answer the question, because it clearly was not addressed to atheists
also stop being a fucking atheist
> implying christianity is the only alternative to atheism
Get out of my swamp
It's by far the best
Nah I’m good with being an atheist
Memeing aside, I do get a sense of spiritual calmness/closeness to the Lord when I lift. I almost look at is as a form of worship. I usually play worship music when lifting, not unusual for me to just lay on the bench for a bit after I lift and connect with God.
haha you're going to hell LOL
> implying
I’m a pretty good person so if there is a god then I’ll be pretty set for heaven
Because as it did for me until I found Christ
Atheism begets moral relitivism which begets hedonism and nihilism and ultimately empitness. You lift because of this lack of greater purpose most likely but I lift for the glory of God.
I used to be a die-hard Christian and it was so cringe-worthy. Had a kinda 'Spiritual Awakening' and realised that a lot of the Church's shit is absolute bullshit and that the Bible is mainly metaphorical. If you think Jesus was the only person in existence to go around spreading wisdom and shit, then you're wrong. "The Son of God" was most likely just a title he was given by his followers.
Atheism is even more autistic. Hurr durr I automatically assume "God" is a magic-man in the air because I'm too fucking retarded and believe that we don't actually exist but we do.
You have to go back
Literally two posts and even an innocently asked question results in a triggered Christfag.
Okay....you can lift for Jesus and I’ll just lift for myself still
Nigga I just don’t care about religion
I don’t care what happens when I die and I care about prayers that go unanswered
i pray to shrek before dining on a feast of raw onions before banging out new records at the gym.
no belief=/=atheist
>this many people actually, unironically religious
neck yourselves
Whatever it’s pretty similar
>he isn’t doing Cross Fit
Romans 10:10
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Do you not understand omnipotency? You can't waste the time of God.
I unironically do the sign of the cross before heavy sets
no it isn't Atheism is literally a belief and requires more faith than most religions. Atheism is the most ironic, self-defeating definition of cancer ever.
Even if aliens are behind everything or everything is just a hologram, Atheism would still be 100% wrong.
If I don’t believe the Bible what makes you think I give a shit about a passage
Then I’m fucking agnostic then I don’t care
> you have to go back to scandinavia
>dont pray
No favours/chance goes my way
Get everything I want
How do I reconcile with this?
You're telling me there are real people, browsing THIS VERY board right now, who don't pray for strength from our Lord and savior before hitting PR on bench?
Yeah, currently agnosticism is the only truly logical theology. We simply aren't capable of answering the question of intelligent design, so what's the use in just making blind guesses?
I always pray to Archangel Michael to protect me and my family against illnesses, injuries and evil
>Praying to an angel
The absolute state of Christcucks
>doesn't pray to the most Veeky Forums angel in heaven
I say the lord's prayer in my head before doing anything really heavy. I used to do it to time exercises as it takes about 15 seconds.
Now, I feel I have to do it before attempting a PR or I know I'll fail. I'm not even particularly religious, it's just become a routine.
Chad Black gospel or virgin hill song?
>not just praying to the actual top dog
That’s not a good way to pray. Prayer is supposed to be just talking with God, in which you may choose to make a request. But how would you feel if one of your friends only came to you when they wanted something from you?
You can ask questions, vent, give thanks, whatever. The Psalms are basically David unloading whatever he was feeling into God.
Also that doesn’t mean God will give it to you. God has free will (more than you do) and can choose to give you some things but not others - especially if your request would hurt you.
>thinking god would give a shit about your muscles meanwhile archangel michael actually knows the struggle of lifting and become strong to defend yourself and your loved ones from evil
never gonna make it
Literally not canon.
You know what is canon? God loving humanity so much he became one of them. He walked, talked, ate, drank, tired and slept. Sounds like he knows the struggle to me.
God is a retarded safety cushion for retards with no will of their own, women and crazy genocidal warlords
Now that I think about it, I'll start doing that.
russian orthodox choir songs my man
I only pray to my god Brodin for my gains.
I don't care what people whole heartedly pray to, as long as they are genuinely good people. I personally don't worship any god(s).
my go-to response to anything directly asking about my religion (which, first of all, rude) is to shrug and smile and go, "Well, I'm not particularly religious"
it seems to be the gentlest way to let people know
Damn, that's a cute baby boy. I want to raise him and teach him how be a man.