Reminder that the following are all traits of low test soyboys but don't get mentioned much on Veeky Forums for some odd reason
>weak presence in social situations
>inability to attract a sexual/romantic partner
>lack of drive in areas of life such as studying and work
>shy bladder syndrome
>lack of natural leadership ability
>nasal, quiet voice
>fear of confrontation
I hope none of the high test alphas on Veeky Forums exhibit any of the above
Reminder that the following are all traits of low test soyboys but don't get mentioned much on Veeky Forums for some...
>mfw none of what OP listed applies to me except for Shy Bladder Syndrome
>mfw cannot piss when there's anyone around to save my life
But strangely enough I can take a shit and hold a conversation down easily
>tfw shy bladder is pretty much nonexistant since I went from beta to high test
Took a while though, never even stopped to think about it until I saw your thread OP.
>lack of natural leadership ability
Bish what? Is every man supposed to be a leader? You dumbfuck.
Imagine being so mentally ill that you post about soyboys on a Russian basket weaving forum
>weak presence in social situations
>inability to attract a sexual/romantic partner
you could be just autistic
>lack of drive in areas of life such as studying and work
how is studying and high test related?
>shy bladder syndrome
tfw I could piss anywhere even as a little kid infront of people
>lack of natural leadership ability
>nasal, quiet voice
>fear of confrontation
I basically check off every one of those points except for shy bladder. I even have a pretty chad-tier face, and always been told I am handsome very clearly and explicitly from women. But it is all wasted because of my shit personality.
Where do you find a beautiful, introverted and shy girl who just wants a guy with a pretty face and a lot of love to give?
every man should be able to step up and take the lead when the situation needs it
And when is that? In tribal living? Medieval warfare?
>why should I be strong we aren't caveman any more
>strong = leadership
kinda goes without saying
I have literally all of these traits lmao
I got everything apart from the last 2
>deep morgan freeman voice
>8 years muay thai + bjj so always chill but never afraid to step up
Paul joseph Watson has the lowest testosterone known to mankind
> big gay lips
> "high test"
post your face
i have none of those things but this point is useless if you have no experience with women because you wasted your teenage years playing games all day
>inability to attract a sexual/romantic partner
i always see qts mirin in uni and one even sat next to me and chatted me up but i have 0 experience with women so i dont know how to proceed even if they approach. it really is a curse to know that some nt faggot in your body could get laid but you cant
Test is connected to a drive for success, that drive can lead to greater work ethics/studying.
Iktf breh
What if you don't define success by your grades?
i had a tough childhood bullies were beating me all day 2-3 a day so i was a depressed fat kid.I have a gay voice and i can't change it anymore
i am no longer fat and i am lifting for a year hope i will gain my manly traits again
Literally as simple as deciding on where to eat, organizing a roadtrip, being a manager.
>be me
>be awkward in social situations
>kill niggers
>get imprisoned
>get cucked by my best friend
>everyone hates me
>says im evil in all the news papers
>escape max sec prisoj
>become emperor
I imagine an irredeemable troglodyte when I imagine the OP of threads like this.
I wish Mimi allowed me to sage......
You can sage on mimi
I occassionally see literal nu-male with his gf. I look like shit, but even now his gf stares at me, gets stuck in middle of sentence when I walk past and shit like that. If I weren't autist I could probably fuck her and get blow job from him.
Same. I still have a slight fear of confrontation (although I like to call it an "aversion" to help my self-esteem), but I can hold a piss for three hours and still be unable to go because some dude is taking eight years to wash his fucking hands behind me.
>weak presence in social situations
Goddamn is this harder than ever, I have to keep talking for so damn long to have a sort of presence. The moment I stop, I'm forgotten, sure I can bring it back to me, but fuck, how do they do it? Be the topic of rumors? I didn't have rumors about me I heard of. Fuck me, I want to exist.
>inability to attract a sexual/romantic partner
Sexual? Sure, not that hard. Romantic? I can't.
>lack of drive in areas of life such as studying and work
I lack drive in almost everything. I'm sure if my computer caught fire, I'd just look towards methods of replacing it instead of even sparing a second thought to what I've lost. I have almost no drive, I just go through the motions
>shy bladder syndrome
Don't have it
>lack of natural leadership ability
I'm not last pick for the guy at the helm by any means. I've lead groups through mid to high school and all weren't failures, even without set leaders, I became to being one.
>nasal, quiet voice
Not nasally, and have had complaints on my loudness.
>fear of confrontation
No, I want people to confront me. I don't wanna be the guy that only exists to say shit to others, I want others to say shit to me.
Why the need to be such an obtuse faggot?
The strive is what's important. In your case, maybe "success" means finding a big guy (4U) to make you his buttslut. To others, maybe "success" means graduating with a decent GPA.
The drive for success is what matters. Who fucking cares what "success" looks like? It's subjective.
>what is parallel reasoning
is depression for soyboys
This is just a personal belief, but I think depression comes from a lack of biological need. And, modern First World life promotes a lifestyle that both makes you depressed and makes it accessible to be a soyboy.
So, there's a correlation, but I don't think it's cause/effect related
I am a chubby shithead and i exhibit most of the opposite of those traits. It's easy when everyone around you are actual real soyboys, femshits and literal non passing trannies
>nasal voice
it's not my fault I was hit in the nose in middle school and now have deviated septum you shithead
>fear of confrontation
I used to have this when I was younger then I moved during senior year and hung out with poor people who liked to fight a lot. It's nice being able to feel calm and not freak out for the rest of a day when someone gets in your face.
t. soyboy
Not the user you replied to but that's a pretty interesting point of view. Kinda makes me want to cut some of the conveniences I take for granted and see what I find.
are you a virgin?
This bitch could fart and you wouldn't even hear it. No *BRRRRAAAPPPP*, just *fssh*. Fucking turd could just slide out of their without her knowing.
that is one intensely flat ass
Not him but what if I don't have a definition? How can I possibly drive for it?
Give source or bullshit and fuck off.
I overtrained and my shbg levels rose, does anyone know if one week off/one deload (either or I know theyre not the same) is enough for it the lower? My free test is damaged and my libido is gone
>quiet and have fear of confrontation
I blame the fact my alcoholic father used to beat the ever living shit out of me for years as a child for doing basically anything.
This dumb guy has never worked a day in his life.
>"artist" with liberal arts degree working at a Starbutts
Let me guess, you voted for Hillary?
>>weak presence in social situations
>>inability to attract a sexual/romantic partner
Those are just caused by being unattractive
Plenty of normal test men are unattractive
>nasal, quiet voice
How do I get rid of that? It's like I talk through my nose and it's really annoying. I've had my nose clogged before and my voice is really deep. Like I'm speaking through my chest. Is there any way to change that?
>fear of confrontation
Used to be me but I rewatched Fight Club, MEMEMEMEMEME I know, but I've tried being confrontational and it's surprising how almost nobody does anything. I'm not starting shit with obviously dangerous people, just normal guys.
Men literally used to practice their voice in the mirror. Do that.
>I'm not starting shit with obviously dangerous people
So basically you're still a pussy
I'm not trying to be a tough guy, but yes I was a pussy and discovered it wasn't so bad.
I overtrained and my shbg levels rose, does anyone know if one week off/one deload (either or I know theyre not the same) is enough for it the lower? My free test is damaged and my libido is gone
>pic 4 attention
Kek I'm autistic as fuck, but I share none of those traits.