pic related for me. Smells godly
What body wash do you use Veeky Forums?
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Bar of original irish spring, clean and clear face wash, old spice deodrant. People don't want to smell you from a mile away dude.
this or irish spring.
Pic related helped in clearing up my shoulder and back acne. Smells nice too; the only problem is that it leaves awful soap scum stains on everything in the shower.
>pic related for me. Smells godly
My nigga
natural handmade soap
you don't want to wash yourself with estrogens right?
>using anything Axe
They always go over the top with their smells and everyone can tell you're using them. Enjoying coming off as teen.
literally middle school tier
this or Irish Spring. I've been leaning Irish Spring recently because it feels more rugged and dad-tier
Dr. Bronners Lavender
I make my own body wash and cycle scents based on the seasons
post kept me interested
trips made me ask how
this one is nice
OP you're a 12 year old faggot
I use this one, I don't really know if it's great, I just liked the name
There are tons of instructional pages online. Find one to match your needs (e.g. generic soap style stuff or moisturizing). Once you have the base, you get essential oils and mix it into the soap. Like with colognes, the seasons will sort of dictate what scents to go with so do some research on that and then experiment a bit
I just use a tiny bit of my shampoo. It's all the same shit.
I use Lush's sea salt shampoo which is great but also fucking 13 quid (17 freedumb bucks). I always get compliments on my hair though.
I use literally one of these and regularly get compliments on my hair and, from girlfriends, how I smell.
Shower every day (I like em cold), take care of your nails, find a good shampoo and do your fucking laundry. You can do away with most of that shit.
You also don't need to douse yourself in fucking Sex Panther to smell good. Pro tip: if niggers sell it in a bathroom, you don't want it.
the only correct answer
you also suck cocks
Best face cleanser? I also thought Irish Spring has talcum powder in it.
Went through a breakup and decided to upgrade my hygiene routine.
Hair's softer, skin isn't dried out and flaking, acne and razor burn are miles better. I'll stick with this.
>Girls love slobs
>If you don't use Axe, you're gay
Are you Indian or what lmao this is their routine
just because you're asking a question about what Veeky Forums does or uses doesn't mean it's fucking related to fitness.
mods, stop letting this bullshit go on.
Nah, 25 y/o white American.
Aside from the cologne, it's not that unusual of a routine.
Bodywash is $5 from Fred Meyers.
2-in-1 shampoo-conditioner is teenager tier.
Face wash admittedly isn't as common for guys, but w/e, helps with razor burn.
I do have a small cologne collection, but that one just happens to be my favorite.
Literally have not used bodywash or shampoo in over a decade. Enjoy absorbing kike-tier chemicals every single fucking day you retarded chimps.
>muh "you smell"
dozens of women, none of them have ever commented on my smell, even after asking them. Your body smells like skin, assuming you actually wash yourself in the morning whilst taking an ice shower for a few minutes.
All natural Amish soap. I don't want any of that weird stuff they put into body wash getting in my system. That with organic shampoo.
Only option for adults.