Exercises that are a one way ticket to snap city
I'll start with pic related
Exercises that are a one way ticket to snap city
I'll start with pic related
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No, you're just as mobile as a 90 year old. Stop sitting on your all day, work on your thoracic and shoulder extension.
are you fucking disabled or something
dips are safer than your virginity
>dips are safer than your virginity
i bet you can't even lift your arm over your head
Calling it now- thread derailed
OP cannot physically recover from this
Put me in the screencap
>safer than you virginity
fuck off to reddit
OP status: demolished
He's right you fucking geek
OP btfoed
Now here is a truly shit tier exercise, unlike dips
op literally seething right now
Yeah OP you ain't coming back from that. Put me in the screencap
OP here
going to kill myself lads, cya later
Dips are safe as shit dyel fag.
Also, barbell flies are known to cause rib pain.
GOAT hamstring exercise
Jesus man, not in front of the children.
jesus christ op how can you actually recover
Fucking savage
My sides have been launched into an intergalactic orbit
Talk about rekt
this stupid shit all day long
TRX is actually banned at my gym thanks to all the retarded PTs snapping people up. Not that I'm sad about that
no yeah, super safe
Notice me senpai
Fuck me.
damage controlling this hard.
I'm not OP, but some people are not designed for dips and will end up with a cracked sternum
OP just greentext the story of how you tried to do bodyweight dips and are now in the hospital already
So who can and who can't do dips? I'm genuinely interested to know.
gad damnnnn what a burn
I've been doing dips for a two years and my chest gets tight, and sometimes pops if I flex. When you lean forward, use a wide grip, or put your legs out in front farther than usual, there's more emphasis on your chest, and therefore more tension on and around the sternum. Doing these things puts a good portion of people who can experience sternum issues at risk. If you do one or more of these things and your sternum pops, or hurts, I would stick to maintaining a dip form that mainly uses triceps (closer to shoulder width, legs behind you, focusing on the lockout), and then supplementing with bench for chest. If that doesn't help and your sternum still hurts, you probably just shouldn't do dips. If you want more information on the variations you can use that target different areas (chest vs. tris) more effectively, you can just youtube it, bc there's plenty of variables.
Like I said, my chest gets a little tight, but I ignore it and do my dips anyway because they're a fantastic exercise and I dislike bench, and I feel that I can do them safely without pushing the limits of legitimate injury. I try to balance out the variables so the chest and tris work equally. Learn your own body. Chances are your sternum isn't just going to up and shatter one day unless you go full autismp with bad form/too wide of a range of motion, and too much weight.
Holy shit! This is like a funny version of "your 1rm"
I had issues with sternum pain doing dips but it was because I didn't stretch, I just added chest stretches to my routine and haven't had an issue since.
Never done chest stretches desu, but if it works for you, it works.
good mornings are fucking great for hammies and glutes, double nigger
Thoughts and Prayers for OP's anus
I got myslef costachondritis doing dipts desu
I can also see people fucking up their shoulders and elbows with them.
Shit takes a long-ass time to heal
>I dislike bench
I had to rehab doing dumbbell pullovers for a few months.
just fucking do RDL's
I've injured my sternum, from going too deep, and still have the same problem to this day, just pushing on my chest can bring it back a little
Don't do lateral raises.
Don't do dips.
Don't do good mornings.
Most people shouldn't even be doing flat barbel bench.
Don't do split squats.
Don't do leg presses.
Don't do leg extensions.
All of the above should be replaced since there are simply safer and just as useful options available.
Oh also don't do situps or crunches (without a cable).
Also no hanging leg raises unless you already have strong abs.
>Don't do leg presses.
Aside from locking the knees, what's the problem with leg presses?
>Most people shouldn't even be doing flat barbel bench.
Really? As long as you keep your elbows in and have a non-impinging bar path and don't bounce it off your ribcage, what's the problem?
Although I'm not sure about the giant back arching crap.
Fucking lel
They aren't nearly as productive as other exercises. Like front/back squat or deadlift. Better off spending more time there. People leg press for the ego and with most people having bad posture today I rather not see more people tighten their hip flexors even more.
It is nice for calf presses sometimes.
>As long as you keep your elbows in and have a non-impinging bar path and don't bounce it off your ribcage, what's the problem?
The problem is most people don't do this. Even if they do it correctly they over do it without learning that rowing is a thing.
Dumbbell bench is safer and easier for people to learn how to bench correctly.
niggers need to leave
Why does this have so many responses? Are you all 12? This shits not even funny
>HAHA!!!! VIRGIN!!!! SEX!!!!
Leg press / hack are pretty nice after the squats and deadlifts you mentioned. Allows you to take your legs farther without making it a lower back day instead of leg day.
leg press and squat/front squat are not fulfilling the same purposes in a well constructed routine
leg press is very useful for adding in some additional quad volume without taxing the back any further, and you can go closer to absolute (rather than technical) failure with leg press with significantly less risk
what a load of garbage lmao
Hack squat is nice. Having a rock hard lower back is needed to progress past a certain level and protects from injury. Imo get that volume early because thats the last thing you want to fail / be the weak point.
Lunges and sprints are both better alternatives if you care about quad volume.
You're 1rm was fucking hilarious when it first happend you newb faggot fucking neck yourself my dude
>sprints for quad volume as an alternative
you are king retard, all hail
Absolutely rekt
The absolute state of OP
Good meme
Great for warmups
op is kill
apology for poor english, where were you when OP was kill
I was at the gold gym doing the weightdip of lmao2plate when Jeff Cavaliere call me on the cell phone and speak
“OP is kill”
and you???
What's wrong with lateral raises?
Personally dips, front lateral raises. My shoulders cannot handle those lmao :(((
Reddit tier.
shoulder impingement is very easy. just do front raises, ohp, and two other different shoulder presses. Doing lateral cable raises is more acceptable if you trust you are doing it with good form.
From what I understand that comes from the "ball" rubbing against the socket of the joint when the arms are too far backwards. So wouldn't lateral raises be okay, as long as I kept my arms slightly forward and did like a hybrid between lateral raises and front raises?
Already do that, I usually do lateral / front raises for volume afterwards.
>two other different shoulder presses
Push press, and what else? Please don't say behind the neck press.
please disregard anything that fucking retard says, he actually suggested sprints as a substitute for leg press
do the lateral raises, just do them in the mid-scapular plane and don't internally rotate (don't do that pouring out jugs of water shit, keep thumb above pinky through the motion)
sorry he hurt your feelings OP
I hate that this is becoming a meme. At least the other one was good
Impingement is the supraspinatus tendon getting pinched/rubbing on the acromion process. This is more likely to happen when the elbow approaches or exceeds the level of the shoulder. It's more common in people with a small subacromial space to begin with. If you have a small subacromial space, impingement occurs at a lower point than it would for someone else. Some people are okay doing lateral raises due to their shoulder structure, some will eventually see problems from it. Without getting a knowledgeable person to look at a shoulder x-ray, there's no way to tell for sure which one you are.
I should also add that if you're not black (black people are more likely to have a smaller subacromial space), have no history of impingement and are doing lateral raises properly like described, you're most likely fine.
good night sweet prince
omfg hahahah this is the best post ever XD
excellent stuff
im going to screencap this
haha for science of course...
and my axe!! XD
Trx is the retarded brother ofngymnastic rings
Put me in le screencap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Warmups for which exercise
I do good mornings on one leg day and RDLs on another
Yeah I'd basically set up like I was going to do a dip but instead of lifting myself I'd keep my feet on the ground and lean into it so I was basically at the full ROM possible for a dip and after doing that for a few weeks I had no sternum issues dipping anymore.
I also did the one where I locked my hands behind my back and lowered them as much as possible while puffing out my chest to stretch it.