Serious thread, who has the greatest natty physique of all time. Trying to find out what's possible without gear
Natty Physique
>starts with PROFESSIONAL athlete
They are all on gear, just realize that and your view on this whole thing will change
Youre probably right because every pro is on gear, but he is not even close to natty limit.
can probably pull off a slightly bigger chest, since bench press wasn't as big of a thing back then
Ronnie has perfect genetics and is on gear very likely
Through the twisting nether
do you mean in terms of size or athletic ability? because if the latter, you're retarded
>do you mean in terms of size or athletic ability?
why am i only learning now that he was a jew
you cant ask that on /fit where most people think you need to look like rich piano to not be a DYEL, i want to believe they are just trolling, but to be honest i have seen awesome bodies here on /fit, i dont know if some of them where on roids or not, but probably not
to be honest, there no such thing like "perfect physique" but if you have above average genetics with good muscle bellies insertions you can have a nice body without drugs
Look up Jeff Alberts, boss of 3DMJ, he's been in the game for a long ass time and has a great physique imo
Jeff Seid
Arms and shoulders are genetics here though.
Not everyone can achieve those cannonballs through lifting alone.Also he has some really long biceps and long triceps as well as very thick arms in general so that physique is a lot of genetics
>that’s the natty limit
You’re pathetic
I would argue that AlphaDestiny's physique is the current "natty limit". He certainly broke new ground in his natural physique, you won't find other men on his level- at least not naturals. Now he is in the top percentile genetically, so the average male will not be able to achieve his frame, but don't let this dissuade you.
phil heath
mirin jawline
>top percentile of genetics
>ottoman rape baby
>cant grow proper hair
Okay alex
reminder that none of you will look good even on gear
you all have either beta male wingspans or beta male hips
Alex, give it a rest already. This shit actually detracts from your popularity, it doesn’t enhance it. I’ve already unsubscribed from your stuff because of this shit.
this is the actual natural maxim
Well crafted bait.
If alphafaggot looks big, it's because he's 5ft4.
Also all the lifting will never fix his mongoloid face.
Unless you have great genetics/Test levels you wont really achieve much natty. Anyone who says otherwise either has those two or has only been lifting less than a few years.
Wtf i love jews now
Milo Barus
Alex please go
We'll never know the natty limit because everybody is fucking lying