Shit Normies say about Crypto

I'll start:

>"Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, it's worthless"

>"lol you're making virtual money"

what does even "intrinsic" mean in this context

How about those bitches buy a truckload of canned food now that shit has intrinsic value.

It's a bubble!!!!!

Even though we fucking love pouring our money into crypto!

>bitcoin isn't backed by anything!


Wow, 1000% gains in year?! I better get in now!!

>I just don't get it

>you do know that stuff is illegal right?

Its like gold in world of warcraft?

I'm a normie. no intrinsic value doesn't mean it's worthless; worth is determined by demand. Having no intrinsic value, or no fundamentals, means there is no floor to the value.
If apple's next phone bombs completely, it's still sitting on billions in liquid cash and patents. People will still speculate on it's future value since it has the money to try building and selling a few more generations of phones.
If fucking bitcoin platinum comes out two years down the line, and if you don't have your finger on the pulse you can potentially lose 100% of your investment if everybody adopts it before you can flip.

> its just ones and zeros.

>I'm a normie
>on biz

>talking to gf on the phone
>try to explain crypto to her
>"user, why does it even matter or have value since we already have the dollar"
>try to explain that it's decentralized and secure
>"well the government is just going to shut it down anyway"
>"I don't get it and bitcoin is stupid and isn't worth anything!"
>I sarcastically say that she's brilliant
>she gets angry for the next day and a half because i won't apologize for "calling her stupid"

>dating a stupid girl

fuck them, don't date them

A++, definitely a keeper.

I think she's on her period or something. Long distance relationships are greeat.

>"Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, it's worthless"
It costs approx $1000 to mine 1 BTC

>isn't it used by drug dealers?

>I'm a normie.
>showcases 0 notions on economics and game theory

It shows.

Fuck man, been there 2 days ago with the wife. When the Red Sea has high tide, no amount of highground can save you...

nani? that doesnt explain anything at all
what does even intrinsic mean in your context

Had a classmate today say
>It's actually really interesting, the stock share price has gone up like 700% this year

I can just snuggle her and rub her head to calm her down but we're like 5 hours apart for college. Oh well women are like puppies, you can't get mad at them for pissing on the rug, just reinforce the good behavior

"I use my Visa to make purchases and always pay my balance in full. With the points I earn I'm literally being paid to buy things haha!"

>I heard about it on the news, they were hacking peoples computers or something to ransom
>I heard about it on the joe rogan podcast once
>Better sell now, what if it goes down?

Wonder how long he was swinging before they found him?

"I'll learn about crypto on biz."

>doing a course for a foreign language
>free speech part
>talk about crypto and bitcoin
>someone in the audience asks what's behind bitcoin, says it's a bubble
>could have rekt that mofo in my native language but instead stutter and can't aritculate myself
>finally told him that currencies only have value because we believe so

tl;dr how do you explain cryto to a normie in a matter of seconds?

Why do you feel the need to?

can someone, with no bully pls because this is probably a dumb question, tell me why exactly doing this would be bad? isn't that what churning is based around?

>Working armed security with a sheriffs deputy
>Ask him if he wants to get in the bitcoin trade with me
>He says oh no I can't do that, that's drug money!
>oh like the us dollar

Best explanation is that it's a store of value. Give them the example of Venezuela and how their currency was rapidly declining, so buying BTC was a smart move for many to stabilize or even increase their wealth.

I don't think Bitcoin has any other use besides that. It's dead for sending money.

>if you want to invest why not just buy stocks, user?

cryptos are in a bubble and everyone knows it. what are hundreds of shitcoins for? nearly all of them are completely zseless. everyone is in it to make some gains.

think the idea of "i'm being paid to buy things" upsets frugal people who avoid spending money

> google tulip mania hyuck hyuck hyuck

So sick of hearing every smug analyst mention "Tulip Mania" in their "Bitcoin is dead" proclamations.


bitcoin atleast; a limited supply currency that cant be printed into oblivion like all fiat. It uses cryptography to secure funds from being duplicated, stolen. Cryptos are MINED similar to Precious Metals, you cant just make them from nothing. So many people get confused with the 21 mil supply, but if it was 1sat = 1$ the supply would be more like 21mill X 1mill, I think. If your arguing with someone echoing the 'bitbubble' piece though youve already lost

>"Have fun with those viruses your installing on your computer"

well, a normal understanding of economics. should have said no coiner
you can also spend a grand digging a hole
Crypto is essentially an elaborate Keynesian beauty contest if you want to bring game theory into it. doesn't help that it's value is 99% speculation.
this is a vast oversimplification, but say I offer you a bet: I flip a coin and you win $2 if it's heads, the value of that bet is $1. this is generally how speculation on normal markets works. eg. 50% chance a new drug will make it past the FDA and overtake some market sector or whatever.
in crypto there is no coin flip, you're buying at $1000 because you think someone else will buy at $2000 who in turn thinks someone else will buy at $4000 and so on.

>in crypto there is no coin flip

My brother said, "dude 4% return-on-investment per year is wonderful, invest in stocks like real people, no risk no worries, we cant all fail".

"drug money and money laungdering for mafia"

"but who actually backs it, who is actually behind it" -

"bro do you even know who is behind your bank, central bank, and the stocks you invest in, and the traders you pay hefty fees to"?

>not recounting the history of the dollar starting from the formation of the federal reserve, great depression, world war 2, bretton woods, removal of gold peg, smithsonian agreement, IMF/SDRs/BIS, basel accords, shadow banking, central bank balance sheets post 2008, towels getting thinner vs inflation, philosophical properties of money, properties of bitcoin, power of brainwallets in international movement of funds, governments' histories with bitcoin and prospects for a ban

you failed her OP

>enjoy your monopoly money
>why don't you put all your extra money in a savings account like everyone else? You can be a millionaire by your 50's!
>hey everyone, user """invests""" in bitcoin hahahahahaha

>Long distance relationships

hi nu-male

Your gf is a shitcoin that will never moon. Sell your bag and invest in something better.

guess I mean to say there isn't a bookie calling the odds; there isn't any objective measure to say if there's 10% or 90% chance that bit coin will moon.
crypto is more like playing at the poker table than the roulette table in that your winnings come from how you fare against others instead of environmental factors.



>Bitcoin is the currency of crime

>"How about you turn your cyber money into real, actual money?"

Which is why commodity trading is a thing.

> Haha look at him, investing in CAT , dude that is a meme shitcoin, better buy some LINK



>Crypto is essentially an elaborate Keynesian beauty contest if you want to bring game theory into it.

>Crypto is essentially an elaborate Keynesian beauty contest if you want to bring game theory into it.
"In certain kinds of writing, particularly in art criticism and literary criticism, it is normal to come across long passages which are almost completely lacking in meaning. Words like romantic, plastic, values, human, dead, sentimental, natural, vitality, as used in art criticism, are strictly meaningless, in the sense that they not only do not point to any discoverable object, but are hardly ever expected to do so by the reader. When one critic writes, "The outstanding feature of Mr. X's work is its living quality", while another writes, "The immediately striking thing about Mr. X's work is its peculiar deadness", the reader accepts this as a simple difference opinion. If words like black and white were involved, instead of the jargon words dead and living, he would see at once that language was being used in an improper way."

>out to lunch with a friend who has made millions after selling his business
>we invite another local guy who dabbles in the stock market, but is supported by his wife
>he asks me sarcastically 'so, are you going to pay with bitcoin?' and 'can you buy a steak with bitcoin?' hue hue hue
>i tell him 'no, but i can't buy it with google stock either'
>meanwhile, i'm sitting comfy on over $1mil in btc profits

>>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them