>go to the gym
>its full of beardlets
Why do we even let those people in? They have no testosterone, no point working out
>go to the gym
>its full of beardlets
Why do we even let those people in? They have no testosterone, no point working out
While beard growth is a sign of high testosterone, it's not exclusively limited to it. See: Nu-males.
hmm i wouldnt say so
these 'nu-males' probably have never shaved ever and that is there lifelong beard
>genetics will never let me grow a beard or even a decent mustache
> he thinks we don't notice his weak chin underneath his pube beard
>able to grow full beard
why even live? what does that say about my test?
...So a racial Taiwanese? I'm not sure what telling us what passport you have is supposed to clarify about your racial traits, like shortness and bad beard genetics
like this?
I have a strong chin. /thread
most nu-males have patchy shitty beards
some people look better with facial hair, some don't
i trim my beard down to 2-4mm a couple times a week
let's me show my jawline and i don't have to deal with razor burn
What are you trying to say with those pics ?
>tfw I've got almost no beard growth despite being norwegian
>had my test levels checked awhile back and they were good
>used a steroid cream as a test 6 months ago and it didn't increase beard growth at all.
>23 years old
At least I don't have a weak chin or anything, but it sucks not even having that grey shadow that indicates that I can grow a beard if I want to.
Also I grew pubes in like 4th grade, thought I was gonna be the first to grow a beard as well in my class. No luck there
So guys, how do you maintain your beard so you end up with one like
And not one like
I have the thickness for sure but I'd rather be clean shaven than end up looking like those fucks
I go to a barber to shape it, use beard oil and comb it
If you're balding and grow facial hair quickly you have high testosterone
You mean Chinese?
You have high test. Just shave your head and grow out your beard.
reminder to go full beard, overly modeled beards always ends up looking like a faggot metrosexual lumberjack
Thanks for the reply mate. Any recs for beard oil? I have mountaineer beard shampoo but that's about all the product I've ever used on it. Fucking love the smell of it
Guess I don't need to lurk the test threads anymore. Kek. Anyone have any experience with anti dht shampoo?
not him but for oil go for something simple and natural that smells good for you. the most common oils are a mix of some of these oils: jojoba, argan, coconut, almond...
hell, if you want to go full simpleton, you can make your own oil, which is what I do (niggers gourmetize shit like beard oils/shampoos/whatever so it is all expensive as fuck in my country). Currently I'm using argan + almond oil and it is pretty good. If using odorless oils you can add a scent of your liking. Lots of tutorials on homemade oils on the interweb
How to get Pierce beard?
Might just be something you'll grow into with age. I'm the same way with scandinavian heritage and all, but it took my dad until he was like almost 30 to be able to grow a full beard.
I shave because i'm not planning to exit the pussy game yet, cunt.
Thick and full beards in low testosterone men are from high prolactin. Gyno, excessive belly fat, balding and more also generally accompany high prolactin levels. This all combines to create the notorious nu-male.
>homemade natural beard oils
That's right up my alley, I'll definitely look into it.
Source? I've only ever heard of prolactin being bad for follicles. Dammit, now you've got me back to wanting to get my levels checked.
>logic of a brainlet