If soy is so bad for you why does he eat it?
If soy is so bad for you why does he eat it?
>why does an obese man eat things that are bad for you
>eats soy once
>sets basketball americans free
Donald, no!
asians love their soy
maybe that's why they're all so high test
>asians are high test
1. Trump is incredibly unhealthy.
2. This entire autistic board needs to learn correlation vs causation. Yeah no shit numales eat more soy, they don't hunt, are more likely to be vegan/veg and more likely to be into new age health bullshit. I've drank soy milk for years and somehow don't look an enormous fucking faggot. It's almost as if soy isn't the problem.
Wait, does soy sauce contain soy? I thought it was just a name. Fuck, I better lay off the honey soy chips
How can you be this retarded.
>don't look an enormous fucking faggot
prove it faggot
I don't know, sometimes people call things that they aren't, like Hot dogs.
wait what about hot dogs is a misnomer?
>He doesn't know
post body w/ timestamp faggot
Because 98% of the planet is eating soy one way or another
its our edible plastic, if you think anyone will go against a multi-billion (((industry))) profits you are delusional
that's the joke homeboy
>I wouldn't see my son turning into a woman due to soy as a negative
literally what
some parents support their trans kids? mine did anyway, and that probably has a lot to do with me being generally happy and not suicidal.
love and gains~
Soy boys are really upset by the soy boy meme and that is why the soy boy meme will last.
Oh, hunny
>t. alt-white anti-feminist paranoid male pattern-balding virgin brainlet
Because it was in a country where soy is a staple in the diet.
But all trans should be suicidal. Your parents are terrible and you're a freak
>how do stanard deviations work
I don't hate trump but what the fuck is this argument? He eats mcdoinalds everyday for fucks sake
Those outer labia look like two uncircumcised dicks attached at the ends to his taint. The inner labia looks like an exploded ballsack. The 'clit' looks like a dangly piece of skin.
Trannies fucking disgust me
>people think this is "natural"
The standard deviations are tighter in the Asian group than the other groups. The confidence intervals were also in general tighter in the Asian group. Even when age and weight were normalized you whitebois are still low-T racists.
>/Pacific Islander
too bad you are an hapa incel with no hope in life
What? look at this and tell me you don't waht to try your luck against a dick turned inside out
Doesn't that N stand for population size and not T levels? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not very smart.
>t.pacific islander
Koreans also eat a lot of fermented food which negates the effects of phytoestrogens. Or maybe I dunno
No you're 100% correct his claim is that the sample size is tiny and because it includes pacific islanders it invalidates the "Asians have High Test I'm Smart and Type in Caps" meme.
This only supports the right wing argument that most males are bugmen with the testosterone levels of a flea.