Can the average Veeky Forums boi beat her?
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shes cute
but most people doing karate/kung fu/taekwondo or these cringe martial arts are autistic as fuck
can't tell based on the uniform, but most "athletic" guys could take a "trained" chick. if she does BJJ she might have a fighting chance against DYELS and intramural ultimate frisbee players
wtf bro i played intramural ultimate it as fun as fuck
sprint gains imo
> 2017
> thinks asian pajama dancing makes you dangerous
its all about strenght
unless there are two persons with similar strenght technique plays a role
take a 160 lbs guy with technique
take a 160 lbs guy with retard strenght
tell them to hit you
the strong one will make the most contundent punch
i will tell you a secret
mike tyson on his prime was doing weighted pull ups with damato on his back as part of his training, keep in mind damato weighted somewhat 70 kg and mike 100
so he was doing pull ups for reps at a bw of almost 400 pounds
you're correct, but you fail to acknowledge the purpose of training in any fighting style. the purpose of any technique is to amplify strength by making the movement efficient and optimizing the transfer of kinetic energy. A "trained" chick can output enough force to match most unathletic guys. you know the type- the guy who used marching band as his PE credit in highschool. turn the untrained guy into an athlete and he can now access enough strength to overpower a chick almost regardless of how well trained she is. however, not all training is equal. a marathon runner is weak as piss and would probably get tapped by a BJJ chick. an olympic lifter- not so much
>you're correct, but you fail to acknowledge the purpose of training in any fighting style. the purpose of any technique is to amplify strength
yes bro i know technique is VERY important...but it means shit if you are weak, that was my point
the same with sprinters
doesnt matter how perfect your technique is if you dont have a lot of strenght and fast twitch fibers on your glutes and hamstring
i dont agree with the part a "trained female can output an untrained male"
unless its a freak girl she wont, males are about two times strong as a grow ass woman, unless its a genetically gifted girls or a very trained athlete she will never be able to overpower a guy
thats the fucking point dipshit. girls who train combat sports to a competition level are fucking freaks. on top of their high strength output (relative to size and gender) they also have the advantage of being familiar with combat- reading body language and taking hits. now, they can't hold a candle to a male non-combat athlete much less a male combat athlete, but they can fuck the chess club's day up
well, we are agree now, why abusing ?
because this isnt reddit you nutsack
>but they can fuck the chess club's day up
That sounds pretty pathetic.
>I-I can't beat you... but I'd surely beat a weak ass nerd
not even a contest lol
imagine how embarrassing it must be to be an untrained. i wish more highschools offered boxing so that soyboys could get their shit pushed in at an early age and be humiliated into a modicum of physical competence
I'm glad they don't. Libshits are my enemies, why would I want them to be capable? I want them to believe that winning a fist fight is a social construct.
> what does "won" like... even MEAN, man?
fuck off /pol/
fuck you faggot, only white people are good
suc a wet fart and catch the short bus back to your containment board DYEL, or do something productive and post your man tits so I can have a good fap
You post like you're 14, tops.
>Libshits are my enemy!!! I must best them in the field of combat!
strength is nice to have in fight
what decides there the most is bodyweight
if shes like 50, and im 90kg +
i doubt she will win unless she just goes literally for my nuts or throat
Black belt by day, black ___ by night.
Her uniform is for Tae Kwon Do, a purely point based system with no submission, grappling, and extremely little striking. Odds are she went to a McDojo and bought her belt with a side of fries, and a handful of instagram likes.
Even if she's a serious competetive female, the average highschool wrestler would have zero problems defending, much less attacking.
Source : 2nd Dan 12yr student who went to a first generation American-Korean Dojang
maybe if you like manly chins, faggot
Yes. I probably can even beat her without using my hands.
Nigga what? Me and a friend started the chess club for my high school, we were both 6+ 200lbs who played football or basketball almost daily after school.
She doesn't appear to have any muscle mass whatsoever. I don't think she can beat an average male, let alone one who does any sort of training.
>beat her
Beating to her right now.
she doesn't have a dick Kevin
No, I give up, she can beat me real hard now since she's the winner, if you can smell what I'm evaporating
fag do a real sport like rugby or wrestling