>aged 27
>living in London
>ugly beta loser autist male with no friends or social life for 9 years and no female attention ever, including time at university
>became the ugly loser nobody talks to after one day at my current job
>failed over 30 interview processes for great jobs due to ugliness and lack of normieness or extroversion
>never been to pub, club, party, or any social experience since school
>bitter about being a complete social failure with a wasted youth while Chads, Staceys, and normies get everything handed to them and judged solely on normieness
>work in zero effort public sector job with lots of free time (but felt like a cucked prisoner when I stayed at the office 9 to 5)
>all hobbies feel like they turn in to work (reading books becomes reading boring classics; learning programming becomes learning functional masturbation) i.e., everything is advertising you to join the bottom of a hierarchy and telling you to worship the top and pay your dues
>don't have the initiative to program something in my own time or try anything entrepreneurial or do anything that takes initiative - feel like an obedient student who was trained in to being a worker drone who needs to follow a set path
>main hobby is walking around central London, drinking coffee, feeling sad about life, hoping I will spontaneously feel like my 20s haven't been wasted because I "just went outside"
>can't bear going full hermit autist, obviously can't do anything normies do
>feel under constant pressure to read lots of boring books, learn lots of boring shit, and so on
>waste shitloads of time on internet
>spent many months after university working part time menial jobs and wasting all my free time on the internet and genuinely see my time back then as a near zombie stuck in a loop
>fully grasp the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms - as a result I see proselytisers as either fucking ignorant or dishonest
Aged 27
Post face
I love you user
sounds like you should roid, why not?
get a hobby that doesn't have you isolated from the world, seems like that's all of your current ones.
i feel like being ugly kinda falls out once you go over thirty, by then you're either chad or you're just a normal guy, above average even if you're not a fat fuck
I just turned 20 and I've realized that I wasted my teen age years playing video games and doing basically nothing.
Never had a gf, kissless virgin. Currently doing university, but I have no friends whatsoever. Nerve go out at night, except maybe once a month with 2 high school friends.
I'm joining the gym in the next few weeks, I'll try to get a hobby and do something that will help me improve my appearance and hopefully mental health.
You should do the same. I've seen guys uglier than me getting girls and shit, so we should be able to live the normie life to some degree.
Good luck man
Read the bible u fuck, feel filled with the holy spirit, go-to church, find qt3.14, get married, have kids, live happily ever after
London YES!
Tl;Dr kill yourself
more like MOOshell Obongo
to stop being beta nu male start eating fucking ONIONS
>>work in zero effort public sector job with lots of free time (but felt like a cucked prisoner when I stayed at the office 9 to 5)
Boo fucking hoo faggot, government is the only place that'll give me the time of day here in America and I've yet to land one and have never got an office job outside of some work-study shit in college. I'm trying so fucking hard. And you know what else, I'm a black woman with a college degree who isn't ugly or poorly dressed and still can't land a simple gov't office job. THE PROBLEM IS, I'm overqualified for the shitty customer service/cashier/dispatcher jobs that they want to give to black people, but they won't hire me for administrative jobs that pay more than $11 an hour - THOSE are the jobs that they'll only give to whites and the occasional Spanish-speaker. I've scored within top 5 of every test I took and qualified for interview - I passed the currently 3 administrative openings with flying colors, but we'll see where that goes. But I guess I'd ought to just go to the one dispatcher interview because that's probably the only job they'd offer me IF there's no fucking current gov't employee already interviewing for the position. What the FUCK am I supposed to do?
I love you londonfag
Never leave
Yes please I doubt you're ugly
Easily this, even with a basic cycle of 500mg test e weekly you'd feel euphorically confident. Just make sure you're below 15% bf before you start.
I'd go to the pub with you mate, we'd have a grand old time. Hang in there
This post makes me feel good about myself. Tomorrow I've got an early Christmas dinner with old uni friends and am in the process of starting a company which is being funnelled to ridiculous levels by the government because our products are in a worrying shortage in my country. Just today also the cute one from my office was tipsy and kept grabbing my arms. I also just found a pretty sweet longsword in Icewind dale which will make my half orc barbarian an unstoppable nightmare.
Gotta love life.
I'm pretty similar to you OP but even more pathetic.
>25 years old
>have ADHD, socially awkward, also weird as fuck
>kissless virgin, never even asked a girl out or been desired by one
>haven't had friends since I was literally 12 years old
>only child and rarely see small extended family and never in contact with them
>no friends in high school = not learning how to socialize = no friends in college = no friends post-college
>working a shit job because i cant get into grad school and don't really care
>basically been a shut-in for my entire life
>get flat out annoyed and pissed off interacting with people and listening to the shit they talk about
>literally do not care about trying to get a girlfriend, have sex, or even make friends or hang out with people, but it doesn't matter because everyone hates me anyway and i know that everyone knows im a pathetic autistic loser from the moment they meet me and want nothing to do with me other than forced interactions and if they saw how i live they would be completely aghast and ditch me
>have terrible relationship with parents even though i live with them because they are the same type of shut in people hating asshole that i am
>literally cannot remember any times in my life where I have ever been happy
Your country is going down the shitter
Sort yourself out
If my scenario is literally unbelievable to you then I feel sorry for you. We're not all depressed losers here, and you'd know that if you weren't a newfag.
the fact you need to come to some guy's loser thread to talk about how good your life is says a lot about how you actually feel
How can we do what's best for our country if trying to improve makes us hated nazis in the eyes of the public? I can't be losing my job and friends over politics
Eh, I just responded in passing, mostly because i wanted to rub it in. This is Veeky Forums after all. Don't you worry about me laddy, I'm doing just fine.
An hero yourself?
im constantly depressed as fuck but yall are giving me hope for not hitting your level. Stop letting your emotions control you you weak fucks. Your apathy is your excuse for not trying.
What's the point of financial stability, if you are miserable in every other aspect of life?
I doubt that you would change in your current environment, given that you are 27. So leave London, and go live in another city/country. Do a shitty job which forces you into human interactions.
Naw the problem isn't your blackness. I participate in the interview process for many positions at a tech company, and management always pushes any blackies or curries to the top of the pile. White people usually do better because statistically better upbringing, but many times(agreeing with relative population) the blackie is the best for the position, and we hire them.
My bestie co worker is a blackie and there are 2 blackie managers out of 10 in my department, this is not from diversity quotas they are great and smart people.
Making yourself a victim is everything wrong with this country.
I should also say we use Skype for the initial interview, so it's not like anyone can surprise us. We just do the right thing and over the generations and wrongs done to ethnic groups will naturally right themselves. It's a great sight to see if you open your eyes.
>>bitter about being a complete social failure with a wasted youth while Chads, Staceys, and normies get everything handed to them and judged solely on normieness
> hurr durr why don't people like weirdos like me
> everything is advertising you to join the bottom of a hierarchy and telling you to worship the top and pay your dues
> hurr durr I want to be good at things without working for it
Like 80% of us are ugly
nice blog now KYS
sage in all fields