Why do manlets even show up to the gym when they can't touch the ground while benching?
Why do manlets even show up to the gym when they can't touch the ground while benching?
that can't be real
Put him pack in the pit.
at least he isn't lifting 25lbs like you faggot
that's adorable
why doesnt he just lower the bench?
>t. manlet
Because that's admitting he's short. This way he can use some sneaky plates to prop up his legs and hope he goes unnoticed
femanon here, im 4'11" and wouldnt date any guy below 6', sorry, if you cant pick me up like a puppy, i cant be with you
No one can pick up your fatass no matter how tall they are
>femanon here
Don’t worry, I believe you
>a 9/10 woman told me once "I only date +6'3 guys"
>8 months later I was fucking her so hard she drops off the bed while cumming and from the floor she just said "this was the best orgasm I ever had!"
and thats how I cured all the """"manlet issues""""
t. 5'8
>this level of coping
>tfw 5'7
>can touch the floor with my feet
Jesus this guy must be like 5'4
2 hours before that, and with the same girl, we were on a starbuck place and a numale worker there write it on the girl coffe cup some pretentious faggotry cute little phrase with a smily :) emoji shit, cringe af stuff.
when I saw it, I looked at the eyes of that soyboy and just smiled without saying a thing, because I already knew I was gonna fuck this girl (hotel was already reserved).
it was a good day overall.
>we were on a starbuck place
pajeet detected
186cm here
I'll pick you up on deadlifting or leg day you fat fuck
>reading comprehension
whom'stsoever whomst tooken that daguerrotype is a bitch made nigga of the highest calibre.
>as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade
can you imagine pretending to be a girl on the internet
>tfw you mock somebody else for their uncontrollable genetics in a place where they're trying to improve themselves anyway they can
You're the reason people tend to be scared of gym environments, fuck off gay cunt
kill yourself already
>You're the reason people tend to be scared of gym environments
t. mancuck
good, its crowded already
fuck you
i want just to be left at alone
i know ill die alone but i want to die feeling happiness that atlaest i did something in my shitty exsistanve
then grow taller fatass
>Never listen to what women say, watch what they do
And people think that doesn't also apply when they talk about height? I fucked fatass bitches that were the same.
Is this English?
bar racked too high, can't reach
Want to know how we know you are a virgin?
kek is he a fucking hobbit?