What is the ultimate fitness redpill?
What is the ultimate fitness redpill?
Cyanide. You should try it
Home gym is master race
go vegan
shes not coming back
Zyzz was assassinated by a ladyboy
its all in your head
If you're serious about looking good, you'll give in your natty card.
Lifting won't cure your autism
MAYBE pescatarian. Vegan is nogainz city
these are good
If you wanna look really good, you’re going to have to juice
Western women are utterly broken and there’s no point even trying to pursue in 2018 when everybody’s getting locked up or having their lifes and careers ruined over this bullshit.
Go otter mode and then go abroad and date.
Eat more to get bigger, eat less to get smaller.
Learn to jackoff to hentai like us normal people.
The weight you can lift isn't proportional to your quality of life.
Vape weed errday.
What vape do you suggest?
To add to this, after the initial huge increase in QoL, there are significant diminishing returns.
However, you’re hooked at that point and keep pursuing the light at the end of the tunnel, never quite reaching it.
Boxmod and Sai for wax
Lift seriously for two years then just mantain at that point, cut slowly or whatever, the gains aren't worth it
I lifted seriously for three years and my fourth year i started just mantaining and enjoying my life with parties, social drinking, a very unrestricted diet (basically ate protein just the days i lifted, rest days i barely had 40g of protein)
I lost some gains but most of the muscle stayed, my strength is the same as always, and i don't regret it at all, basically i have the best of both worlds
actually that's the bluepill.
The redpill is that western women have their own personalities and while most of them are shit (just like most men are shit) many of them are nice too.
without a proper diet you won't make any gains
Was the ladyboy hired by Tim Sharky?
Srs? Pic related
Cut until you can see your abs FIRST.
Lift for CHRIST
does it really boost test
Its really not worth it and a huge waste of time, money, and effort
also, if youre not a professional body builder, fitness model, actor, any profession where your body is important and you take steroids, you are beyond retarded and should kill yourself
by how much
Traps are not gay.
Hitlerdubs confirms
profession: white male
The redpill is you need to lift and strengthen your mind and willpower so you can dominate and lead a European woman back to the path of virtuousness and raise pure Alpha children
bodybuilding is a sport of the mind
Fuck you
awful advice
stay fat and ugly schlomo
you're a faggot
This, being a faggot is the ultimate Veeky Forums red pill.
being natty is a meme
I can do better now anyway
Yea, except home gym just makes you more dedicated while at the same time anti social.
Once you train for years at home and powerrack masterrace you end up trying out the normal gyms again and it sucks waiting for equipment and sometimes you dont even want to see other people in the gym as well
>not true
it cant be....
Arnold split is what PPL should be
good advice
genetics are way more important than you want to believe
Depends where your autism is rooted. True in most cases tho
Crossfit is the best form of lifting, if you don't do any of the stupid meme shit and don't do compound movements to failure. If you do crossfit in a body-building style programme, you'll get wicked gains.
The other red pill is that most people who use terms like red pill and blue pill unironically are not functional enough to connect with women, or anybody really.
Consistency is a dozen times more important than your actual routine. While we make fun of normies doing random-ass shit here on Veeky Forums, they are behaving more correctly than we are.
Fucking this
And also fucking this, consistency is literally king.
When a vegan is Mr Olympia I will
He really isnt very good looking...
roosh v is that you
Things I Need Right Now:
-not this fucking post
Squats are legitimately awful, if you want aesthetics you should not do them. If you want to build your legs do leg extensions and deadlifts. If you're going to do deadlifts going over 4 plates is a pure meme and you shouldn't bother.
The reddest of pills
>t. professional lazy cook stagnator
>women are people too
avoid soy like the devil
oats and rice are overrated as carb sources you're better off eating them from more natural sources like starchy veggies and fruits
bc of the autismo of most bbs their diet is bland and eventually leads to micronutrient imbalances. This is bc of the need to note/imput every ingredient in a recipe which excludes nutrient rich classic recipes like stews/broths etc. I mean who has time to put in 40 ingredients in mfp every time they go to lunch. The solution is to make recipes and imput them in cronometer btw
>Implying she was ever with me
haha jokes on you
Mindfulness meditation and nofap will solve most of your "problems" but most people can't stick with either for long enough to notice any difference
GOMAD works if you aren't an idiot.
Explain, I need tips
T h i s, starting as skelly is best
By about 5
This is lifting blue pill. Just because youre too much of a bitch to get proper gains out of good movements doesnt mean you should go around spewing this shit
Too soon you fuckface
thanks mate, best not have unrealistic hopes
I have a new girl but my ability to love died with that relationshit
The biggest redpill is realising how prevalent steroid usage is in the fitness industry. It'll stop you having unrealistic expectations.
Also I'd consider compound lifts to be another red pill, since most fags just do high rep bro splits and make no gains and then quit
>lifting wont get you a nice girl, it only increases your exposure to shit ones
>anyone with any decent amount of muscle isn't natty
>anyone claiming to be natty, isn't natty
>you do not need a strength foundation before you roid
>you do not need a strength foundation before you switch to a ppl
>follow a program that suits your needs
Some more serious ones, from a 8 year Veeky Forumsizen...
>if you're wrists are under 6.5" and you are over 5'11, don't bother lifting at all (unless you roid)
>If your clavicles are less than 20" bone to bone and you're over 5'11, then don't bother lifting natty at all
>if you have small bones in general, don't lift natty
>If you're under the glorious standard of 6', be prepared to fail in every aspect of your life, only because you are short. Sorry brah.
>if you're ugly, lifting absolutely will not help you get a girl. lift for a different reason, or you will fail.
>she's married
>she has a child
>and it's not with me
>mfw I'll never be able to feel like that again
>lifting wont get you a nice girl, it only increases your exposure to shit ones
They're all shit m8
>anyone with any decent amount of muscle isn't natty
your definition of decent amount is what's unnatty
>anyone claiming to be natty, isn't natty
so apparently noones natty?
>you do not need a strength foundation before you roid
Don't know shit about this
>you do not need a strength foundation before you switch to a ppl
I'd say wait a bit before going ppl
>follow a program that suits your needs
>if you're wrists are under 6.5" and you are over 5'11, don't bother lifting at all (unless you roid)
>If your clavicles are less than 20" bone to bone and you're over 5'11, then don't bother lifting natty at all
>if you have small bones in general, don't lift natty
please just use "your" here, goddamn burgers don't even know their own language
>If you're under the glorious standard of 6', be prepared to fail in every aspect of your life, only because you are short. Sorry brah.
EVERy aspect? Cmon man
>if you're ugly, lifting absolutely will not help you get a girl. lift for a different reason, or you will fail.
This is simply untrue, I've seen ugly guys with both pretty and ugly girls
>noones natty?
The irony. Having a dig at me for misspelling a heterograph, and then type one yourself. Fucking noones, lol. I'm Danish, so my apologies if my English writing is not up to your, supposed, elite level.
>every aspect
Yeah, it's true. You'll accept this one day, too.
>I've seen ugly guys with both pretty and ugly girls
Unless you are a true 'alpha', no matter how cringey that sounds, the girl/woman will always be looking to trade you in for someone else. If you're ugly, the chances of her finding someone else who is better are much greater. She'll probably see a chad just walking to the supermarket. Just because you seen one ugly dude walking with a pretty thot, doesn't mean she's happy... Or he's happy.
If you're ugly and short, you have to just be aware that this will happen. And not to be upset when it does, or when her friends inevitably make fun of you for your shortcomings.
I'm not short or even ugly, I'm 187cm, 94kg, but I see it happen to men all the time. Damn shame.
so what she's old I'm in my prime now
Doing benchpress too much will make your shoulders go forward. Speaking of shoulders; if you are under 30, work on having a correct posture with shoulders backwards while doing exercises.
>western women have their own personalities
found the desperate roastie.
Nice bluepill roastie
Don't even think about cutting for one year after starting to lift seriously
Delete this
by jeff actually
Friends are way better than any woman.
bulking as a natty is a meme
>western women have their own personalities
I'm sorry,what ?
Onionism. The antidote to the nu-male and fe-male epidemic.
1kg of vegetables everyday