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oy vey!
Pls be troll article
Old news bud
> also we’re the last people you should ask about gender roles
jews btfo
no shit?
t. gayfag
though don't do the gross washboard abs and 0% body fat look, its gross.
Well I got the muscle thing down (enough to impress normies) now to make some wallet gains.
>wallet gains.
> get Veeky Forums
> become male prostitute
And water is wet. Who knew?
His dad brought him girls though
>People are drawn to winners
Thanks science, I would have never come to that conclusion myself.
Women with muscles and money are more attractive to me, showing gender roles are progressing.
how dare you. you must like fat girls, the fatter the better. shitlord
What a lucky bastard, my dad fell for the respect women meme
>it's real
I genuinely didn't even know that gender roles could somehow progress.
Progress to what?
Being in shape and having money is white male privilege. That is dumb fucking shit. That's actually gross.
Haven't you heard? Gender roles a social construct put in place by the white cis patriarchy to keep women and minorities in a disadvantageous position and to promote rape culture.
>mostly white men - despite London beind a multicultural city.
>Physically fit males with resources are attractive
Privilege = supremacy
imagine that, complaining is getting people no where when they should be going out and actually doing
Drumpf is the epitome of corporate corruption and being given everything to you instead of working for it . He’s just like Dan Bilzerian on steroids
Its hilarious how pro-trump people greatly overstate his accomplishments while anti-trump people understate them.
He turned americans into a collection of hysterical deranged retards.
Sorry, old habits and all.
After the election this guy railed against Trump
I couldn't write irony this sweet if I spent a week brainstorming it
>It's real
>Its real
>troubling news just in FEMALES and FAGS find WHITE MALES with MUSCLE and MONEY attractive
>Straight white educated disciplined and handsome male privilege still alive and well. WHO WILL BRING AN END TO THIS!?!
Kek, people like you are the target audience for OPs article. Go retweet some feminists man, lifting and hard work is for chauvinists.
Any woman bold enough to click pictures of men on a train are basically males with vaginas.
I'm not disagreeing with the conclusion which is obvious. It might as well've been called women with big breasts and revealing clothing are attractive to men.
> all trumps critics are feminized men
> I need to be super conservative to define mine insecure manhood
Lmao Spotted the nu male uneducated Drumpf supporter
Veeky Forums is a conservative board.
Go back to your liberal retard land and fucking stay there.
Well. He did have a massive headtstart in life.
But he's also a multibillionaire who is now the leader of the free world... Is he not?
you are responding to an ironic post, fyi
Fuck off Cletus. Rednecks are all inbred low IQ subhuman trash that vote against their interests like fucking retards
Right, look at how well being straight line Democrats has served the black community. Still impoverished as fuck, 75% single mom rate, and the only demographic in this entire country who has a rising fucking homicide rate.
I'll have what they're having.
>if you don't irrevocably agree with me you're voting against your own best interests
7/10 bait made me reply twice.
>who is now the leader of the free world... Is he not
Because of Fox News and the dumbing down of the Conservashits National IQ in the USA
As opposed to CNN and Democrats, who are both infallible.
He's probably not actually a multibillionaire but it's true otherwise. His personal success is mostly unrelated to how that will benefit Americans but that applies to all presidents.
>muh safespace
Blacks have been historically improvished and uneducated generations for centuries, that shit dosent fix itself over night and will take generations to fix but conservative policies have historically hold blacks down
People spew this but never elaborate on to why voting dem is honestly in there interest. Can you faggy blues just genocide the redneck menace already they clearly bother yall so much
why would success ever become unattractive?
>Fatherhood and emotions are downplayed in what women look for sexually
>it's gross
Can't trick me gay jew
>that shit doesn't fix itself over night
For some, it really does. Asians are a great example of this. Only takes a generation or two to go from paddy farming iliterates to multimillionaires with ivy league children.
But going backwards? Literally backwards over the course of the past couple of decades? Must be the Republicans, keep voting Democrat. Keep all cities Democrat 5ever.
Lol. Do you even realize that you sound EXACTLY like those skinheads who are constantly crying about "teh j00z!!"?
You do realize Lincoln was a republican right?
>We must implement wide spread social policies to jury-rig evolution to bring an entire race up to baseline at the cost of our society and standards for the entire time period
>Rather than let natural selection take place for free
> all trumps critics are feminized men
That wasn't what I said. Try taking an introductory Literature and Logic course at your McCollege next semester.
>another thread derailed by assbalsted libshits when I post one Trump pic
>Get nuked to shit
>Become one of the worlds leaders in tech
Thanks asshole
And anime
Your best interest is giving more handouts to Muslim refugees, single mothers, and BLM rioters. Your interest is investing in a land war in Libya and Syria. Your interest is starting another cold war with Russia. Your interest is 1 million Muslims invited in your nation. Your intrest is giving a blank check to alphabet organizations who conduct mass surveillance on US citizens, give billions to Islamic and Narco terrorists, destablize regimes they supported a decade ago, and pardon corrupt government officials (that we like). Your interest
is to support a party that micks and belittles masculinity as being toxic. Your interest is abandoning American industry to support globalist trade deals.
I totally agree. Here in Minnesota all of the Asian immigrant families become successful and good citizens within one or two generations. The africans on the other hand not so much.
what it boils down to huh? Gonna convince all my white friends to lift now
Blacks are held down because the CIA introduced crack into their communities to prevent social mobility and keep them dependent on the welfare state on behalf of Democrats.
Downvote me all you want, but this is a fact.
And if you don't want all this you're literally a Nazi
>wtf how did drumpf win!???
Will never get old to me desu.
Thx m8, the support for BLM and bringing that criminal thug Mike Brown's mother on stage at the DNC is what made me vote Republican. I will never support a party that glorifies those who victimize immigrant store owners.
The Chinese got flooded with opium and look where they're at now.
Unless you want to explain the current state of Africa on 24/7 CIA crack export, despite them literally being handed colonial era infrastructure.
When I started seeing the BLM protests were only about fucking stuff up I stopped caring.
The Chinese had bigger problems than opium. Mao's disastrous reign set the nation back significantly. The Chinese are doing well because they have an autocratic nation that embraces capitalism. This is truly the best way, allowing free market industry to cause a large boom for your economy, while you don't have easily corruptible and dumb '''public interests''' holding the system back like in democracy. The government can step in and make central planning decisions and market corrections when necessary, and step back and reap the profits for the rest of the time.
Yup. People wait for decades to get to the US while millionaire blacks kneel during the anthem to support the type of people who loot immigrant stores.
>wealthy, strong, white men are attractive
Only the most deluded retards actually thought otherwise.
The next shocking thing you're gonna tell me is that thin women with young faces and big tits are attractive.
Lol, it did fix itself. By the 1950s, blacks had essentially recovered from slavery. Then the government started giving them free money, free jobs and free degrees. The government subsidised single parent households. Then to rub salt in the wounds, the sexual revolution told blacks to have as much sex as they wanted, have as many partners as they wanted and have as many abortions as they wanted. Liberals have been fucking the black community for 60 years.
The democratic part no longer represents the white working class. They represent the 3rd world and the sexually deviant.
Blacks are impoverished everywhere because they didn't evolve past the stone age. never invented a written language or even the wheel. There's literally nothing you can do to make them preform at white levels, except for eugenics.
But then you have to ask yourself why bother
gee its almost like women want no commitment sex just as much as men
>humour is a masculine trait
Say what now?
>ywn have a thicc street fighter gf who can kill you with her thighs but treats you like a baby chick as you eat her out
why live
There is way more to the article but Im not going to cap and post the rest of it
I've been reading his books since before he even announced his run, and (especially Art of the Deal) it's clear he's a brilliant economic genius. Sure his dad Fred Trump was a somewhat successful Queens landlord and was worth a few million dollars, but for the most part he's the shining example of American success.
But yeah, he's no Warren Buffet.
Conservashits and Drumpf supporters vote against their own economic interests
Dumb rich progeny blow the money. Bar none. It is exceedingly simple to do. It takes a different mindset to grow and compound your money, even a million, into multimillions.
Maybe he's got a big mouth and comes off as a boor, but at the end of the day he's got enough business acumen to pull off his present status.
Crack was mainly a thing in the 80s, early 90s. It was fought down by DEA and local police. They've been lazy and violent before and lazy and violent afterwards. Besides, the opiate epidemic is hitting mostly White people now.
Also, since when have White people been in power in America? Not since at least WW2.
Veeky Forums has known for a long time what gay men want
If I give a million dollar check to million different random Americans, 90%+ wouldn't have a penny left in a couple of years.
They didn't Jew hard enough, this is very lazy journalism.
>Experts believe the continued standard of the wealthy, strong white male as a measurement of attractiveness and masculinity in London is due to the radicalisation of white youth in Britain and in the extremist alt-right. Studies suggest a correlation between these upsetting findings and the rise of anti-Semitism in Britain.
There. Wasn't that hard.
Yeah and thin women who are nurturing are preferred by straight men and dykes. Nothing new.
Being physically fit, good looking, and evidently wealthy are considered attractive to people who find men attractive. In other news: water is wet.
Hell, 6 months. Wasnt there a study done on lotto winners, and how they end up being worse off than before they won?
Not my president. Mad, uneducated conservatards?
To be fair, the average American isn't taught how to handle large sums of money from a young age, or has been exposed to large sums often enough to become acclimated to them. Poor people freak out when they suddenly get rich, rich people don't. Other news, water is wet.
It's scarcity vs. non-scarcity mentality. It is partially learned and partially natural. There are those who love to make money and those who love to spend it.
Thats not news anymore. It was already posted. In other news onions boost test.
Shit that user posted is all conjecture based on falsehoods.. most of those low IQ Inbreds that voted for Drumpf are on the verge of losing their health insurance and will face a tax hike under Drumpfs new tax plan if it goes through which is basically giving out corporate welfare at the cost of the middle class
I'm not mad because he is your president whether you like it or not. Try emigrating to Venezuela, it's socialist and FULL of brown people. You'd love it.
You know that's the last name of his great grandfather, and he was born when the US was is it's infancy.
Or you can move to Somali first, Cletus. Drumpf was a fluke and will be completely out of the picture by Muller arresting him , impeachment or overwhelmingly voted out by 2020
Omg we can hope.
>*fingers crossed*
>muh venezuela
Nicolas Maduro is a brave leader who defends his nation against American imperialism, even when his own countrymen stab him in the back for the promise of wealth and power in an American puppet state. He refuses to sell his country to the highest bidder, like some in the opposition would like him to, and is the victim of a vicious smear campaign by imperialists desperate to wipe a defiant nation off the map. Guided by the hand of god, and supported by the people of Venezuela, he will not fall to the imperialists, and will continue to stand tall in the face of the imperialists’ wrath.