is watching sports a proxy for masculinity-signaling?
seems like alot of soyboys who are bitches irl use watching sports as a way of acting like "men" because its the "masculine" thing to do?
is watching sports a proxy for masculinity-signaling?
seems like alot of soyboys who are bitches irl use watching sports as a way of acting like "men" because its the "masculine" thing to do?
Numales do "manly" things that actually require no effort or commitment such as drinking beer, eating beef, growing a beer and watching sports just to reaffirmate that theyre somehow real men for doing this things. Its just a shit show as is the rest of their stupid lives
Watching sports is fun
Growing a beard* damned autocorrect
>wasting 4 hours watching some guy chase a ball around while often at the same time consuming shit food and drinks
literally a soyboy brainlet-tier
I do realize the irony of posting this while spending hours on this shitty website.
I actually do buy this. If you watch sports but dont play them (or you play non-sports like capture the flag) then you may very well be a soyboy.
yeah i fucking hate people who do this.
they talk all the time about how they are football fanatics but they cannot catch or throw for shit
Numale tokens.
This fag explains pretty well why sports are for fags
My name calling all night
I could pull the wool while I'm being polite
Like darling calling all night
I can be a bull while I'm being polite
Like oh me, oh me oh my
I know many women want to be in my life
Like oh me, oh me oh my
Why can't every woman end up being my wife?
I don't understand how you can think that, do you think everyone who watches sports is a numale? That's obviously not true, have you ever been to a stadium?
>do you think everyone who watches sports is a numale
no but in the same way that i dont think everyone with an undercut and a beard is a faggot
He's not likely to commit, but this guy did low-rep strength training he'd be kingpin-mode. Still probably die earlier than he should, but you don't forget the fat guy who can crush spines while slurping down two pounds of prosciutto.
Holy fuck this guy spills redpills
I'm Half-Paki, and unfortunatley I've seen numaleism take root in some Westernized Indians and Pakis.
Pic related is a Buzzfeed '''''''journalist'''''''
idk, I played football (no not handegg) until i was 18, never bothered watching it though. Watched e-sports instead.
small delts gains there
30 days is not enough tho
>i’m Half-Human**
Alternative Hypothesis has good material. Most videos are pretty good
>watched the video
/pol/ pls
har har har
look at your fucking pic u retard
Refute any aspect you like. It’s relevant to the thread as well as being pretty accurate
>wearing another man's name on your back
>see 3 chads watching sports
>think watching sports means you are one of them
sadly i feel more people than there should be subscribe to this line of thinking.
afaik there are two types of people
1. people who watch sports and think "wow thats so awesome" and just keep watching
2. people who watch sports and think "wow thats so awesome" and go out and try to do it themselves
fact of the matter is that living vicariously through someone else is your choice, but it is a sad choice when you have the opportunity to experience it yourself.
why watch porn when you could be having sex yourself?
The professional sport-industrial complex does commodify a prepackaged identity for a lot of brainlets out there, but I don't agree with his racial politics.
sort of like how they also hit the gym a lot as well trying to appear tough, or make shit posts on a forum trying to act masculine . .only a 'soyboy' in a man's costume would even start a thread like this.
you re a bitch cuck soyboy m8 just exposed yourself
Soyboys don't watch sports. Leftists and females are averse to the concept of competition. Plus, soyboys usually hate the idea of masculinity, so why would they be interested in trying to appear masculine?
how much of a friendless kissless virgin faggot you have to be to think that people watch sport to signal anything. holy fucking autism, youre literally too much of a dumbfuck to browse /pol/
>I don’t agree with his racial politics.
So brave.
i mean im thinking of the traditional nu male hipster;
you mean to say that "men" who wear flannel shirts, drink beers (ipas), have elaborate beards and masculine haircuts are not interested in appearing masculine?
whoa chill out bro
whoa chill out bro
Calling other people faggots and soyboys while anonymous is the most masculine thing you can do.
hes kind of cute desu~
but ya you are right, there are definitely some non-white numales out there.
caring about what other men do is pretty nu-male m8 and getting angry over strangers on the internet is straight up autistic
whoa chill out bro.
just having some bantz; do you just hang out with your friends and ask questions you already know the answer to?
I watch sports games just so I can talk sports with sports fans and jocks even though I've never played competitive sports in my life. I really hate how much they are into statistics it's just way too geeky for me. I just talk about big plays or whose playing and just agree with what they say really.
Watching sports is fucking retarded. Just the same fucking shit over and over. Bonus points if you have dogged loyalties to a particular team.
Wh-what about working out while watching handegg senpai?
Pretty beta imo. Why do you appeal to people you don’t have anything in common with?
you not gonna tell me that some guy who uses words like soy and numale has actual real life friends
whoa chill out bro
its just the internet hahaaa
Because I work with them every day. It's really terrible to regret being as uninvolved in youth sports as I have been in life. Don't be me. I'm a fucking loser in history.
why would i refute half cocked conspiracy theories?
its more fun to mock and ridicule
I think it is.
In my case I started watching football because my boss would always ask me "did you watch the game last night?". My negative response didn't stop him from asking every time so I started to actually watching games just to see how it went.
Thing is, it gave me something to talk about with men older than me, and it even helped me getting along with my gf's parents who are football fanatics. Some societies reward you for watching sports even if you don't fucking play them yourself.
I don't care about sports but the thing I actually dislike is the fanbase for sports.
the degree of passion seems linked to how much they hate the lives they are in.
Using sports as a release valve when they could channel that anger and frustration into building a life where they probably wouldn't give a shit about sports anymore
That was excellent
Why do some guys try so hard to show that they are Manley men that do many things? Like they are insecure about something.
Do they not feel like real men?
What if it IS your name?
step back from this thread and you can see an ecosystem of self-ascribed 'alphas' and self-denied 'betas' arguing over nothing worthwhile, claiming victory or denying defeat, when the rest of the world you just stepped back into sees everyone in this thread as losers. it's a beautiful sight, really. i don't think anthropologists will ever understand, they're too busy datamining consumers
Go back
>Veeky Forums- Fitness
Heh, you've got them cornered now
>daaaaaamn LeBron is such a beast!!!
>look at those muscles
>I make my gf call me LeBron while we have sex (Deangelo plays in background of course)
>I wish he could BEAST my gf lol xD
>YASSSSSS take a knee! Drumpf BTFO!!!!
>#blacklivesmatter, #tuckfrump
Fucking hell, those 2 in the front. Sad to think they are helping shape America at buzzfeed.
Ryan Faulk, the guy who runs Alternative Hypothesis, is a fucking hero (al beit, I think literally autistic).
probably, in many cases
>american sports
who /nrl/?
Ironically they also use Homebrewing as a proxy for a manly thing, so you were somewhat right.
>bogan queenslander playing dumbed down version of the superior sport
still, far better than americans i guess
I unironically the only sports you should be watching are those that are purely individual efforts like tennis, racing, mma and boxing. And only as a means to draw inspiration and apply to your own life. Team sports and the hero worshipping mentality that comes with it is a phenomena of boy psychology and should be dropped immediately.
literally a SINGLE American football player could take on a rugby team single-handedly
I bet you're probably just enough of a brainlet to believe that.
then how come a rugby player from the less popular version of rugby was selected to play in american football purely due to his ability to play rugby?
If you watch sports YOU'RE A FAGGOT
you ever come across a woman who thought that by yelling the loudest and most obnoxiously that she was a sports fan and one of the lads?
maybe she is somewhat interested but its more of a performance than anything. this is different than a woman cheering for a sport to be close to a man in her life, this is to show off to everyone.
Some guys do the same thing.
Humans like watching skilled people do something with expertise and excellence. Thats the main appeal of watching a professional sport.
Saying watching sports is for fags is like saying listening to music is for fags.
>those 4 """men""" combined have a lower t-score than the average man
I prefer rugby, but this
Some of the guys in the NFL weigh like 150kg and can squat around 350kg while still being reasonably fast. No other athlete anywhere can compete with that.
I watch eSports. Does that make me the manliest of men.
IDK about the specifcs of that but have you even SEEN american linemen? They are absolute beasts, if they played rugby there would be deaths almost every game .
My only issue with sport is that it's deemed masculine to watch it.
Absolutely bizarre.
>Saying watching sports is for fags is like saying listening to music is for fags.
>implying it's not
This is objectively not true. Just because there are more older men watching sports than young, doesn't mean most young guys watching aren't manchildren.
>they are absolute beasts
I think this is what OP was talking about. You sound like a faggot hyping another grown man who has nothing to do with you. This is worse than whiteknighting because at least orbiters want to fuck the woman. You seem to want to fuck a man.
Hayne got btfo though
I only watch esports
Hockey is patrician though, the men are alpha and there's no niggers
This. I work in a hospital. It's a goldmine for conversation.
You're all dumb for discounting this utility
He definitely has the subcontinent body.
>watching a bunch of muscled sweaty black guys competing over a ball while young teenage girls dance and cheer them on in skimpy outfits
There is nothing more satisfactory for the white american man than this. Imagine the consequences if he devoted his attention, tribalism and anger towards something that matters, we can't have that.
You could try not living in some deep south shithole where the only thing to talk about is the weather and niggerball.
Exactly. Look at the kind of people that regularly watch sports from TV. They're out of shape degenerates that don't ever exercise.
>watching something you enjoy
>reading way to far into things makeing assumptions about masculinity and soyboys
You sound like a soyboy OP. I like to drink with my friends and watch mma. That's the only sport I watch. Try going outside and talking to people you fucking incel.
It's boomer tier soyboyism. Handegg is the worst (next to basketball) because of the negros and Jew owners. Hockey and soccer are better. Playing a spot is fine, though.
You probably pay to suck dick.
The comparisons aren't accurate. Hitting the gym and getting strong and big requires effort and time on your part. A soyboy pretending to be manly by watching sports requires no effort, its just sitting in your couch.
I agree but there's people who are 35+ and playing isn't as fun and is just time consuming if you also work out.
My dad use to play soccer and it was mainly against 20 somethings and he was about 30. When he hit 34 or 35 he stopped playing. His last year he was pretty injury prone. He watches soccer still and works out regularly.
Sadly not. That's the average man nowadays. Their T levels combined are lower than the average man 70 years ago, but not today.
I hate watching sports but i hate people doing this even more.
The only competition you should mire is the one with yourself.
I like watching to bet, been pretty good YTD.
It's like the nigs are my pawns
>said the unathletic, fatass "weightlifter"
the only way I can get interested in sport is if I personally have something to lose
Numales watch soccer. Numales can also watch football, but you will know them because they will side with the niggers kneeling for the anthem, and generally don't understand anything about the game.
Sports are fun to watch sometimes. I enjoy seeing people perform athletically at a high level. What is truly annoying are the people who have an absurd and religious obsession with the #brand of a certain team. In essence, this article: