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R8 mine
ITT: Veeky Forums Ideal Template
>triumph of good over evil
are any of these supposed to be related
One of these things is not like the others.
Thanks for contributing, guys. Good stuff
>Good taste in women, clothing, hair, bod, interesting skills
>Babby's first non-bipartisan political views
You'd be an 8/10 with literally any other mind but I've gotta go with a 5.
Seems like what a gay guy would make if he was super in the closet.
Like a sort of uncanny valley approximation of a straight guy.
>Good bod, hair, lady, mind
>Interesting skills, hope they work out for you
>Poor clothing
This is a freebie, you've gotta rank if you wanna get ranked
Holy fucking cringe
3/4, woman isnt 2d enough
The mind section is worrying but the rest is decent
Pretty standard but good anyway
6/6. Best taste ive ever seen in these threads. You can definitely work with a bald head, no clue why youve got an asian guy there though kek
Not a lot of christian or nationalists in this board, huh? I don’t feel welcome here anymore. Arab/10? Sauce on chick on the right?
Shiet balding? My condolences
What's worrying about my () mind section?
I cant say anything good or bad. It's pretty standard. A neutral 5/10
I like the body too
So whered you pick up nationalism
Mfw, Veeky Forums turned out be like /random/, /pol/, and Veeky Forums
Dont be calm, be angry.
Around when I was 17. That’s when I got into politics
Why, that doesn't help anybody around me or myself.
No sauce, I included Dr. Husain Sattar because he saved my life and Dr. Atul Gawande is Indian.