When did you realise that strength = aesthetics is a meme?
When did you realise that strength = aesthetics is a meme?
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When I visited a /plg/ thread
guy in left pic is on drugs.
guy on right would look great if he cut.
gReat thread, OP
fairly true, if you're above a certain height and need to be 105kg+ to be competitive in powerlifting, maximum strength and aesthetics start to become divergent goals
you will just never be lean enough at that high of a weight to not look like a pile of dogshit, and you will never ever be competitive if you stay at 10-12% bodyfat
When I saw powerlifting
> implying blaha will ever cut
Both are on drugs
Also yeah looks dead good after cutting
Here real example.
Two roided bodybuilders vs natural guy, who is doing mostly bodyweight exercises.
They done 100 times 100kg plates.
Natural and smallest guy finished first.
biggest guy at my gym benches 3pl8 for reps and squats 4pl8 for reps
if you want to be aesthetic:
>have great genetics
if you want to be strong:
>lift heavy weights
your choice fellas
strength training is a meme. if you want aesthetics it has to be more aerobically demanding... :(
what programs did you run and how many calories do you eat per day?
genetics play just as much of a role in strength as they do in aesthetics, unless we want to play pretend and think we can all be John Haack if we just lift hard enough
cut you fat sack of shit.
you're pretty strong but god damn imagine putting in all that work at the gym to look like this
i mean i looked like a stick insect when i pulled 500 but at least i wasn't fat as unholy fuck
I think you'd probably look pretty decent if you just cut until you can see your abs.
Fucking cut already
>genetics play just as much of a role in strength as they do in aesthetics, unless we want to play pretend and think we can all be John Haack if we just lift hard enough
This is true but only for elite levels. Any man without a debilitating injury etc. can squat 405, which is Pretty Damn Strong.
My friend looks DYEL as fuck and weights 127 pounds as a 5 5 indian manlet, but he can deadlift 330 pounds for 1 set of 5 reps. hes only been lifting for 13 months lol. so strength dont = aesthetics
any man without a debilitating pec gap, gyno etc. can look Pretty Damn Aesthetic as well my man, you don't have to have perfect insertions and frame to look pretty fucking good if you are low bodyfat and have some size on you
and no, genetics as far as strength goes play a role at any and all levels, there are some people who are so genetically shit they don't even experience novice gains and others who will linearly progress to 500lb squats
thankfully most of us aren't bottom 10% or w/e
>any man without a debilitating pec gap, gyno etc. can look Pretty Damn Aesthetic as well my man, you don't have to have perfect insertions and frame to look pretty fucking good if you are low bodyfat and have some size on you
This is true
>and no, genetics as far as strength goes play a role at any and all levels, there are some people who are so genetically shit they don't even experience novice gains and others who will linearly progress to 500lb squats
also true but i'd file that under "debilitating." nearly every man can get to a 405 squat. It might be tough. It might take a while. But unless you're a true GDE you can get it.
>tfw lost 9.5 lbs so far in about 40 days
>tfw bench went from 195 to 135
Nothing will make the pain go away.
Abort mission Hemmingway repeat abort mission non negotiable you have been compromised and we are unable to remove anymore posts with your remaining $8.37 over
For those who aren't aware guy on right is Jason Blaha a notorious liar. Maybe takes the fun out of the meme but he still has enough people stupid enough to follow him. Public safety announcement.
6'1, 265, 28%?. 5/3/1 & candito LP. All of the calories, minimum 200g protein per day
'at least i wasn't fat as unholy fuck'
fucking lol
pretty nice bench for running programs that are poorly reputed for bench
any plans to cut?
>order 66ed by big fucking lenny
R.I.P blaha this was even worse than getting found out on all your lies
okay yeah i mean that's pretty much to be expected then.
don't know what you were expecting w/r/t aesthetics when you're hoovering up calories without moderation desu. gj on the lifts tho.
90% of women would prefer the body on the right.
yea boi
5plate DL is entry level. sorry, it just is
for actual powerlifters sure
for the average gymgoer a 500 deadlift is top 1% biggest guy at the gym tier
265 and you only OHP 1.5?
are you trolling us?
the guy weighs 265! those numbers are shockinigly low for that bw
>4.25pl8 squat
sweetie for you that's a bodyweight squat
yeah that slipped my mind desu, taking his weight into account his lifts are not very good
>Compound lifts will build a strong co-
natty and aesthetic just won't happen for anyone who doesn't have 1/100 genetics
and even then they'd look better on roids
take the roidpill
great picture, mind if i save?
You're just a fat cunt, don't blame the strength training
>indian manlet
>my friend
punjab this is a white board
You could cut down to 12% and be just as strong and twice as aesthetic.
he sure as hell wouldn't be just as strong, cutting from 30% bf+ to 10-12% is a massive undertaking and his lifts would suffer terribly
When I watched Zyzz and Joff bench.
You really think this guy would look great “training for hypertrophy”?
If he cut slow enough he sure as hell could. My stats are identical at 205lbs and I'm not particularly strong for my bodyweight.
jason blabla isn't strong lol
this is pure kino
it's not being that strong at the weight that's tough, it's the fact that he would be spending in excess of a year in a caloric deficit to get there - not anywhere near the same as eating up to 205 or maintaining at 205
having those lifts at 205 is not the same as having them at 265 as well, he's so fat his leverages for bench and squat are benefiting a fair bit and just losing that fat alone with no muscle loss would reduce those lifts
>part of video where everyone including Jason Genova is commenting on how bad Jason Genova smells
This. It's quintessential kino.
Do you think you could pull 500+ without a strong core?
Mate you've got a solid frame on you, you just need to take the bullet and shred. You'll be able to maintain your deadlift and squat if you hammer it out but bench will go down. I went from 200 to 185 pulling 510 squatting 4pl8 aesthetics happen when you're light and strong
About six months ago.
I've been in the gym for four years and barely look like I lift but in the last six months I've been doing 8 - 12 reps on every lift and I've gotten bigger than I did in the whole four years of lifting for strength.
How do you avoid the blaha body curse
Seriously wtf are you doing? cut already. 5 plate deadlift isn't worth being fat for.
Have you decreased the weight you lift by much?
nice cope
you'd think strengthcels would atleast try a hypertrophy routine before resigning and claiming that anyone who looks better than them/ bigger than them is on roids.
BLOATMAXX is the correct choice
what cope? I'm not a strengthfag I'm on roids
The only thing this proves is that they train differently. Obviously steroids allow to become stronger than natties, if the user trains for strength.
>coping this hard
>falling for the powerlifting meme
strength training + sprints/mid distance running + bodyweight = aesthetic natty
Well yes, generally strength has a lot to do with neural adaptation, your body becomes very proficient at a movement after a certain while and learns to recruit more of the already existant muscle fibers instead of building bigger ones, which when you think about it, is a very efficient survival mechanism, getting you stronger without necessarily making you too big.
However there is a positive corelation between muscle size and power produced, so realistically you can't have one without at least a bit of the other.
Bottom point is, it's very difficult to make your muscles hypertrophy, much harder than just developing strength and power
not in the inner city
That's only because they have crippling low self esteem and wouldn't approach left assuming they'd get instantly rejected, then they'll go and say right is more attractive to avoid confronting their own lack of discipline or self esteem.
damn, is that how Jason used to look?
Guy on the left has more strength potential he just doesn't know how to deadlift properly. 2 weeks with a powerlifting coach correcting his form he would probably add like 100 pounds to his deadlift.
>can rep for reps
you dumb fucking retard
Blahas autistic bench dismount cracks me up
mirin the traps but you need to cut my dude
>be white
>have shit genetics
lol every time