Is this unhealthy?
I eat this everyday
Wtf is that
it's bread you fag
Wtf is that?
No it's not cunt. It's that fake cake shit that mums get from Coles.
If you have to ask if your solidified dairy paste is unhealthy its probably unhealthy
It's probably full of trans fats.
Are all you niggas blind? It's a fucking slice of pound cake.
>being transfatphobic
*farts in your face*
that's not bread, it's pound cake.
dumb frogposter
go away soyboy
tf is that niBBa
you are going to die a painful cancer death if you dont stop eating this shit now!
Eat this instead, every day.
I eat like 5 fucking bananas every single fucking day OP. Listen to this based user. My shits are fucking glorious.
fine bananafag
it's quatre-quarts, GOAT bulkin cake
>is this unhealthy
Post body and I'll tell you.
>eating fruit
enjoy your stealthy diabetes in 5 years faaaaaaag
You haven’t answered yet, m8.
But that """"""""""""""""""bread"""""""""""""""" in the op is literally like 30% sugar though.
Well everything we eat is in some Kind unhealthy... weare killing our Bodys with Food, but we Need it to live and get big too.
Some shit is more unhealthy than other, this shit in OP's Picture is alot more unhealthy.
>White flour
Eating this shit everyday is just a faster way too get canser or cardiovascular diseases.
So yeah, it is unhealthy, Kind of alot.
You really believe this shit? REALLY?
Eating fruits will cure you from Diabetes, is proven. The pharma just doesn't want us to know. Fruits make your Body produce Insulin of his own.
Search for Grape therapy and diabitus.
>what is the glycemic index
Im Pickup Forum...
Yo Stefan, habe es gestern nicht geschafft...
Werde mich heute im Kontakt setzen und wir machen was aus.
Man, you can’t imagine how excited I am for some reason, not sure why. Driving to Stuttgart was still better than just sitting alone at home.
>thats bread
This is what non-Germans actually believe
Pic related is what you can call bread you Untermensch
you're providing an education for these uncouth subhuman culture-less cretins.
you should be getting paid for this
The more pressing question: Are Krähe and Stefan going to have gay sex, or deal roids?
And it tastes good!
Also no gay sex, I like breasts and long hair unless he has a gyno and long hair.
Guten Morgen Kameraden
Sounds less badass than TheCrow™
>tits and long hair
That I approve of.
>no gay sex
Soooo... roids?
One Thing is sure, he is going to lose hes virginity!
Dont have Long hair anymore...
Man, you can’t imagine how ugly and socially inept I am. Still, I’m very grateful that you do that for a stranger.
I feel like I am about to witness a future news headline in the making. But you guys keep on keeping on, viel Spaß.
Hopefully my holes remain virgin.
looks like a sugercake. and yes, it is unhealthy. it has the name SUGER on it.
... he foreshadows, vivid images of the Mein Teil music video flashing before his eyes
I’m just going to make sure to empty my glass before I go to the toilet.
I want to spread the true about attraction. There are so many unhappy males out there, and that only because of the Society trying to make numales out of everyone.
We will make it, we are going to find something. Only bad Thing is that is fukking cold outside.
yeah, make sure to empty the glass...
How will the evening look like? I thought we were just going to a bar.
>just going to a bar
No we are not just going to a bar, this will be a crush course. We will walk a Little bit and im going to explain you some things. Then we are going to fight your Approach Anxiety. Then we are going to talk to couple of Girls and find some that we can instant take out. Then we are going to a bar and get to know the Girls. If we haven't find the right Girls until the bar, we are going to find some there.
Then we will go to another place. We will try to take the Girls home. If they dont want, we are going to the Sluts and fuck there. Then we are going to my place to see some movie and then im going to fuck you.
Yeah, a little.
And we will be sober the entire time?
>walk a little bit
>is in a wheelchair
>recruits pickup acolytes in forums and on Veeky Forums
>capitalizes Girls and Sluts
>is master pickup artist
>main approach is asking Girls, if they say no, fuck his apprentice instead
>eyes of gate göbbels
He is going to like it.
well we dont Need to, you can drink, but we Need to be capable of acting concsious.
When we are in my place, you can drink all you want.
You realize I’m 28 years old and the last time I talked to someone outside of work is about 13 years ago, right? This is going to be so awkward but I’m excited and at least for now motivated.
You are on a very hard case here.
You have nothing to lose, but only to gain.
If i can talk to other People, you can do it too.
I maybe bring an other akward friend with me and maybe an other one that knows about pick up and ist handsome too.
Why is your friend still awkward?
Problems with Depression.
His Body is not capable of producing some hormons and shit, so he must take some psychopharmaca... You can ask him if he Comes.
I eat fried bread most days because it means i dont have to throw oil away. How bad is this?
Eat with onions. Eat everything with onion magic.
I'd consider myself to a spineless faggot and I'm not eating any onions. Coincidence?
sometimes i wish concentration camps would be real.
Cohencidence for sure.
its insane to me, and i fail to put it eloquently enough... but its insane to me how full circle the world has become. piss bottles used to be a basement dweller autist sort of thing; now its mainstream leftist art
Same here, mine has 0 sugar and practically no saturated fat, god tier for bulking.
I guess... just look at the labels?
>dense shitty crumb
>in gelatinized starches cause of seeds
Kek, yep real bread
Sauerteig is real bread.
I don't know if that would make a point about it being unhealthy or not. since health=\= gainz.
Whether or not it's bad for gains sis solely up to the person. A little piece of shit food within your macros probably won't really affect gainz.
this is god tier bread.
>artists not being basement dweller freaks
Arabic bread is GOAT tier and can easily be fit into even a cutting diet.
What is it? Pound cake on a fried chicken patty?
>Arabic bread
may those /sg/ memes never die
>arabic bread
That's a flour tortilla.
Never been on /sg/
looks very similar but the taste is different
>tfw actually witnessed people fucking goats while groing up in an arab country
I only saw it with donkeys during my travels (not arabic myself tho), something something not sinful if male animal and not gay cuz not human in the first place
>eat this almost every day to build up an immunity to the chilli shits
>Take massive, rapid shits
Is the diarrhea compensating for the calories?
Mmm looks like the grilled cheese sandwiches school would make. I think the bread was generously soaked in butter and that's why it was completely yellow and good.
They tend not to try mental gymnastics to explain it here, it's just accepted that some people have a tendency to fuck goats.
I was told it like that because I asked, high chance he came up with it on the spot KEK
I really, really like this image
who u calling soyboy I bigger than you