Does soy have a negative effect on weightlifting?
Redpill me on soy
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redpilled on PJW
he's a faggot
idk why don't you try it and see you fucking stupid retard
>those bitch tits
definitely consumes soy on the daily
How many of the top 25 strongest men in the world do you think are soyboys? Id bet none. Soy is for fags. Just eat meat
Like all things it's good in moderation.
Try 1000 and you still won't see soyboys beyond statistical error.
I don't eat soy for the same reasons I don't eat chicken, drink milk, or drink beer. If you're hopping on the soyboy meme and still eat chicken, or drink any of the drinks I listed, you're fucking your shit up more than soy ever will.
t. PhD in broscience
No evidence for any of the claims made against consuming soy products in moderate quantities. Only brainlets fall for the soyboy meme.
He probably fell for the "milk is white supremacy" meme. No I'm not a soy shill, you're a dumbass if you consume either.
Many things are better to avoid completely. Soy is one of them. There's literally nothing good it will do to you even in the smallest amount.
What a fucking stupid saying.
faggot 4channers latched onto some science they don't understand and went 'aha! this is why my test is low' because its definitely Jews and soy and not the fact that they're kissless, hugless, handholdless virgins who spend all day indoors on a computer and think lifting 3 hours a week is sufficient exercise
thanks for the input reddit
No soy, just semen
Nice sources you got there faggola.
Imagine believing you've been cucked by a fucking legume
Preface by saying I'm not left wing
This dude is a complete fucking idiot
Most of his points are hilariously uninformed and completely riddled in his own agenda
He has no knowledge of basic art, nutrition, fitness, economics, etc
If you take this person's advice you are an idiot
meant to reply to OP
Just do a fucking google search about soy and estrogen and there are like a million studies showing that it mimics estrogen. It's not even debatable
show me one study that says soy RAISES estrogen in men
not at anything like a level to be worth worrying about
you're quibbling about micodoses of phytoeostrogens
why not just stop drinking beer?
because the hops in beer are 100x worse than anything soy could ever do
Can someone who actually knows the science explain to me whether hormones in food actually affect your body? Do hormones from plants/animals actually get metabolised and used in the human body or is it just broscience bullshit?
soy is not bad unless you're allergic, don't believe any of this bullshit.
You can find "studies" concluding either, meaning they're all equally unreliable.
Everyone here has picked something to shill and acts like the most enlightened person in the universe because he's found a couple of brainiac tier experiments that agree with him.
That said, soy is fucking cancer and I can't imagine a reason why it would be so hard to just cut it from your diet, if for some reason you had it to begin with.
Cheers, that makes a lot of sense. It seems like a lot of what we eat should either turn us into the opposite gender or 300 pound freaks based on how people talk about them.
Fuck off faggot
brainlet correlation
because it's much easier to eliminate soy, and I only drink beer like once a week. It's not a choice between either of them, either
looks like that thing is straight up transitioning so they'll be taking legit hormone suppressors and estrogen uppers
Maybe the soy helps maybe it doesn't but you'd need a subject who isn't already fucking with their own hormone balance on purpose, get a proper control before you try to prove anything
Well thats disturbing
>Does soy have a negative effect on weightlifting?
No you can bounce the bar off your tits
Once you start taking your diet serious and realize soy is in almost everything, welcome to a major black pill. I've literally spent hours looking into what soy-free breads/rolls/wraps I can buy, and with no good results. Nearly cut all bread completely which has been very difficult but good for bodybuilding.
For those struggling or still early in their "Soy revelation" Just find a tasty way to eat broccoli and eat some once a day to counter soy by blocking it's estrogen. I eat mine simultaneously with grilled chicken and use a delicious vegan/soy free dressing called "daiya creamy caeser."
Also you obviously gotta cut back on most of your favorite every day foods. Ramen noodles was by far the hardest for me, but I eventually overcame it. Cold turkey it!
Also cut back on dairy if you're worried about estrogen. If you have to eat cheese it's essential to replace the processed american poison with cheddar or cottage. I've found Cabot is the healthiest nutritionally. I cheat about twice a week with chic Fil a but I believe moderation is fine to an extent depending on your goals.
To fight back against the "compulsory-estrogen-food-industry" check the nutritional info out religiously, have discipline and be a man by eating your green veggies. Smile while you do it, trick yourself into liking it and eventually in like 3 weeks, you will.
But remember, you've likely had horrible eating habits for years. It will take months-years before you truly feel huge results. Stack the days.
Good luck friends
So is Chicken ok?
Effects on hormones are probably overblown if you're not consuming large amounts. Noteworthy that Japanese generally don't eat more than 10 g/day of soy protein though.
I avoid soy, except on rare occasions, because of the possible effects of its isoflavone content on thyroid function and male primate behavior. Ref on the latter:
Until they start marketing isoflavone-free soy protein products and they are markedly cheaper than alternatives (whey, pea protein, etc.), I'll continue to keep it out of my diet. Not many men consume soy, though (keep in mind that lecithin is completely free of isoflavones). The current soyboy meme is a distraction from the primary drivers of modern male hypogonadism: shitty diets, alcoholism, poor sleep, feminizing work environments, etc.
>Like all things it's good in moderation.
This has to be the stupidest thing i've read on this site. With that logic things krokodil and radioactive waste are good for you.
One of the strongest men does eat soy, actually. He's a German strongman. He's on strengthwars often and he's one tough fucker.
Your body literally couldnt give a shit where you get protein provided it's in adequate amounts and available when needed. Soy milk is like 95% water. The concentration is so low that you'd have to drink 10 glasses to achieve a measurable amount of actual soy. Soy isolate is 90g protein per 100g, pretty fucking bio available since it's not bundled with tonnes of fibre. There is science supporting soy and fuck boys spouting bro science because it's easier to mock something that is enjoyable rather than face cold hard facts. They're all out there clear as day. Look through Reddit for meta analysis done on whatever issue you have with soy. But 60 years a go you were seen as a pussy if you didn't smoke, in 50 years social stigma will change and it will just be another thing. The same way that energy companies crushed solar and renewable for DECADES but now, in the face of overwhelming public opinion and a few eccentric billionaires it's changed from a stupid thing to an every day thing for every company. Look how all the smear campaigns are funded. Look how politicians are bought by the beef egg and dairy industry. It's not for a joke. It's because they have to.
When you roid it doesn't matter what you eat. You can eat coco pebbles with cheese wiz and be strong.
So then there is no reason that the strongest men couldn't eat soy, so why does it matter that few of them do?
it's just another psychotic manifestation of sad weak boys on this website who can't cope with their perceived lack of masculinity through a combination of lifestyle choices and genetic factors. So they invent boogie men to blame to make themselves feel better or in control. Pretty sad, I wish there was an easy way to help them.
Didn't you ask about the 25 strongest men in the world, who you should know use steroids?
>PJW poss a video on soyboys
>Veeky Forums becomes /soygeneral/ for a fucking week
>The /leftypol/ blogosphere begins shitposting at furious high speed about how soy is great and onions make you smell bad
Really electrifies my shallots, hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>tfw right wing
>tfw enjoy being confident and manly
life is pretty good guys
>look how confident and manly I am
said nobody with confidence ever
PJW is a faggot but he's right that soy makes you a gay little lefty.
lol are you just wracking your brain for a meme work to use? you're a soyboy w/out even eating it mr right wing
What about you is "manly"
No it doesnt. Although if soy products is the only thing you consume IE soylent then its going to have negative physical effects. As humans we require a diverse diet for optimal health and you can minmax gain by adding extra protien but you stilll need all the other nutriants. also read the sticky for food related shit.
Soy actually increases test.
Meatcucks btfo
Yeah, I'm a traditionalist and find PJW to be very annoying. The high pitched mimic voice he does for strawmen or uninformed versions of the opposition's arguments really bugs me.
It's very juvenile and does nothing to address whatever legitimate points they may have. If anything, it masturbates the ego of people that are new to conservatism and gives them a false understanding.
I have been on a very clean diet (organic, as local as possible, no processed foods etc) for over a decade, starting as a freshman in high school. When I was in college I had to live on campus freshman and sophomore year (school policy) which meant I couldn't cook for myself so I had a meal plan. For the first several months everything was normal, then I started to notice a degradation of my emotional stability. Not long after I noticed my then good friend (now soon to be fiance) told me that she felt I had started becoming emotional over odd things. This was a big deal for me as I generally am an emotional rock and I have always experienced and expressed less stress and negative emotion than anyone else I knew, I was always the one to rely on in an emergency to keep a level head, now I was borderline crying over inane things. My first thought was to check my diet, so I started reading the ingredients on the food that I was eating in the school dining Commons. I could not believe how much soy I had been consuming. They added it to everything. EVERYTHING! It was in the pancakes and pizza, it was in the pasta dishes, they even added it to eggs. Eggs! Why do you need to add soy to eggs? So I stopped eating school food as much as I could reasonably manage and my emotions stabilized significantly. I avoid soy like the plague now, it is poison for men, and probably women as well who don't need their estrogen supplemented.
>whatever legitimate points they may have
We'll be waiting
i think being a speedrunner (ie severely autistic) contributed more significantly than soy
You're fucking retarded. It's like you're not even bothering to look for stuff without soy. I can easily find products at any grocery store that don't have soy. Speak for yourself you dyel sad cuck
No doubt, soy-free shit isn't difficult to find if you have eyes and can read words with your face
Hey, I don't know everything they're thinking and am. It going to claim that they are wrong about everything. I may disagree, but that's a bit foolish.
Hitler was vegetarian.
I have a hard time taking brits seriously. Even the chad brits.
this is basically true
Nah. Just your average brit.
>let's begin by pointlessly defining every axiom
Fuck off Sam Harris
I would really like to flick those nips
Does extra estrogen hurt women
The irony! PJW eats his dairy and milk and using the term "soyboy" while he himself as a man with boobs is a dairyfairy!
>nazis promoted the use of soy
>nazis lost
My almonds are so activated right now.
>believing it's your anti-soy diet that helps your gains and not the fact that you're working out
>correlation equals causation
right cause it definitely wasn't the placebo effect or the fact that you were introduced to a new living situation supplemented with the added stress of college
hope that psychology degree is going well you cuck
Vegan Gays pls go
Hahahahah!That's a pretty funny image!He is really cringy when he is posing in that video.But I find people who pose/flex in the mirror cringy in general when they do it publicly at least or in video form.
i think soyboy sounds funny, and i've always liked onions in literally any food.
fite me m8
copied from a thread last night:
"Phytoestrogens and Disease: tinyurl com/hfxu23q
Phytoestrogens and Heart Disease: tinyurl com/zg2nh7a
Phytoestrogen and Kidney Disease: tinyurl com/jtwyanb
High soy can result in 59% less breast cancer study: tinyurl com/j8ywsra
Soy yields 13% lower LDL/Bad Cholesterol Study: tinyurl com/hhf4weq
Soy and Men Hormones Study: tinyurl com/hsu4wqk
Meta-analysis on men, soy and phytoestrogen extracts: tinyurl com/ja5s9k2 30-50% of men get manboobs: tinyurl com/zb58cbs
Phytoestrogen content of various foods: tinyurl com/z3kpvsw 220 women over 2 years soy study: tinyurl com/z4tbb7d
Meta-analysis on 47 studies no estrogen change: tinyurl com/hsm6ctb Soy Men
Review/Final Quote on
Soy being fine for men: tinyurl com/zwddamh
Have you had onions on pizza? The next morning when I try eating the pizza it tastes entirely of onions. Even when you pick the toppings off. It's not good even when you like onions.
Literally just contradicted yourself in one post
Easier to eliminate soy than beer? If that's your attitude you may as well give up now because you're never going to make it
Beer is literally irelevant.
I suppose you believe the government puts fluoride in water to control your mind as well?
>The maine streem meatier wants you to THINK that homosexuality is a sin
how the fuck someone with a super childish feminine face has this body?
i am so confused
there's something off about this dude, he looks disproportionate as fuck
No they do not get absorbed by the body.
Think of it like this if you eat nothing but chicken will you start growing feathers because the chicken dna you've been consuming?
It dont work like that and its just a meme.
Plant strogens are not like mammal strogens, but they do bind to estrogen receptors, acting like SERMS .
Friendly reminder that Veggie boi is mentally inept
it was a joke or something.Just use actual arguments instead.
Man, there's literally albums full of his retarded paranoia induced comments. He's an actual sociopath, and he's overly aggressive. Don't idolise or defend him. By all means, be a vegan. Some of what he says is legitame. But there's no denying he's a deranged fuckwit
Exhibit B