>go to the gym
>there’s people there
Go to the gym
this is why you don't go to the gym, buy weights or go outside for cardio
>go to the gym
>actually have to lift heavy things
i didnt sign up for this
i always go at night with a keycard desu
it's cool because you can play your music as loud as you want over the speakers too
>go to gym
>have to bring my own plates
the guy told me to go subscribe to bodybuilders.com for a monthly package of weights?
do like I do and lift at ~5 am. Rarely anybody there, no waiting around for the racks to be free
>go to gym
>feel dread the entire way there
>receptionist smirks at me as I swipe my card
>"have a good workout"
>"y-you too"
>anxiety sets in
>warm up at the treadmill and head to the foam mats for stretching
>qt3.14 visibly moves a couple feet away from my direction after sitting down
>notice in the corner of my eye but ignore it
>start a routine that I read online
>guys around me a quarter of my size lifting 10x more than me
>more focused on not speed walking out of the gym than the weights itself
>can see glances from other guys through the mirror
>probably thinking I don't belong there
>mess up form on my third set and drop the weights
>swear I heard a laugh
>manage to somehow finish my workout a leave quickly
>next day
>go to the gym
>go to gym
>didnt realise it was a water-type gym
>my charmeleon cant handle this
>go to the gym
>some fucking soyboy is there with his weeaboo shirt and headphones in, looking at the ground the entire time and repping 2.5 kilo dumbbells
>worrying about other people
untermensch detected
This is why I /homegym masterrace/. That, and I do a lot of meme exercises.
>tfw i do a lot of meme exercises and the people at the gym are probably laughing at me behind my back
oh well...
>have terrible social anxiety
>feel perfectly fine at the gym
dunno what it is but I can do the most embarrassing shit and I couldn't care less what anyone thinks
>not doing every single p90x workout in the middle of the gym
I swear there are only like 3 of us on Veeky Forums
I feel the same. I have bad anxiety in social settings but somehow do not give a shit in the gym even when surrounded by normies.
are you me?
>go to gym excited for powerlift day
>there is a lanky dude lifting with about 20kg hoarding the whole area with skeletor-tier nigger
>think they'll be finished soon, do some warmups
>half an hour later they are still hoarding the area chatting most of the time
>tell them to fuck off already
>"you don't own the gym but you can do inbetweens"
>put 160 on and do lifts angry as hell
>"umm please remove the weights"
>stare at lanky motherfucker in disgust, leave
Happened yesterday. This is why murder should be legal.
How the fuck could they know you wanted to use what they were using? Fucking walk up and ask how many sets they have left, if it's more than 2, ask to work in. This works 98% of the time
this is why I only go at midnight desu
>yfw you see an autist just like you walk into the gym at 3AM
Pretty accurate description
This is literally me. Gym doors close at 2300, I'll be there around 2230.
> go to the gym
> it shut down yesterday
> the owner just ran away with my 9 months membership purchased 2 weeks ago
And this, kids, is why you don't go to ghetto gyms
>go to willamette leisure park
>see convicts there
i'm worried that i'm going to.a 'ghetto gym' 2bh. the owner is rich AF and is shameless about roiding. i also heard the PTs talking about how royally screwed they'd be if the gym were audited. just bad vibes in general 2bh
Homegyms feels like no fun
> no qt cardio bunnies running around in spandex
> no fat people and noobs at their first day of gym doing meme routines with horrible form
> no gymbros
> no gym nemesis
> no glorious feel of walk in the showers with my 25cm cock swinging around like the lantern of a fishing boat in the middle of the night
Not him but I homegym and it rocks. Yesterday I did squats but hit a new pr on diddlys and fucked my gf after. More often than not I workout in just boxers or nude. Whatever music I want gets played, workout whenever I want and no one uses my equipment.
Also not him, but homegym would make no difference to me except i save on fuel
>go to homegym
>there's people there
Actually yes, the only two things I envy about home gym are
- extremely loud music
- lifting naked
It must be glorious
>not starting with Bulbasaur
Homeschooled ; 5th grade
>have crush on girl in my class
Did you fug her?
I only go to hit on girls. I can't even bench or squat.
Veeky Forumsn made me believe that there are people like this.
In Colorado the gyms are starting up at 5am so there's always the business fags getting a workout before the day starts..
Anyway. The issue with working out that early is what do you do about hydration. Wake up that early and just go and workout?
>"have a good workout"
>"y-you too"
Yes. When I worked out during the early morning, ~5am, I would just drink some water and go to the gym without eating anything. Breakfast would follow immediately after I took a shower.
Not OP btw