Can you be bald and a chad?
Can you be bald and a chad?
Only if you're Chad-tier handsome. This applies to everything.
At most you can be a Jason. Ignored by women in their prime, loved by expired women and girls with hormonal issues (fat, estrogenic) and daddy issues.
>beard to cover up the fact he's bald AND a Chinlette
There's no saving some people
When I see a bald guy in his 20s-30s with a big bushy memebeard all I can think is that it screams "pure cope." Beard culture in general is pure fucking cringe but this takes the cake.
Bald and clean shaven with a good jawline is aesthetic af.
Pick one
t. beardlette
It all depends on how attractive you are
Bald men can forget about teenage girls. They still barely out of puberty.
So many of them will prefer androgynous low-test looks before anything with more masculine features.
The rest of them rarely go against the herd mentality and prefer to chase the status symbol they will all spread their legs for.
well that's the thing. I have a very handsome face when there's a frame around it. But when I shave my head it all falls apart and my gay alien skull starts ruining all of my proportions, and I look fucking retarded.
>low test
pick two
Kit Dale actually has a seriously manly chin, just google.
High testosterone levels are linked with balding. Please educate yourself user.
Because put them next to an attractive guy who has hair and the bald cuck won't even be able to compete.
Baldness is genetic so you can have a guy who has high test but if he isn't sensitive to dht then he will keep his hair.
High test has nothing to do with it and it could even be the opposite.
I’m in Thailand at the moment and am “lucky” enough to see tourist couples from all walks of life.
The thing I’ve observed is that young western girls will usually be accompanied by an effeminate looking male thats reminiscent of their nerd brother or the older ones seem to have black partners.
Eastern euro girls still generally go for strong looking guys by the looks of things though.
And as anyone would expect, plenty of whites with their Asian gf.
I’ll never forgive this generation and those before it for this.
So are low testosterone levels, educate yourself.
DO you have a manly attractive face or are you boyband attractive? I’m the opposite, I’m cute but I have a wide outer jaw and I actually look worse with hair, I usually just sport 5 o clock shadow and call it good. I’m not boyband pretty though, more rugged than anything. You gotta find your lane and work it to your advantage
God i hate that beard but bald look so much...
I kinda doubt it. Especially if you're in your 20's. Why not get transplants tho?
If you're black, sure.
Not really there are millions of men who are low test and bald.
Sure, as long as you go for girls out of college.
Unless the girls have daddy issues you'll only score with women over 23, but i have a couple of bald friends from work (work in analytic finance) who are total chads but are bald. But they wear fancy suits and expensive watches, are all on roids and spend their free time doing hipster shit like rockclimbing, mud runs and axe throwing.
Imagine anyone else (e.g. clean shaven, normal haircut) wearing a tshirt with a print of his own hairstyle claiming how manly he looks.
pic related
>all those beardlets in this thread
stay mad numales
Keep coping, baldcel
>the statham cope
>and daddy issues.
manly as fuck when i have hair. but without it (i've tried bald look before, was horrible) the manly features are completely shoved aside by the alien-ness of my skull. i have a gigantic head, and it's kinda narrow and bulby at the back. just absolutely awful.
>and daddy issues.
nothing better
Says the low test faggot
t. coping hairlet
I don't really get why people obsess over beards. Sure if you like them great by all means grow one.
Having a shirt saying shit like
>manly man beard club
Screams insecure faggot that loves attention from overweight sluts.
Why do I always see these types of people with those large rockabilly loving fat sluts. Every fucking time one of those fat chicks comes in they have the exact same styled boyfriend.
If millions of dollars and a hot wife is coping sign me up for it.
Yes, although it's really difficult and most look like complete nu male cucks.
>The bearded brotherhood
Overcompensating behaviour of a bald fag, those shitty tattoos kek,
>Ima a badass Ima stronggg xDDD look at my beardddd ima from the brotherhood lel
Uhh, you’re about half right. The genetic component basically has to do with your scalps sensitivity to dht, but the dht can only be a function of testosterone
you tell us.
Im balding baldly, so I shave my head.
I like the look a lot and have received good feedback from female friends and co workers.
I have more confidence with a shaved head than I do with a balding head. That's the most important thing.
This. I'd rather be bald than balding.
I'm bald and I Agree 100%. I think it's best to have a 2-3 day stubble if you're jaw isn't that big or strong. But if it's an admirable jaw that you have, lower your bf% and stay shaven.
Hs is not bald, just has a buzzcut. Big difference
Not if your defining characteristic is having a beard.
>the bearded brotherhood
>That hairline
Not for long, user
yeah, thats not just a buzzcut. the dude was bald before 20.
Sure, but if you don't have a strong jawline you look like a walking dildo. You call it coping but if it helps it helps.
what to do if balding, weak jawline and also can't grow a beard?
>inb4 kys
Not sure user. I'm bald with a weak jawline and good facial hair has been my saving grace.
pets and videogames. maybe you can get an online gf or something.
already have irl gf, guess I don't need to worry too much about how I look
baldness is linked to follicle weakness to dht, retard, educate yourself
No, Chads have nice hair. Baldies can only get to around 7 on a scale and must compensate with money if they want to bang 9s
There's only one bald chad. If you want to be the bald chad you must beat him in hand to hand combat.
define "chad". can you be a successful, respected alpha male when you're bald? yes, obviously. I don't see which "chad" characteristic needs hair
I sometimes get the feeling most people on Veeky Forums barely interact with other people. it's like real life is some kind of fantasy to them. something they've only read about online and seen in movies.
>not going full sinsmode
guy is pretty handsome and i still used to call him 'that bald guy'. says a lot really.
This man is chad
>fucks roasties for money
a chad wouldn't be stopped or bothered by a visible scalp
does that answer your question?
You've got to remember most people don't have the same facial structure or head shape as him.
>daddy issues
I literally bit my lip
You're so stupid it hurts.
>Breathing is related to dying educate urself durrrrrr
Buzzcut with nw2.5 recession fag
>strong jaw & chin
>great beard genetics as well
Beardlets and jawlets with bitch chins can't even compete
A real man needs a real woman user.
At first I thought that was a photoshopped pic of Lenin made to look jacked
Went fucking bald at 21, lads. I find solace in the gym, but I wish I was dead sometimes.
t. skinnyfat soyboy
Lmao no. A head full of hair is a measure of a man.
He'd look 100x more handsome with a head full of hair.
I wouldn't spend excessive time each day carefully shaving my head so that I can try and hide the fact that I am bald (even though it's obvious if you are not black and have a shaved head it is because you are balding).
Talk about insecure....
I mean if you are really that insecure just go the lazy route and wear a hat everywhere including the pool like Bradly .\\.
Yea of course, but he can't grow hair.
i love a nice beard, particularly on a handsome face
But damn I hate the beard memeing, like that awful shirt. Nigga you just let it grow on your face you're not special.
Gsp is a Manlet he will never be a chad no matter how rich, famous, or talented at fighting he is.
????? are you serious, he's like a hero in some countries
t. low test
Mid twenties, bald(ing), sparse, Asian-like beard despite being white. I could never grow that beard, but I have enough hair on my arms and legs to cover up all my bald spots.
Erectile dysfunction.
>tfw dad went bald in late twenties
>weak jawline
>know that i have a fate of weak jawline+bald in a decade or so
>I wouldn't spend excessive time each day carefully shaving my head so that I can try and hide the fact that I am bald
I don't think bald people shave their heads to hide the fact that they're balding, I'm pretty sure it's because a bald head looks better than wispy strands and a horseshoe.
If you don't rock some fucking nu-male meme beard like that fucking shit yeah you can be Chad.
the one on the right is literally going bald though. he will completely recede in ten or so years
Ljungberg is also a manlet. More proof that face > all.
this hes in proto nodman mode
He'd look 100x times better with hair.
>le epic finasteride makes your dick limp meme
The shirt and the fake gaze makes him look like a faggot.
it is true user. i took fin for about a month and my dick turned to rubber and physically shrunk. i was ready to kill myself after researching post finasteride symptom and expecting the effect to be permanent. luckily it wasn't. else i'd be dead for sure.
>Daddy issues
Who doesn't love being called Daddy while fucking a girl in the ass?
Don't tease us like that
t. cancer patient
26 y/o hairlet here
Since going bald, all the girls I've banged have been between 16 and 22
I definitely don't have the personality of a chad but if my new job taught me anything it's that my lack of hair isn't too big a handicap when it comes to pure looks
It mostly looks like I have a buzzcut though, think Snatch-era Statham, but my hairline is getting more fucked every year. Doesn't stop women from telling me I'm handsome. Being a sperg is the biggest problem
Don't listen to the chan baldlets, you might make it if you have good facial structure and height
>was born a chad
>chad in HS
>chad in college
>around 24 hair gets thin on top
>I ain't bitch made, fuck creams and shampoos and all those girl products
>shave it every other days (hair still grows like a champ, I know you tried hard boys but there's just not enough of you around anymore. rip)
>use to pull mainly women my age, all had their shit together
>since being bald (going on 3 years shaved now) the only girls I had come onto me are young alt chicks who scream "choke me daddy", milfs who scream "I hate my husband", and for whatever reason shy asian girls who can't go out with me til I meet their parents
this is nice but it sucks knowing those skilled girls my age are no longer interested in me. aint no way I'm wifing a girl with tats and piercings, women 20 years older than me, or gooks
I've only seen Mil/Vetfags and minorities pull of the bald Chad look and they were all fucking swole and covered in tats
>Or gooks