ITT we bitch about or injuries, what we can't do and what we do instead.
>Cracked cartilage in patella
>no squats or dead lifts
>do barbell bridges and cycle instead
ITT we bitch about or injuries, what we can't do and what we do instead.
>Cracked cartilage in patella
>no squats or dead lifts
>do barbell bridges and cycle instead
>Years of waterpolo and swimming has destroyed my rotator cuff and shoulder
>Fractured patella from having it dislocated and put back in place in-field
I do all my regular compounds because I'm not a FUCKING PUSSY
Can someone give me advice
>Try to do hanging leg raises
>Can't retract left scalpula while hanging and it keeps giving up
>Get down and have shoulder pain in front
What the fuck happened? I still have some pain when I raise arm to the side or above
>Si joint that always hurts
>Squats make it worse, deadlifts further aggrivate it
>Reverse hyper extensions might help but no gym has the machine
Please end this pain
>tfw groin pull
how the fuck do i make sure this fucker heals as fuck as fast, all i want to do is SQUAT again
I have a knee injury as well. Going to the doctor next week as he's off this week.
My knee has been bending inward rather than over my toe for a while now. It's only one of my knees and it hasn't always been that way, so I feel like I have a rotated femur or possibly a shifted patella. Guess we'll find out, but it means no leg day for me for a long time. Thank God I used to be a fatty so my legs are already tree trunks.
gg no re, time to become curlbro
does it actually hurt when you do squat/bench etc
I had this weird thing from the start of the rugby season where my shoulder got some nasty hits and hurt real bad.
Now that's nothing out of the usual but when I try to do bicep isolations I have a tendency to get cramps on the lower back of my shoulder, spasm the arm and drop the weight.
It's been going on for a month and a bit: what do?
>pulls lower back
>while curling
>Grade 2 separation of left shoulder ligament
>Right ankle ligaments completely obliterated
>Tennis Elbow
I don't avoid lifts, I just progress conservatively and supplement accordingly (ankle wrapped on squats, etc)
>hurt lower back
>doctor tells me I have a weak core
What did he mean by this
Genetically your not allowed to lift weights
Have you been 'doing abs at home?'
Was it a female doctor? You have a weak core is girl code for "you have small ankles and calves".
It's the hardest area to put on mass.
My gym doesn't have a reverse hyper extension either. Instead i use an adjustable bench put to the second setting and lean over it from the back, while my legs are hanging off. I just preform them there. I'll put a dumbbell between my feet to add resistance.
Has it helped you fix an achy SI?
It's definitely nice on my back and has fixed bumps and aches here and there. It's not the best but it mimics the motion for the most part.
Scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis.
Too afraid to do anything back related and OHP
took a trip to snap city
Got elbow tendinitis two weeks ago. I havent worked out since then and have booked a physiotherapist appointment for thursday. Hopefully theyll put me in the gym soon. I dont think it was bad form, i just started doing the rippetoe tricep extensions and got the pain a couple of days after. Feelsbadman.
>break rib squatting because belt is too high/tight
>grandpa dies
>relationship fizzles out with gf
>injured/depressed for 6 months and don't lift at all
>just start up again
>DL 1RM is now 100lbs less
Not physical, but it's pretty much wrecking me.
>Mom has been disabled and bedridden for around 6 years with diabeetus, thyroid problems, chronic breathing issues, a bad back, and severe allergies.
>I've been her carer most of my adult life.
>We all started losing weight together.
>I've learned a trade, am getting Veeky Forums, and things are looking up.
>She starts being able to breath well enough to get around. The weight loss is noticeable and she can move more freely, albeit she is getting more joint pains, and it will be less strain on her body.
>I'm over the fucking moon.
>I learned her BNP came up at 3-fucking-000. She is going for a heart scan in just over a week. 50% chance it's Congestive Heart Failure.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. She has been getting better, stronger, week by week, and while she has had symptoms that match up, they are also the symptoms of her other conditions.
My mom was there for me through all my hardest times, and caring for her has been most of my adult life, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love her so much. The idea that all my hopes for her getting back some quality of life and living happily while I go practice my trade, get married, and have kids, introducing her to her grandkids. It feels like it's all going to fall apart and I'll lose her.
I mean, I know that there are good odds she doesn't have that (her other conditions could be throwing up false positives on the symptoms), or that if she does it can be controlled and she could live many years longer and recover somewhat, but that doesn't erase the dread... or the horror if she does have it.
I didn't eat for two days after being told she was getting the scan, and asked if I could take her. I'm not ashamed to admit I keep bursting into fucking tears. It's like I'm already mourning. I'm getting brief bursts of optimism before the anxiety comes back. I can't focus on anything, let alone Veeky Forums and I don't want to think of the future, because shit gets morbid fast.
Im really sorry you are going through this dude. I dont know who you are but i hope your mum gets better.
>play rugby for first time in life one month ago
>tackle a big fat guy
>get bumped hard when my shoulder meets his elbow
>shoulder hurts ever since
>most chest, amd shoulder exercises suffer now
>my chest gains shall suffer forever
>anterior pelvic tilt + rotation
>cant stabilize it cuz muscle imbalances
>cant target muscles correctly when squatting/deadlifting
>shitton of strain on my lower back
>push through it for years without making much progress
>eventually injure myself a weeks back because of bad form
i have finally decided to drop squats forever (maybe deadlift too)
if you excuse me now, i have a few sets of crying left on the leg press
Pls help
Got injured during fencing lessons. 2 months ago.
>dislocated kneecap
>both tendoms supporting it were busted
>bone splinter in the knee
Got fixed, but doctor said lmao no leg day for half a year.
I am treating myslelf recently with BPC-157, this shit is insane.
I already regained full leg mobility and can make a supported squat.
I guess that in a month or so I will try light-weight leg training.
Gnarly brah got any x-rays done on it
Also don't lift until you get the okay or you will get BTFO even worse
Yeah, I am taking it easy,
The thing is I was recovering extremely fast even before peptide treatment, and right now, I've healed faster during last week then the last month.
>tfw don't even bench or diddly anymore because tired of hurting myself
Have fun not being able to raise hand above your head
Shoulder hurts like hell, not sure what to do. It's my rear rotator cuff I believe
kneecap dislocation. Hoping to squat soon but will have to drop to 0 rip
would suggest seeing a doctor...
>inguinal hernia
>had to take a month off waiting for operation and six weeks after, as per doctors orders
>still feel some chronic pain sometimes
>even have to stop some gym sessions halfway because i feel some 'burning', don't want to risk recurrence
could be worse, but still pisses me off.
took mine 2 years to fully heal...
good luck user
>5 years ago
> >45° scoliosis=needed surgery
>having a metalrod in my back
>had to relearn how to fucking walk for 3-4 weeks after surgery
>never felt so weak and pathetic in my whole life
>had to wear a plastic corset for 1 fucking year 23h a day
>after that i was down to 70kg on 2.00m; literally auschwitzmode
>started to lift
>started to eat properly
>now i got up to 108 kg and i am more Veeky Forums than anyone i know
We're all gonna make it brahs.
had the same problem for a while
weak/inactive rhomboids/lower traps etc.
put your opposite hand on the scapula (i.e. left hand on right scapula or vice versa) and try to move it around.
progress to reach roll and lift (it's to train coordination between your arm and your scapula), and then to light face pulls
if that doesn't help, see an MD as it might be nerve damage
unless you have bruising, triggerpoint massage. if you have bruising, do high reps with light weight to ensure scar tissue doesn't form.
Also diagnosed with inguinal hernia here, waiting for insurance before I can go have the operation. Although It was diagnosed as a short tear around 11 mm. Since I don't want to give up lifting, I am still squatting, deadlifting etc while waiting for the bureucracy. How did the operation go? Did you get the mesh or the old method?
mild scoliosis here
Still lift but I'm always wondering if my back is ok, ended therapy some months ago
As an user whose mom is also suffering from health issues I wish you two the best.
May you find the strength and courage to overcome.
Whenever I rotate my arm I feel so much cracking in my shoulders,but it doesnt hurt. Should I be worried and can I fix this?
ankle tendinitis. it's pretty minor but right now I have to interrupt my C25K at week 7 which is pretty fucking frustrating. I thought I was going to make it all the way without skipping once and now that's ruined.
I've been doing stationary bike instead but I'm simply unable to exert myself to the same extent. it's probably going to be really fucking hard when I start again.
why does shit always go wrong whenever I try to make a change for the best?
Google infraspinatus release.
>mfw my Infraspinatus is hurting and has been for the past 2 days
Anyone got any advice?
>I think i fucked up my acl or something in my right knee doing squats wrongly.
>Don't to A2G squats anymore, and move my right knee very gingerly.
What do you mean roll and lift? Thanks a lot btw
Chondromalacia patellae which got worse when I started martial arts. I also hurt my right shoulder in ukemi waza because fatty. Now I started lifting and things slowly get better. Training my quads helped with the knee, getting thinner and developing muscle around my shoulders helped with the injury. But still have to pause with MA until down to 180 lbs at least and of sufficient swoleness.
Do ligaments take a long time to heal? Mine has been getting better but still hurts at times. Its been 2 months
Grade? I think I had that, or PPS, knee injuries all have different names for the same shit.
Ended up getting microfracture surgery and my knee is as good as ever.
1 - Winged left shoulder blade.
2 - Supraspinous tendinopathy.
Can't do lateral raises.
Don't do lateral raises at all... that's it I do military press fine...
You mean in MA? Still 6. kyu because in our school within our style we do take it slow and put emphasis on self perfection rather than hurrying up to shodansha
I tore the tendons on my right foot. I can't squat or deadlift.
>Ended up getting microfracture surgery and my knee is as good as ever.
For me it's losing weigth and training. I know very well that the reason for my fucked up knee is the mixture of aging, being overweight not training.
I meant chondromalacia. Grade as in cartilage damage
Don't know. Doc said something like use med, do electrosimulation therapy, wait, see. If not bettering physiotherapy. So I did meds and electro and started to do excercises for my quads. The doc was a real weirdo desu, behaved quite spergy and treated me like a machine he inspected.
fukking word filter! T b h
I went to a specialist. Made me do PT to see if my knee pain would go away. It got better but didn't leave. Then I went and got an MRI done, and it turns out I had a cartilage tear. So he did his magic and boom, stronger than ever.
Post surgery rehab is so fun. Ended up getting a little high from bending my knee after keeping it straight for a week.
For me this shit was a rather chronic thing. Pain came when I drove for a longer time or sat with bend knees. I sometimes had the urge to make my knee make crack-sounds in order to feel better and shit. With starting MA things got worse and worse. But no cartilage tear or the like for me.
rotator cuff tear. first rehab didn't work. I'm on week 4 of my second rehab right now, but still doesn't feel good, might have to go to 8 weeks.
Exercise helped me fight my depression and motivated me to take better care of myself but holy fuck, I just want my arm back.
I used to play fps games a lot. I trained my aim from bad to close to god. If I started earlier there might only be a handful of people in the world who could compete with me. Now it feels like that window is going to close in my face.
Working out may have saved my life but it took my biggest hobby and joy with it.