Les do this
Cbt Narcissism Central
Tell me how skelly dyel random shitty meme I am. Are there any original thought on this shitty site?
6'3 180
Bf 13%
Hot ass receptionist girl at the gym has been smitten with me
try 15
>Veeky Forums in 2 pictures.
lmfao maybe consider another hobby
False I got it checked out
I just have pudgey stomach
Whats up bois
Should I repost? :o
>can't post my pic in the correct way two times in a row
>a functioning human being
Bro, do you even train shoulders and chest?
Just crop you photos so it shows up as PNG people
3 Months lifting - thoughts?
Yeah, man, my shoulders are actually decent, this pic is not so good. Chest is another thing - I train it and it's not so so weak but it does not grow.
My lifts for shoulders and chest are: OHP - 70kg, bench - 105 kg, dip - + 60 kg, one rep maxes. I started doing cable flies recently and I think they will help witht he chest, only did compounds up until now.
Here's another one. What do you guys think I should do besides finding a better place to live.
Flies will help you get a bigger chest.
You should also consider doing dumbell chest press as well.
if everyone says you're a skelly dyel maybe you are a skelly dyel you piece of shit?
and you lack chest/traps.
also skelly dyel
yes just one
or didn't want to mention your previous strength training.
Well 13.8 but dont let anyone else know Ok friendo :^)
>Hot ass receptionist girl at the gym has been smitten with me
because she hasn't seen you with your shirt off yet
Hahaha manlet keep deluding yourself into believing that any of your """stats""" except the one on your ID matters
I got my membership starting September. Before that a few pushups every morning.
Sup lads
181cm 86kg
Diddly 190kg x5
Squat 160kg x 5
Bench 100kg x 5
I have a body similar to OP, a bit smaller arms but bigger chest and shoulders, but also way smaller wrists and belly/ribcage.
How can I even get big ? I won't put fat or muscles on my ribcage, so I'll always look small right ?
My chest and arms are already disproportionate, I don't want to look ridiculous with fucking huge shoulders and chest and skinny as fuck, below.
19 yo
Can you guys please post your routines and how long you've been working out for?
nice estats faggot
Such a plain beauty to your physique man.
Thanks :3
>tfw so ugly I usually crop the bottom of my face out so there's less for trolls to say
It always gets super puffy on a bulk, just like the rest of me
>tfw 40 days left to cut
what program?
wtf mang
nigger are you trying to break my neck
rotate that shit
what kind of fucking angle is this
you guys suck at taking photos
It's properly oriented on my phone. Idk why the fuck Veeky Forums rotated it.
Upside down v-taper
6’6” 230lbs
slowly making it
those really aren't crazy numbers for my weight lmao
5'11" 177lbs
upper/lower split.
6'1 81.5 kg currently on a bulk (4-5 to go)
First pic was mid May 86kg. Second was today 81.5kg
Been working out 6 months where 3 of them I couldn't work out due to exam months. Have shit fat distribution where there's more fat under my right pec than my left.
Rate my progression so far?
Too much neck
Too much benis
Too much manboobs
Frankly just crop everything out and you'd be perfect.
6'2, 192lbs
2 months of going to the gym
bodyfat went from 22.2% to 18.5%, not sure how reliable those readings are
I still don't eat well
have your lifts gotten better?
>2 months of going to the gym
>posting progress
can you delusional newfags cut this shit out?
Yeah they have.
I also started working out 4 times a week this month, 1 hours in the gym and a half hour swimming.
What delusion?
I got less fat is all
>tfw trying to lean bulk
>just getting fat again
178>160, currently 165 in this pic
6’ 1” manlet
Bf? Wtf is that
Take roids all year long and eat fast food for the most part
Forgot to mention I’m around 228 to 235 depending on how much beer I think over the weekend
Am I thicc boys?
Are you a nigger? Veeky Forums is for Whites only buddy
More like 3 pushing movements to every pulling movement
Smh dude surprised you’ve made it this far
Looking good tho
Get your wife's son out the picture numale
mirin based black man
Mods can you please do your fucking job? Veeky Forums is for whites only.
mirin bra
5’9 167lb
Lost gains and strength, feelingsbadman.jpg
Routine and diet?
I fast until 4pm and eat one big meal post workout. 6 whole eggs and one 8oz steak with a glass of milk
>he actually asks if I'm natty
Damn, first time I hear that..I guess that means I'm making it. But yeah bro I'm natty as fuck.
Mirin bro you look strong
Routine is just doing ab machine over and over again.
its just I dont know what to believe anymore. you look good af no homo and theres a natty limit thread up rn that is pretty depressing
good work bro
Dnno why people role playing as me in responses to you lol, I do full body 3 times a week.
Specifically alpha destiny novice program.
I need to lean bulk more and cut a bit.
Thanks man. Don't let these guys discourage you just because they cherry pick some bad examples. Just bust your ass and stay consistent with your training and diet for years and you'll look better than 99.9% of all the people on earth.
good looks bro, thanks
Of course he is natty jeez.... there’s no such thing as natty limit just ur genetics defines what you look like.
>those nips
dude im sorry
Bout 235
there is literally no change whatsoever
>all that hair
shave, wax, burn it off, there's sexy here and then there's you, just get rid of it, fuck im gonna puke
mirin but looks like bout tree fiddy to me
literally wrong
>2 months of going to the gym
You are supposed to work out too
These pictures were taken the same day....
Veeky Forumsspo. Im gonna look like this one day.
fuck you op looks good
>tfw literally never do crunches
>also a chestlet
>still trying to unfuck my shoulder blade
At least normie chicks think I look good
>went from 155 -> 185
>Only been at it for 7~8 months
Point Nipples / 10
what's your routine. Mirin
There is a very SLIGHT increase in muscle definition over the 8 weeks. It's noticeable over your right trap and the line of your pec insertion. Without focusing for 15 seconds no one would notice a difference. Keep your recomp going, increase your protein intake and do cardio. It will take about 4-6 months before you yourself see noticeable changes
looking good my man
First time seeing abs without flexing. Also, started PPLPPL today.
6' 180lbs, how much should I have to cut?
still a virgin, eh user? :^)
2 month only. 178/76. I still have small belly. Mostly do shoulders and full body.
H-have I made progress? 3 months. It feels pressuring seeing all those nice transformations in just a few months.
I think my torso, chest, and shoulders all got a bit wider. I also gained about 4 kg.