Anyone esle got hemorrhoids from squatting, or am i the only one ?

Anyone esle got hemorrhoids from squatting, or am i the only one ?

don't think you can get hemorrhoids from squatting nigger

i got internal hemorrhoids from constant diarrhea from abusing alcohol during my younger years, sucks

Stop making excuses and squad harder boy

Yeah but i did. When to the gym, squatted 5*5 , got home and realized i have a weird lump on my asshole in the shower. I didn't shit that day or the day before so that's not related to shitting

Yea, happened to me.
You definitely can.

sounds like the hemorrhoid was already there, the pressure from squatting just pushed it out a bit

dont worry too much about the squatting and just treat the problem itself, the hemmorrhoid. Better diet, more diet, hydration, surgery, etc.

It's not a direct correlation but squating sure as fuck makes you far more susceptible

just stick an ice cube up your butt it'll cure them

you got hemorrhoids from squatting on a dirty dick you nasty bastard

Same. Bad times

holy shit so thats what the lump on my ass hole is. do i need to see a doctor? it doesnt hurt or anything


do overhead press, it's the opposite of a squat so it just sucks them right back up inside your asshole

thats... thats not how you get hemmorhoids user

>he forgot his squat plug

Thats because you didnt wear the squadplug you newfag

This + nofap + nopoop + gomad + onions

How new are you?

Anybody who had them and got rid of them without surgery?

Had them for years, tried a cream it didnt help much, considering suppository + cream

Cease your degenerate ways and stop with the butt stuff


Don't do this, that's coming from experience.

Lift with your glutes and legs, not your anus.

Stop sitting on the toilet or so long and it will go away. I used to fap on the john and i got some

Not sure if from squatting.. But I have them and they appeared during a very intense few months of training that focused a lot of heavy compounds...

Almost always see blood on the paper when I wipe. It's bright red so I know it's fresh and from the surface. The stinging pain is also a giveaway... I guess at least it's not bowel cancer or something.

But yeah. The bleeding has been happening for years and doesn't stop.

Sometimes even when I wipe the sweat from my ass on a hot day during my mid shift break... there is blood mixed with the sweat. It's horrible

>tfw the indian curry from last night BURNS them in the morning in that neverending liquid form

>Mfw just fapped on the John and then took a shit and browsed Veeky Forums for a bit

...shit, I just realized something.

Cheapest and most efficient way of dealing with hemorrhoids is just to rinse them 2-3x a day with cold water for 1x1,5min.

How do you get the rhoids from squatting?

Treat it with onion juice.

how long does this take my friend wants to know

I've always worried about getting these but it takes me like 30 seconds max to take a shit, hopefully that means my ass is safe

Nah, I get mine from shitting too hard and for too long

>Literally writing this as I take a shit

Anybody with post surgery info? I'm scheduled jan 3rd

I got it. Stopped squatting and it got better.

-Buy some Daflon or whatever it's called in your country, pop 6 pills the first 4 days then 4 pills a day. This drug will strenghten your veins and help them heal
-superdose your fiber intake if you're ever constipated
-when going to poopoo instead of "pushing" with your asshole flex your abs instead.
-Don't ever stay too long
-look into bidet instead of toilet papers

2, tops 3 weeks. But your friend will feel better after just few days

The squatting position naturally puts stress on your asshole's veins .

Flexing your abs and building up intrabdominal pressure to protect your spine while squatting heavy weights puts a stupid amount of pressure on your asshole.

If you're genetically prone to hemorrhoids or already got them squatting is dangerous for your ass

It depends on the type of hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids appear to heal in a week or two because they stop poking out of your asshole but aren't actually healed.

External hemorrhoids can't "go back inside" so they take much longer to heal

lol I shit for 5-46 minutes on average should I be concerned

I had one recently but I just pushed it back up there and it went away
everyone has hemorrhoids you retard, what op is referring to are prolapsed hemorrhoids

actually, anal sex reduce the possibilities of hemorrhoids. When you have anal sex you learn to expand and contract your anus, defecating is easier and more pleasant. You also make the walls stronger and for instance, you make your anus walls impervious to developing hemorrhoids.

If you are not gay, use a dildo, if you are gay, have more anal sex with your partner.


defecate doing the squat. Do not sit in a western toilet anymore. Get a pot and shit in there, use your flexibility to improve your shit squatting

Fuck off faggot

Kys cornholing faggot
