>open thread
>it's full of /pol/tards and /leftypol/tards derailing it
w-why is this allowed?
Open thread
> open catalog
> half the threads are about soy and onions
Didn't realize I was lurking /vegan/
That's right I'm a centrist. People who hold strong beliefs are fucking retards.
I fucking hate politics
Veeky Forums is full of insecure young white men with no wealth or power that browse both Veeky Forums and /pol/
/pol/'s right-wing ideology appeals to insecure weak powerless young men, "if we kick out the arabs then we'll finally get a gf"
also they browse Veeky Forums to pretend they lift and are strong when the hurr durr race war comes
If the mods moved vegan threads to Veeky Forums lefty/pol/ would go away
90% of Veeky Forums is /pol/ including myself, though sometimes I play devils advocate and shit stir Drumpftards. I make it a rule not to derail a thread with politics unless it has already been derailed and there is a cheap laugh or two to be had.
To be fair though, every board is like this.
>/pol/'s right-wing ideology appeals to insecure weak powerless young men, "if we kick out the arabs then we'll finally get a gf"
Actually, scientific studies have shown that left-wingers are more likely to have low testosterone.
t. Soyboy
This site has gone down hill since Reddit magafags discovered you can say nigger here.
It's fine if they want to hang out and talk politics in /pol/ and /b/ but the shit is spreading to all boards and wherever they go the other side comes too. There are different boards on this site for a reason.
Feel the same way about /r9k/ posters making threads crying that women only date men who make 200k are 6'3" and skydive for a living.
Not your board, faggots.
>insecure young white men
americans politicized everything because that's what the (((tv))) told them to do, the refugee crisis on /pol/ was comfy and then the american election drew in thousands of retards in
also i'm pretty sure there's just one vegan on this board because all his posts contain the word meatcucks
we're not talking about right-wingers. we're talking about /pol/
>b-but conservatism is about hating those NIGGERS!!! DAY OF THE ROPE!!!
Kill yourself. At one point the leading GOP candidates were a black and hispanic guy
>Actually, scientific studies have shown that left-wingers are more likely to have low testosterone.
I agree with that sentiment, but I think those studies look at the general population (democrat vs republican) whereas there is an isolated/radicalized minority to whom more extremist ideologies make more sense given their feeling of powerlessness.
Just remembering my more angsty hateful years in high school, I was very supportive of authoritarian and fascist ideologies. I think feelings of extreme isolationism and powerlessness gives way to fantasies of power in this way.
TLDR: angsty radicalized young men (elliot rodger types) are a different cohort from the general population, where working class men tend to vote republican
>isolated/radicalized minority
I think you're putting the cart before the horse. The appeal of pol is that its a free speech zone. People don't go there to become radicalized, they go there because they're already against the liberal orthodoxy and are subject to censorship elsewhere.
It takes more to oppose the orthodoxy than it does to keep your heads down and go along with it.
Pretty hard to avoid politics when EVERYTHING is about politics these days.
Eternally, this.
I've never seen such a derth of a sense of irony as /pol/.
wew lad Veeky Forums is the most insecure board of the entire website, /pol/ is lost at this point, only constant gore dumps could save it
What the fuck is with the /pol/tards and dental hygiene
they all look like brits
>>b-but conservatism is about hating those NIGGERS!!! DAY OF THE ROPE!!!
You've exposed your own stupidity by having failed to realize that day of the rope is a meme.
>Veeky Forums is full of insecure young white men
Maybe in the early 2000s, when it was a relatively obscure site for nerds to post memes. Veeky Forums is extremely mainstream now among college-aged people.
Pol is fits sister board