>Cold showers
>Raw onions and garlic
>8+ hours sleep
Who else /hightest/ here?
>put needle into my ass 1-2 times a week
>have more test than you ever will
Feels good
More like /autest/
>>Raw onions and garlic
is this a meme? how do you avoid killing everybody around 5 meters of your mouth?
>breed bees and various animals, live with them closely and use the produce they make to fuel yourself full of fats and natural sugars
>have sex with women
>sleep uberman and have more time to breed animals and fuck women
Who else /fuckingmadcunt/ here?
>raw onions and garlic
It took the onion meme for me to realize that all the /hightest/ advice is just a troll to make sure hat incels stay incel
>lots of fap
>hot steaming baths
>raw soy milk
>6hours of sleep
/hightest/ reporting in
why would you eat onions when you're insecure about your test levels when you can literally get a doctor to let you cruise at 1200 for the rest of your life and it's covered by insurance?
>tfw insomniac
>can only get 3-5 hours of sleep every night
I'm constantly tired and it has taken 5 years of lifting to get 2 years of results.
When's the last time you got laid?
lol pathetic.
easiest way to spot the manlet coper.
Jesus Christ you are like the epitome of the incel memelord.
Stop falling for fads
Because they won't. Even if you're literally on woman level of testosterone, 70% of doctors won't let you hop on TRT. They would probably put you on antidepressive and/or other pharmaceuticals not correlated with testosterone.
Look, it took me 5 years. 5 years since I was an underage newfag, arguing and laughing at those "autistic stormweenies". And you know what I learned? That /pol/ is ALWAYS right. The jew doctor will NEVER prescribe you TRT, unless you're a jew yourself
>sleeping with a pillow
Goodbye, test.
better hope you don't stop for the rest of your life, or you'll turn into a woman
"Feels good" Now
11 days into my nofap, almost gave in earlier lads, but I stopped myself. Hopefully I can nut inside my gf tonight, otherwise I will go fucking insane
>antidepressive and/or other pharmaceuticals
which completely destroy your test production
Congrats you permanently damaged your body. Youre gonna have a hell of a time past 40 friendo.
you have a gf user, nofap won't do anything for you
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Why not?
Because sex has more benefits, user. You don't need NoFap.
>literally every doctor is part of the jewish conspiracy
Just how fucking delusional do you have to be?
If /pol/ was actually always right, it'd mean that 50% of the population is part of the conspiracy against you.
But fapping is still a problem for me. I feel drained and unfulfilled when I do it. Plus, any exercise in self-control is going to be rewarding r-right?
Fapping to porn is so dumb if you could just vandalize her vagina.
Nofap serves its purpose only if you're a porn addict. Have more sex with your girlfriend
>no pajeet, I didn't mean rape
Thanks dad
50% of the population enjoy intelligence levels below normie retardation.
Quite, typically also the ones to browse /pol/
Nah, "conspiracy theorists" suffer from higher intelligence. Brainlet won't understand that politicians are influential because of their secretive brotherhoods and circles.
hahaha his balls are so small!
Rich Piana
Mate, everyone but the worst brainlets realise that that influential people do shady shit. That's no secret.
/pol/ goes balls-to-the-walls with theirs, not even bothering to put the slightest sliver of critical thought into it.
>jew doctor
>get at the top of the american medical association
>Get chariman at the international health organisation
>Decrete that test is only given to female to male trap and other form are medical abuse
>If you do medical abuse you can get your license revoked and face judiciary trouble
>Regular ass doctor don't prescribe test to soyboy
Here is it easier to understand like that ?
>how do you avoid killing everybody around 5 meters of your mouth?
the weak should fear the reek
please explain
fym please explain
roids ruin your endocrine system
Had a chuckle
Even with perfect PCT you're never going to naturally produce as much test again. Better be blasting that test-e for life.
So, how would I increase my test without memes or injecting myself with something? It seems impossible and something that only better genetics will cure.
If you have low test, Zinc.
Low bodyfat %.
Weekly No-faps.
Good diet.
Where is your source for that claim. When people get older their testosterone drops too so you can not conclude that this is from exogenous test.
No indepth study has ever been done about the damage to the endocrine system (if so show me), hence why doctors don't like to prescribe test to underage men because they simply don't know the consequences.
50% of the population voted for Hillary you soyboy faggot lmao.
It's not my job to convince you, believe whatever you like it doesn't make me any less right. Do all the steroids or don't, but if you believe you can go on steroids and then go off them and still produce the same amount of testosterone you would have naturally produced (barring natural decrease in production due to age) then you are simply wrong and I don't care if you know it or not.
>make made up argument
>ask to prove it
>no you prove it
okay dude
Every time you jerk off to porn, the Jews win.
This picture gave me a boner
>make up argument
LOL. I guess google doesn't exist where you come from.
What about sleep. Should I sleep around 8 hours a day, or can it be less?
The average normie sleeps 6
>the average normie sleeps 6
Really? I thought that the normie thing was sleeping 8 hours.
Soy milk and fap to anal kink porn thrice a day.
Top kek
brainlets will fall for anything.
Enjoy doing it for rest of your life unless you want to turn into a cuck with bitch tits and no sex drive.
"Mate" most people apart from some black people and conspiracy "theorists" don't think about this enough to realise there is an agenda against everyone around you.
Or do a proper pct and recover fine...
Sleep and cold showers are obv. not a meme, nofap is debatable, but the new onion memefad is top jej
Some people just brush their teeth's.