Other urls found in this thread:
chicken chow mein
Volume squats
Close grip
Bought 2 kilos of pork filet so I will eat pork filet the next few days.
Bench and accessories, getting some fairly easy volume in
The usual
grilled chicken
rest day
didnt sleep good
Whatever is left in my fridge.
Squat 340 2x2, 320 3x4
3 count eccentric bench
Pause DB Rows
DB Split Squats
Packing boxesxF
New job starts on Monday and I'm moving to Illinois tomorrow. Pretty sad to leave a lot of friends behind but still excited since my job sounds turbo comfy. Gonna be weird moving to a city where I know literally no one though.
If I get time to today
Deadlifts 4x3 @495
Good mornings 5x8
Bench press, pyramid up to 2x1 @90%
Rows 4x12
Ab wheel
>leaving friends
Sad to see you go, but happy for you lad.
From last thread pls respond
Just see how your warmups go on your next workout. If you're feeling weird pain or anything after warming up, then probably take some more rest.
>applied /plg/ advice
>actually helps
Love you.
Trying to eat more fruit lately, really digging watermelon at the mo.
Pic related but pause deads 4x4 instead of the comp deads.
On a big upswing at the mo, enjoying training and feeling motivated. 3 new coaching clients started this week which is good.
Paused deads: 330 4x4
Bench: 265 5x5, 3 ct 255 3x2
Paused deads: 380 6x3
DB flyes: 5x10
Upper back work: 50 reps
>Paused deads: 330 4x4
I thought you can at least dl your bw :^)
i recovered from a bulging disc a while ago
think i almost snapped my back again yesrterday on deads, Think ill just go 65-70% and do volume for a couple of months. Thoughts?
Squats are way worse for back than deadlifts.
i slipped a disc because of deadlifts m8, i squat highbar
droppin some big logs of Norman khan into the toilet right now
Arggghhhhhhhb PLOOOP KAPLOW!!
Well darn that was sure as heck a quick Norman khan disposal all the khan came racing to the toilet immedietly
Stink factor 3.7/10
work on form I bet my balls if you post video it won't be good.
t.guy that slipped disc and now back feels better after proper dl
well my form did feel off yesterday, im just being cautious
Greek salad, which is just what I call normal mixed salad with olives and SO MUCH FUCKING FETA CHEESE OH MY GOD
candytoe6w w2d1, have to go today evening cause gym closed Sunday on short notice, something broke and they are legally obliged not to let people in until fixed
the usual looming sense of dread tbH
I just started TM this week. Thinking about replacing the Power Cleans with Pendlay rows and doing the Pensley Rows 3x8 on Monday with Deadlift on Friday. Thoughts?
i miss trapyyyyyyy
If manlets are allowed to use block pulls on bench it would be fair to allow t-rex use block pulls for deadlift and deadlift orangutans to pull from deficit
do a type of deadlift and dont do pendlays the're garbage
how to learn depth in squat? If I go too deep my disc flares up if I pussy out I sometimes have above parallel depth.
would box squats help ?
get someone to tell you when you hit depth and memorize that position, it'll work
I don't want my lats to lag behind though. can I at least replace pullups with BB row or something like that?
3x7 Squat 127.5kg
4x7 Bench 80kg
6x3 Deadlift 150kg
Shoulder machine ascending sets of 10
Curls and tris superset ascending sets of 10
didnt anyone ever tell you that 7 reps does nothing
Yes, I know. I enjoy wasting my time.
I just squat atg. Never learned how to parallel never bothered to lmoa.
in over half a decade of reading
>i squat atg
ive legit never seen a video of anything other than breaking parallel by an inch or two
Nice leprosy blog.
2 inches below parallel is quite a lot for a manlet like me. Anyway i go as deep as i possibly can literally couldnt go deeper if i tried to.
why would you wanna replace pullups
do pullups AND rows u dummy
so not atg then
Well my ass is like 2 inches above a ground so define it as you want.
because for 90% of people they are an inefficient movement
people cant do them and cant do enough work to actually hit the lats
theres more efficient movements to focus on while you try and get pullups right
>my ass is like 2 inches above a ground
yeah ok m8
do you guys feel like powerlifting is underrated in terms of achieving aesthetics? I dont get this meme about powerlifters being fat and unaesthetic when the biggest guys in my gym are also the strongest and train for powerlifting
You sound jelly as fuck
If you are natty, then progressive overload with barbell movements is how you gain significant muscle. End of story.
Same with gear, but some guys can grow with gear alone, if they blast stupid amounts.
going to parallel is an abstract way to judge depth
the less knee flexion you have the less deep that will be, since the reference point is the hip crease going below the kneecap, but if you increase knee flexion that will result in the kneecap going lower so it essentially will be deeper
i know you probally want wanna do pullups for like 20-30 reps right
its not that hard to achieve i think its mostly because people are lazy
>woke up in the 213s today
Feels good man
CLutz intermediate, w3d2
I've seen skinny guys stay skinny and fat guys stay fat. It's all about diet. That being said the absolute worst program for a fat girl is powerlifting, they blow up even more.
usually the guys who dont even look like they lift while they have a good total are the ones who like to be fat and not do any accessory that hits the vanity muscles
>some guys can grow with gear alone, if they blast stupid amounts
youd be surprised, there are some real stupid people out there
how would you suggest its judged?
>if you increase knee flexion that will result in the kneecap going lower
i know what you mean but how you have worded it is completely wrong
ankle flexion is what makes the knee go lower, excessive ankle flexion is not needed in a low bar squat
i used to finish with a 20 rep set
people rely on bicep so much its not a lat movement anymore
The decision has been made that I will not ask out the female in pursuit of my pretty princess instead and that I will increase my quota for Rebeka posting
Thank you for your attention that is all
Lotus claims overload in terms of weight is not important - just overload in terms of getting the muscle to do more work.
Aka more sets more reps etc.
Sure, at some point you don't want to do 200 reps 200 sets, but you definitely wouldn't increase weight as often as with PL training if you did sets of 12-15 sets before increasing.
So, in context of the classic C6W & Nuckols bench 3x int med meme, are there any downsides or upsides to running two programs asynchronously? As in, by the time I've peaked on Nuckols I'm still doing whatever its called before you peak on Nuckols, and by the time I'm maxing out c6w I'm either doing a deload or on week 1 nuckols.
I'm not exactly well read on this, sorry.
Reminder that Rebeka IS waiting for me
>The decision has been made that I will not ask out the female in pursuit of my pretty princess
I dont care but nice, somewhat higher chance of keeping the gene pool untainted for a bit longer
>that I will increase my quota for Rebeka posting
get out and take this strongfat 5/10 dog with you
lotus also claims natty
How are you liking the CLutz? Have you run it before?
How does it feel that I will always be a part of you in your mind and that my existence transcends my physical manifestation and has embedded itself into your mind as a memory that will stay there forever waiting to be remembered perhaps when you see a picture of Rebeka or a pepe I used to post back in the day, through this I become a part of you that will never leave and always be with you.
Not a single thing about him looks not natty lol.
The fact that you think he is roiding also very much confirms that he is doing a good job, right?
>Lotus claims overload in terms of weight is not important - just overload in terms of getting the muscle to do more work.
Okay. And what is the easiest way to make the muscle work harder within an appropriate rep/load/volume scheme?
Add weight, reps, or sets.
Is this trappy?
Yeah, but PL is very much focused on increasing the weight ASAP - that just has down sides to someone who is just trying to BB.
He would be off way better if he'd just increases volume by more sets and reps and occasionally increases the weight.
you underestimate my ability to ignore things I dont like. whenever I see a pepe, I will either chuckle at the image itself or remember some good memery I had with it, if I see a pic of her I will think “hm nice 5/10 strongfat dog, would fuck but tell nobody”. you can shower us in verbose bullshit as much as you like, it does NOT subtract from the fact that you are a bitter lonely autist with no redeemable features, not even in the sport you claim to be superior than ours. I literally close Clover and instantly forget about your existence until I open it the next time.
First time, it's a fuckload of volume but it's fun. Usually sore, but it doesn't exactly help that I'm dropping weight, albeit slowly.
LIDF detected
Tell yourself this all you want it does not detract from the truth of my statement
HKUA detected
Growth requires adequate resistance.
Off season powerlifting and natty bodybuilding are the same concept.
this, i thought the whole point of an offseason in PL was to periodize for hypertrophy because arent bigger muscles = stronger muscles?
stop trying to shit up the thread with your elaborate versions of U MAD and NO U, I shall give you the last word here because I actually have a life and need to go do things now, but do not go overboard with your celebratory screeching, your mother’s boyfriend is a light sleeper.
bigger muscle has the POTENTIAL to be a stronger muscle
more muscle = more you can train to recruit
is that nigger still on this website?
Go project your dick into a fat girls balloon knot and quit being a neurotic cunt blogger.
occasionally posts, yeah. funnily enough mostly in threads were people question his natural status, or banter about his race
That is against my will and thus shall not be done
go fuck yourself
I really dont like how my waifu is becoming americanized and posting this shit
All women are whores you idiot. Remember that in the Islamic world, many women would quite literally rather DIE and risk eternal damnation than to remain chaste and faithful.
She has long been a typical thot
Why is that fridge wearing a swimsuit?
Garagebro whats a good bench variation for max effort day if i dont have slingshot.
Alright lads blog time
We got a house and move in next month after the 22nd
I'm gonna be a dad :)
Nice. I hope you'll have a great life :)
Legitimately happy for you
Get that dad-strength :)
Didnt you have a house before?
Thanks laddos :) growing up this year
>Weighted chinups every ub session
>12 12 10 8 reps
>The upper body accessories should be progressed too
Am I just a fucking bitch or why are these so impossible to progress?
Hopfully it wont be brown
Good for you bro, get swole for your kid. How long have you and the gf been together and where's there house?
Only asking cos I graduate next year and me and the gf are looking to buy a house as we'll both be working, then probably kids some point after that
i deadlifted 200kg yesterday for the first time ever. i cant wait to get to a 500lbs (226 kg) deadlift.
>a-am i gonna make it lads?
grats man i bought a house and move next week!
no bebby though
Good luck making new friends as an adult. It sucks
How old i aaron?