>tfw no proana gf edition
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>tfw no proana gf edition
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is this the thread to talk about onions?
I think he just ran a brosplit
Jesus Christ why does the OP gotta be some fucking brainlet every now and then.
It can't be that hard for you to copypaste the previous threads OP since you clearly lack the IQ to make a proper OP yourself.
Read all of reddit.com
If you must ask your silly babby questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.
No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.
Oral only cycles are poopoo and you're a dingus for considering them.
the jews restarted the poll, don't forget to vote for tay tay
God I fucking hate to eat at caloric surplus.
shut the fuck up you autistic retard it doesnt matter if the useless OP description is there or not
OP you are a pathetic idiot faggot do not make any thread ever again. now go delete
It's not useless it serves an important purpose, so that newfags will read the wiki instead of asking questions here that the wiki already answers.
Never make a thread again subhuman.
why, just have some candy
i feel bloated all the fucking time and i keep blocking the toilet with my shits. cant fucking wait for cutting season to come back around
drink more water and consume more fiber
Natty here.
Will overall life quality increase on 200mg test/week?
I’ll have a blood test soon for some non-related parameters, I’ll ask for a hormonal profile too.
depends what your test levels are
that's gross
Last Thread:
>Slightly humorous variation on the classic OP with links and pre-preemptive advice
>Custom made OP image that was loud, colorful, and illustrated precisely what the thread was about
>Good discussion relating to steroids as well as life experiences
This thread:
>Quickly slapped together ">tfw no gf" joke
>Gif of a skeleton rubbing it's leg, which illustrates the exact opposite of what steroids are supposed to do
>Discussion has been poopoo so far
>no masT
Not gonna lie OP, I'm feeling a strong 1 to a light 2 on this one. At least you managed to put /fraud/ in the title with a link to the last thread, but overall poor effort.
Redpill me on programming
if you have mid-high T as natty then you wont notice anything
check out dr mike israetel and eric helms on programming
where is onions thread
Wow! That's natural bodybuilding motivation right there. Hard work really pays off..
Why not help it improve? Also you forgot to add that poor cunt posted so that brings it to an automatic 0. (Not op btw)
No, but fiber will shift your shit consistency away from tar-like.
Wtf happened to his face?
daily red pill: the key to looking "good" is perpetual starvation, not steroids
>Why not help it improve
Because I can't edit the OP which is really what brings it down so low
>Also you forgot to add that poor cunt posted so that brings it to an automatic 0.
At least I know how to copy and paste an OP.
Tailbone is killing me the day after a test e shot in my glute. Anyone else experienced this?
Crunches were fucking agony
Yeah, if your girl is into twinks. Mine loves fat strong me
>move to the country
>SMV goes up, sloots all over me
>but now it's a 3 hour round trip on mountain roads to get pussy
When I first started roiding my first 3 or 4 pins gave me crazy pip so bad I could barely sit down. I had to tell people I injured my hip because it looked like I was cripple trying to crawl into a car
>SMV goes up
Wait seriously, is it actually higher for men in the sticks?
>tfw now hate being big
>tfw will just fast and train once a week, while still on cycle so I can look lean and fit without being "big"
I can't believe I fell for this get muscular meme.
Thing is, this isn't my first cycle, I've been blasting and cruising for years. Just switched test brands mid-blast too..
Shoo shoo natty fucker
good pick
should help the deluded souls who waste their shekels on sports supps
Way less solid sixes with their shit together out here apparently :^)
it's not like the two are mutually exclusive, pretty much the opposite actually with increased protein synthesis and all that
Yes, but you'll do more gains with 250mg of test/week and 100g of protein, than you would do natty with 250g of protein lmao
Who the fuck drinks tons of protein shakes anyways when there is so much good food to eat. I only hear dyels do that.
pretty much everyone who hits an acceptable amount of daily protein, especially on cuts
2nd Cycle. 6'1, 205lb, 12%
750mg Test/w (week 0-x)
400mg NPP/w (week 5-x)
Caber on hand just in case. Cycle length dependant on bloods/lipids/feeling.
What can I expect lads? Want to bulk hard and hit 225lb without excessive fat gain. First time fucking with NPP/Deca.
>How was your first time running deca/npp?
>Did you need to use caber?
>Cycle length/dosages?
>Gains made?
I'm on third pin of hcg why haven't my balls came back?
on week 4 of 500 Test + var
Hey... it's the senior marketing manager user. I got fired today. But worry not, still have my gains and have a sickkk pump atm.
durrr hurrr derr
>I got fired today
give me backstory, and why?
might've regulated AI wrong, don't got a local/legal option for bloods here. I'll keep it short, too lazy to greentext as well.
last week sperged out real bad and said a whole lot of stupid shit to my boss and her boss. But my bosses boss is the epitome of a fat beta, he could not allow his ego to be challenged so I laughed him off.
today get the talk from HR director.
funny, considering i got promoted like a month ago. Time flies. Competitors will be aching to get me, had sick results that i can show and prove.
I will never do deca again. Recovery is okay for some but it took me about a year to want sex again after. Not worth. Also i like having dopamine
why would you do this to me m8
how do i steroid?
what a shit op
thinking of crusader
Enjoy decadick
why does tren cause paranoia?
is there any scientific basis behind this?
its fucking ridiculous
tomorrow the bandage will be removed. I am afraid about the results. I can't work out, i can't have sex, i must stay inside, sleeping is shit. WHATEVER IT TAKES
I am also gonna run it for the first time soon
I also have it with high test and masteron. I am always paranoid about my gf cheating on me
easy on cuts, low kcals for high protein.
also big ass shakes with peanut butter, full fat milk and olive oil easily rack up 1600kcals.
Let us know how it looks when it comes off.
>olive oil
You've gone too far
That's pretty dumb of you though, of course they would fire you after some outburst like that. Anyway hope you get a better job soon, good look.
Yeah i was thinking the same. I look like Playmobil. Get really depressed when i look at myself in the mirror.
Probably swollen and red since it was done on Saturday. I have not seen the results yet. I am terrified af
The final results are probably visible after 2 months
tren has dopaminergic activity in the body that isn't very well understood. its likely related to its activity on the progesterone receptors
just admit it. drunk, 2am, you know none of your friends would ever find out. you're gonna go for it
>tfw masT is the one wearing the tard helmet and not PC
some girl i got with last week wants to chill with me and some friends
>muh anxiety
what do i do? my chest hurts
I only fuck guys not some weird mix of women and men
>pin test for the first time
>want to fuck skinny manlets and just dominate weaker men now
I don't like this feel guys
>Come on goyim, you know you want to fuck men. Do it. Doooo iiiiit.
test kinda started it but for me the tren is what really kicked it off. and it's weird, it's a lot more subtle in nature than you think. i find myself laying in bed at night thinking of various dudes i encountered earlier in the day and which ones i could "dominate" were the situation to require it. of course i would never act on it, but i wondered if it was normal to have these thoughts. most of the day now i am sizing up dudes figuring out whether or not i could dominate them (95% i could). and yes traps are great
>just relax big guy
>you'll have fun with us
yo bimbo has like no legs
>also sauce on his porno
Even here, in what I thought was a safe haven of masculinity... The homos come for me. I must fight to reclaim my promised land.
Go for it m8. You find out new stuff about their m yourself all the time.
Tren is how I ended up dating a qt twink doctor. Lol
poor save me from the gay
>has to job and then take it up the butt
Poor bimbo
face pics? How can we decide without the face
Everything is about face
Tell her you're autistic and can't function with too much people around you. If she then accepts you, it's true love.
I can understand twinks but I never got the attraction to trannies. Like just fuck a girl, wtf.
it's all the good parts of a woman with a dick, which is objectively the superior genitals
Why do you guys had long term casual relationships with a girl? This super chill theater girl wants to have one but honestly I’ve never done strictly casual long term.
Yeah they’re really easy to come by and if you’re tall and white the girls over there literally want to suck your dick because you’re seen as a prize compared to most SE Asians who are really poor.
Have you guys* jesus I cant type today
Lmao that shit better be worth it.
Upside down diapers do not suit you.
Also do you live in an apartment?
>which is objectively the superior genitals
I can't stick my penis in a dick though.
>I’ve never done strictly casual long term.
I've done casual fwb relationships before, but never long term. Someone always catches feels.
Do you guys talk about anything other than sex or do you basically only text each other when you want to fuck?
sometimes i fantasise about getting fired and sitting at home collecting unemployment checks. my peers pressured me into management positions. while i do a good job i feel like i'm living a life i never wanted.
i've been doing fwb for 8-9 solid months now with some chick that lives close to me. she's definitely in love with me but i just keep it real with her that i just wanna be fwb. she does my nails (hands and feet), bathes me, satisfies my every sexual desire, massages me, worships my physique
it's just amazing really
Message some of those tinder 3 out of 10s poor cunt and send them what we tell you please
does pinning ed feel like an elimination game to anybody else too?
ive 3 dead body parts that are useless now ;/
I've only ever done it with girls I was already friends with.
Usually wouldn't text a whole lot except to make plans, but did normal friend stuff in between sex.
I think I caught the test flu. I feel like shit after first injection yesterday. Anything I can do about it?
Sounds pretty great. Whenever a girl caught feels for me they delivered the "gf or nothing" ultimatum.
i keep her on her toes by keeping other women in the mix
Tell me about it. I feel like shit wearing that thing for days now.
Yes appartement