>I don't really find guys with muscles attractive
Why do women always like to announce this?
>I don't really find guys with muscles attractive
Why do women always like to announce this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sour grapes
low self esteem, "y-you can't reject me because I have already rejected you from the get-go"
So they don't come off as shallow. Kind of like how fags say "I dnt like sticcs, I like gurls with curves :DDDD". Nothing more than virtue signaling
bitch look good for a 4 year old
They're lying. If you have big muscles and a woman said this to you, that's just their way of telling you they're not interested.
Fucking insecure idiots. I can tell you for a fact that I am not attracted to muscles at all, skinny slightly nerdy guys are the absolute sexiest to me. Ever heard of this thing called individuality? I'm sure you all have the exact same taste in women as your mates right? Oh, you don't? Hmmm... Dense motherfuckers.
Yes fictional woman, go roleplay somewhere else
Nice roleplaying, go back to tumblr
Feel free to post your boipussy on your way out
No one here gives a shit what you think.
I expect /b/ to be full of only autistic spastics but not Veeky Forums, fuck off
Why are you pretending to be a woman
Il take the bait.
Whats more common? Women liking a big, well built chad or women liking a scrawny, akward nerd?
Yeah you guessed it, now go kill yourself tumblr whale.
Tits or gtfo
It means they're somehow special for going against the norm.
This. Go suck Luke sky walkers dick
Not sure about what women announce this; maybe a rejection or a statement of disinterest or possibly because they find you attractive in other ways but your muscles and/or lifestyle is the negative catch to them. Also a possibility that they do like big muscles and are just trying to make a less muscular person feel less insecure. Or alternatively, they like muscles but feel inferior and are afraid of rejection so put up the safety barrier.
Insight from my perspective....
I think big muscles are a sign of great dedication and hard work and they are appealing in that sense. They do take a lot of time, effort and a strong mind to ensure the diet and fitness regime is in place to build/maintain. This is a whole different lifestyle for some people.
However, for some reason I have genuinely never felt sexually attracted to a man with very big muscles. (probably genetically silly since any children I have in the future could do with all the help they can get... I'm not obese but, as much as I gym and workout, I just don't gain strength or muscle easily!)
I feel like there's a sense of similarity between the media for men and women (women ideal skinny, men ideal muscly) but, in truth a balance is usually healthiest and thus, most attractive subconsciously.
>t. trap
Individuality doesn't change inherent sexual attractors. Even when men say they don't like big tits and wide hips they do. The exceptions are rare and thus are disorder not normality.
Slut insurance
Don't listen to what they say, only pay attention to what they do
Same reason we say that we say that physical appearance is not priority number 1, we don't want people to judge us for being superficial.
That was the “actually uncomfortable” line for me with Filthy Frank
This is a real woman guys. Note the exclamation mark. Only women use exclamation marks.
> all these insecure manlet replying angrily
You people are not different from hamplanets trying to defend their "healthy"lifestyle
I think most of you are missing the mark.
When women say "Don't like guys with muscles", they're talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson, when they think muscles they're thinking of huge buff guys that you see in bodybuilding competitions, as they're defined as "the guys with muscles".
Whereas if you're just talking about a random attractive guy, muscles make him attractive but they don't define him and no one instantly thinks "I like him because of his muscles", as his muscles aren't a separate entity, they're just seen as naturally occurring part of his body.
Look at Ronaldo, I highly doubt most woman would think "I like him because of his muscles", because they're not the centre of attention even though he's ripped as fuck, but if you made him skinny and scrawny then almost everything that made him attractive is gone.
Women don't notice this because to a woman, a man having muscles is seen as default, like an attractive man should automatically have naturally growing muscles and that's just what they were born with. And that's the reason for his attractiveness is just because "he's hot".
To see if you sperg out or if you roll with it.
This 90% of the time.
This the other 10% of the time.
"skinny slightly nerdy guys" your lies already show holes
>slightly nerdy
Most people who are at peak fitness levels, "people" being men AND women, who are close to stage ready, are NOT considered conventionally attractive to general population.
I repeat- conventionally attractive does not include men and women who could compete at the Olympia.
The ideal, for the public, is closer to what most here would consider skinny-fat, with good facial genetics. Thats all most people want: not fat and a good face.
Anything more is outside their realm of experience, and is an acquired taste.
Im not going to get into gym-rat stereotypes for fitness enthusiasts, but obviously, they also carry that stigma.
Yes, they do.
i've never been shredded, but always tall big strong and handsome.
noticed only girly girls mire. more alternative girls don't unless you make your interest known first.
>I repeat- conventionally attractive does not include men and women who could compete at the Olympia.
Confirmed retard. The majority of olympic athletes are perfectly conventionally attractive. The fact that they are fit just makes them more attractive.
They say "oh, I don't like guys with muscle" to their skinny boyfriends or whoever they want to fuck in the same way you say "oh, I don't like women with huge breasts" to your flatchested girlfriend.
That or they're just trying to look like an enlightened individual who has somehow subdued their primate sex brain.
Rationalizing their low value in the sexual marketplace as a choice.
> Can't lock down a fit guy.
> I don't like muscles.
Olympia knucklehead not the Olympic Games
In fairness, i wouldnt say those guys are at peak fitness level.
hit the fucking mark
They don't find them attractive, they just try anal with them on the first date.
when they say 'science confirms' they actually mean that they did a survey on 10 people in a gym in a town on the bible belt
Source? I love brown ass exposed by short shorts.
It usually means they have been pumped and dumped by chad so many times and they are pathetically trying to get one back at him.
Have a (You). Nice post.
Do women see a dude with muscle and fail to even register that he worked out and managed his diet for a long time to get that way?
Yep, unless those women worked out themselves, they would just think he was "naturally" strong.
Veeky Forums men are just "naturally strong" for them.
If you're fat or skinny, you're either a monster or a girl friend, or a boy to cuck.
If you're a roiding monster, for them you're a guy who's too big, but they think they became like this due to the gym, not roids
Most girls have told me they don't find muscular guys attractive yet they fuck them at first sight.
t. dyel faggot who can't get laid
same reason men say they prefer older women.
free social points
Either virtue signaling or knowing their biological status. Ex : an ugly girl who finds her ugly bf to be the most attractive man in the world, and only seeks men that share her "level" in the genetic hierarchy.
By that they mean monstrously big guys, anything within a conceivable natty range they'll like. They have the same knowledge as the dyel who tells his PT that he "doesnt want to get too big". The overwhelming majority of girls like a guy in good shape which means some muscle.
My wife has told me before that she thinks im getting too big and prefers me slightly leaner.
They want to make sure people know they aren't shallow. Literally every time I have heard a woman say this she has later proven it to be a lie by fucking/dating a muscly guy
Watch the UK dating show "Take Me Out", the girls all whoop and go apeshit when a huge roided hulk comes out but then the second he reveals he works out a lot they all turn off him instantly. They're just stupid. They want someone who is just mammoth but also is never in a gym and is free to #travel with them.
Prove that you are a woman.
(. )( .)
Nice gyno faggot
A sensible answer on Veeky Forums, who would've thought.
Who cares what women say?
Because it would tell everyone that she’s a slut who wants to be dominated in bed, so she puts up the slut shield up to lie because she thinks it will convince others that she’s not a shallow whore who likes men for their personality. Which of course isn’t true.
There are as many answers to this question as their are blades of grass.
>Why do women always like to announce this?
Because the modern bodybuilding approach of hiding your crippling homosexuality with a massive pseudosculpture of yourself is unattractive to anyone except hardcore fags.
grounbreaking discovery
>They say "oh, I don't like guys with muscle" to their skinny boyfriends or whoever they want to fuck in the same way you say "oh, I don't like women with huge breasts" to your flatchested girlfriend.
it's at that point that the girl views you as compensating. its like having a ferrari and pointing out that it's yours and that you paid a lot of money for it, etc
The Fox and the Grapes
considering the body type most guys i know including me have a very similar taste. Some maybe value good boobs over a nice ass or the other way around, but in the end slim to a bit curvy is liked by basically everyone. Almost noone likes sticks and fattys, some guys just really want their dick wet.
ya big bodybuilder muscles are totally gross I like skinny nerdy guys like pic related xD
What kind of faggoty women do you guys talk to? If your talking to athletic women, of course they like some muscle on dudes. If your talking to DYEL hoes like artsy women or washed up landwhales, then of course they say they dont like guys with muscle
fiesty little thang
Diego in the back, he looking good too
They turn off because they don't want to be hit with reality when he turns their light off at the end
Most women are so retarded they believe that diet == starvation, which is why anorexia is so much higher in females and why diet is seen as a taboo word among women. Of course they have no concept of what goes into a muscular physique.
tits or gtfo
Skinny women are objectively better though, and I can tell you're not one by your making a point of not being OBESE rather than overtly muscular.
I actually believe that a woman posted this.
Notice how models and high status people date a different variety of body types?
It seems more common for women who are hot and have high status to date the skinny model types, how many famous models date swole guys?
Not true
For the same reason guys say they like girls without makeup. Most likely they literally don't know what they're talking about. Also possibly they're just trying to look un-shallow.
i got some muscles, and i have never heard of it. what kind of low life people are you surrounding yourself with?
because a lot of women are hungup on being 'not like most girls' as a large part of their identity
muscled men are objectively attractive and so they'll distance themselves from it from the get go to try and raise their profile
think the goth kid from school who announced green day sold out so he doesn't like them as soon as american idiot started getting radio rotation
fucking this!!!! Theyre either full of shit, or try to score some kind of "kindness points".
Is there any video? Really curious to see it lel
LOL this is a legit reason.
women like Rinaldo cause he's rich
he's pretty scrawny
I like american idiot
the later albums sucked but that's more because they just sucked and also tried wayyy too hard to be political
dont you have a snapchat story to make or something pls leave
They noticed you, a gymcel and preemptively shut you down so that they hopefully won't have to look at your subhuman face and smell your trash hormonal profile much longer.
I only like girls that look cute without makeup. I saw pics of my oneitis (colleague) all dressed up for a wedding and I wanted to puke.
most women looks like shit, maybe not their faces but their bodies, they announce that because they feel that they can't aspire to get a good looking men, since they are not in the same level as an aesthetic dude.
10/10, all you bastards read this
they say it if you're ugly and use it as an excuse to softly put you down. It's just like:
>im not looking for a relationship right now
>I don't want to end our friendship
>you're not my type
>I don't like skinny guys
>I don't like muscular guys
If you are attractive a woman will NEVER say she doesn't find "your" x attractive. It's time to man up and deal with the cope that FACE > BODY any day of the week
This is the actual reason. Every woman thinks they are an incredibly unique princess snowflake. This is why every dumb/shitty piece of art appealing to women is about a hot but obsessed guy who loves them unconditionally but for no reason. The smart/talented version of this laregly omits the male, instead opting to be introspective art about the feminine mystique and how many complex hidden layers women have (usually seen in artpop/indie music).
Glad this thread came up. I was thinking about this recently. This guy is partially right. RED PILL ALERT:
Bearmode (e.g. pic related, average bodyfat with high muscle) is the ultimate, truly aesthetic physique. The reason why some girls say they don't like "muscley" guys is because they're trying to say that they don't find the bodybuilder physique (very low bodyfat, medium to high muscle) attractive. Literally any girl would rather have pic related to fuck and/or date that zyzz or jeff seid. All of you idiots striving for "ottermode" are wasting your time and look dyel with a shirt on. GIRLS WANT A BIG BOY
This is one of the most basic female shit tests.
If you sperg out about it, you lost it. You are now a musclehead knucklehead idiot and you probably won't get any.
If you show her you don't give a fuck about her opinion(and you should do that for about 99% of female statements) you have piqued her interest and you may get some.
Damn these guys annoy me, they'll proclaim as loud as they can "I don't like girls with makeup" then go absolutely mad over women wearing the "natural look". Aka the woman who look like they aren't wearing makeup but probably have more makeup on than any regular woman would wear.