Veeky Forums
Do you skip core workout?
>tfw too lazt to do crunches
Veeky Forums
Do you skip core workout?
>tfw too lazt to do crunches
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Yes I do
Only time I work my abs is during Dead Lifts and Squats
Like to do 3-5 sets of hanging leg raises after every workout or every second workout, depending on how tired I am.
People actually train abs? Lmfao
im lacking core strength and it hurts my squat and deadlift
pls halp how do train core
I do a few sets of ab work 3 times a week. just started doing cable crunches so I can do ab work with a weight progression.
I try to do core work but I'm always discouraged because either I feel absolutely no burn form an exercise (cable crunches), or my spine will hurt (crunches), or my form is just fucking awful (hanging leg raises).
Leg raise progressions are the secret, my friend.
Are you me?
I've stopped being lazy on my core workouts (leg raise-ab wheel-plank) and it has helped my squat and deadlift, plus my adonis belt is starting to show.
Ab wheel 3 times a week. Any other ab exercise sucks ass.
dragon flags senpai. Best core exercise I've ever done.
I do core after every work out. ~70 crunches and 2 minutes of planking in between.
Abs are really made in the kitchen though. Mine are still not that visible even
Try cable crunches standing, they were a lot harder desu
I train abs and obliques because fuck you leave my home gym if you don't like it
Anti-rotation stuff with barbell will beat up your obliques breddy gud m80
Weighted decline crunches holding a plate behind my head is the only ab work I can stand to do. I feel like everything else makes me look like a queer. Usually just do 3 sets of amrap and then up the weight when I can do 15+
I've been doing some negatives, haven't unlocked the full dragon flag yet. I still prefer the ab wheel. You just gotta find what exercises work for you, and that one ticks all my boxes.
You mean like landmine rotations? I've been considering those. I do use the ab wheel to roll sideways and I do jiu jitsu, so my obliques get some work at least.
That's babby stuff m8, you can more get visible abs if you work them harder. Mine started showing after I started using the ab wheel.
i used to hate doing abs because it'd take so long to work them
but then i started just doing dumbell crunches and i fatigue my abs much faster. i use an 80lb dumbell now and decline bench and i finish abs in 5 minutes
You mean the Zeus satchel?
Naw man, that's the Leonidas Parkway
Crunches arent good for spinal health, user
Crunches are bad for your back. Look up Stuart Mcgill and youll understand. The core is meant to resist motion so all your core work should be dont without motion like planks or palloff presses.
Pull ups work my core enough
leg raises after every work out are the real redpill. Gives you the needed core training without doing faggy situps and decompresses your spine after heavy squats/dls/presses
Just do decline crunches and one-handed farmers walks desu
If one (1) person can post a pic of his well developed core who didn't train his abs, I will abstain from it. I'll wait.
My abs are all I've got right now.
I'm thoroughly thrilled that they're nice and even
please be bait
Hoping to max out the standing cable crunch at my gym soon for 20 reps.
Never directly training my abs was one of the worst pieces of advice I ever followed from here. I'm the heaviest I've ever been at 220lbs and I'm just now starting to see my abs.
people joke about skipping leg days but skipping core is more common i think. i do legs almost everytime but for core i say fuck it i will start later.
Id be careful with spinal flexion exercises, user
these are called ribs you have no abs
I just plank for a minute once every day or two.
decline weighted crunches, its impossible to screww this up
Train them weighted, fuck all this 200 rep bodyweight shit, that won't help you under a heavy load. Stuff like planks, cable crunches, some ab wheel stuff for volume or weighted leg raises with a dumbbell between your feet are good.
I've also been trying just taking my push press max and just holding it over my head for time, you can feel your entire structure working to hold it up and keep it stable.
Lol check the CBT thread faggots, there is 1 guy with better midsection than me.
I've obly been lifting seriously for maybe 2 months
I am, I get back pain from them unlike freeweighted crunches, I also do these rounding my back as much as I can within reason so my spine strengthened in that position since I started doing them. The nature of the design of the station at my gym prevents any real pressure on your discs.
this user i'm doing 65lbs for 5 reps and my abs are popping like never before
user, youre going to hurt yourself eventually if you keep doing stuff like that. Youre spine needs to be in a neutral position almost all the time.
That's a good general rule of thumb if you don't know how to brace well but it's simply not true
Your spinal position isn't the issue it's movement in the spine and getting forced into positions you aren't strong in that causes injuries. Even rippetoe who teaches everyone to deadlift with a perfectly neutral spine agrees with this. That being said I do pretty much everything else with a neutral spine but I literally can't even feel my back whatsoever doing these.
I meant to say I get zero back pain doing these btw I fucked that up
I never skip core day.
I also don't have a core day to skip.
If the abs weren't meant to flex they spine, they fucking wouldn't.
>What is a psoas
I do captains chair leg raises. Bend knees when you're weak. Legs fully extended when you get better at it. Add DB between feet to progress. Gives you an adonis belt and doesn't strain back. Planks too, just to get everything working.
I don't train my abs directly but i do train my obliques,,,,
Also im skelly and while i look decent in this photo you have to keep in mind that that is under good lightning and cheat pose
You faggots do know that the core is more than only the abs, right?
I do 3 or 4 sets of leg raises 3 times a week
I hate core workout because after working other parts of the body I'm already really tired
I take punches to the stomach for a hobby, so I do enjoy core workouts
>tfw IQ too low
what's a good routine/guide? my bulk is starting to show too much and i wanna cut it down
I do 3x10 weighted crunches, 3x60 sec planks, 3x60 sec bridges and 3x60 sec supermans after every workout. Feels great and has increased my time until cum while sex because I can do fuck moves by using abs/core instead of glutes
>Youre spine needs to be in a neutral position almost all the time.
One of the functions of the abs is to flex the spine, it's their job. Obviously don't round your lumbar when you're pulling conventional and the weight is in front of you, but it's totally fine for cable crunches and a bunch of other exercises. It's how you're supposed to do cable crunches.
How do you think grapplers and strongmen lifting atlas stones and shit survive? Lots of their sport is done with a flexed spine.
best way to get beginner core strength imo is to do weighted planks and get stronger at that exercises
post abs
>hit abs directly
>don't do direct oblique training as I already have child bearing hips and don't want an even wider waist
Am I making a mistake
You might be missing an opportunity to reduce the extremity of how much your hips stick out by making your rips appear wider and make your hips look more proportional.
machinist mode
>come into this thread
>quickly realize Veeky Forums rarely does abs
Anyone that says planks is a fatass or a dyel.
Stuart McGill thinks every damn thing is bad for your back
I thought they were called cum gutters.
If you're doing your compound lifts correctly you shouldn't need core workouts. If you aren't doing compound lifts, you're wrong.
Core day is every day, so no
My abs started to pop more once I started doing hanging leg raises.
he wont post his abs cause ABLET LUL
3 sets of hanging leg raises after every workout.
3 sets of planks (isometric) on every off day.
Any more is basically a meme, if you want abs then reduce bf% and if you want core strength for squats and diddly, just do fucking squats and diddly.
>do full body routine
>always flake on abs because it's right at the very end my bf has always been too high to see them
I mean, I'm gonna pay for this if I ever get lean.
crunches are bad for you, senpai
I hit core 4 times a week
my core is 3 or 4 times stronger than any other part of my dyel body so no, it's the easiest one really
I train abs 6x a week, I alternate a high intensity day with a low intensity day from monday to saturday been doing it for a couple of years
I used to superset crunches when I started, but now that all I do is compounds I skip it since pretty much every exercise asks for a tight core.
pls give me sample core excersisic that prove to be efective
No they aren’t. If you want abs at 15% you need to do resistance training like cable crunches.
rost poutine
It shows. Well done.
Mon,Wed, Fri = crunches hugging a plate, lateral planks (each side), leg raises, v crunch (holding the plate i was hugging), normal plank. each exercise 1 minute with 30 sec rest between each, just 1 set
Tue, Thurs, Sat = Leg raises, crunches, oblique crunches. 15 reps each one exercise after the other just 2 sets.
thanks breh
in my kung fu class we had to do 100 leg raises, trying to kick the other person in their palms... if you wanted to be a jerk you'd force the person on the ground to kick higher making them lift their lower body off the ground.
They are called Poseidon Fannypack
Thanks mayne. Do you do them after your workout or before?
not him but I don't train abs outside of squats/deads and my abs seem fine.
I could probably benefit from stomach vacuums but I always forget.
squat n dead 2x per week each, 1 heavy day 1 light day
why do gay people all shave their chests?
I always see stomach vacuums mentioned. What do they ACTUALLY do? Isn't it just a pose?
Perseus Purse?
You some type of stupid fuck?
because they're faggots
not gay so I can't say. I trim my body hair because I don't care for it.
supposed to train your transverse abdominus:
have heard good things
>shaves chest
>not gay
p sure they are called the reddit meme
>prefers hairy sweaty bearmode guys
>is perfectly straight
>butthurt manscaping metrofag
ebin xd
eh I just don't like body hair m8
>enjoying body hair
>hates unshaved females
Always after weights
>there is 1 guy on here with better midsection than me.
>I've obly been lifting seriously for maybe 2 months
delusional narcissists are adorable
every day is core day for me. I ottermode.
Pretty much everything is
>be human
>have pathetic, weak back that fucks up easily
>meanwhile a horse can hold the weight of a fully grown man + kilos upon kilos of supplies for hours every day without problem
>men and women should be held to the same standards