Are we living in the "weak men create hard times" or "good times create weak men"?
What time are we living in?
We're in the "weak men simulate hard times because they know they're coming" times
are you talking about /pol/?
I'd say "good times create weak men", though we may be pushing into that last stage in the coming years.
We're about to enter the last, toughest stage of the Kali Yuga, my friend. Good luck, whover you are. You'll need it
>Kali Yuga
This pic is utter shit. How retarded and lacking of any historical knowledge do you have to be to believe this?
We are beginning to enter the transitional phase between "good times create weak men" and "weak men create hard time". Prepare.
Weak men create hard times.
Good times create weak men. And this is after a full analysis, compiling years of research in a university setting and out of own personal interest.
However, the "hard times" that we are about to enter (throughout the next 5-20 years), however, is a little eyeroll-esque... essentially it boils down to Tyler Durden's speech (hence the eyeroll). Men now have to fight a spiritual war, and decide what is more important to them: Owning themselves and their own destiny, or continuing along a line of consumerism, feminism (i.e. men basing all their decisions around whatever makes women happy/gets them laid, and a political path that leads to more power to the state AKA NannyState).
Again, to reference Fight Club, "We're a generation of men raised by women." Please note, Fight Club was Chuck Palahniuk's life work... not just some trivial fiction book - it was a fictionalized account of his meditations on this very topic. centered around the concept that is quite hilariously depicted at the end of Bruno. That is, there is a mis-direction taken by many men to over masculine an essentially feminim frame (in terms of psyche). In this move, the gay character rejects his homosexuality so severely, he starts a "Straight Men Only MMA Show" of sorts, which is what Palniuk was showcasing in Fight Club . . . sort of a OVER intentioned Little Rascals style "Boys Only" club house.
Keep in mind, this is only the MesoCycle of the culture as a whole. Meanwhile, each man goes through his own MicroCycle - one of the reasons I like Arnie's Conan the Barbarian. You see him rise and fall multiple times before the movie is through, as so it is with life. However, when the majority of men are struggling, and when the majority of men have no one to turn to for leadership, and no trust in themselves to become the leader, the culture becomes weak, and the times become hard.
Like any transformation, however, much that once was, will be lost - even if we come out ahead.
If you don't think we've been at hard times for the better part of thirty years, you've been spoiled and are one of those weak men.
Things are better as a whole in most first world countries, this doesn't mean we aren't at hard times.
It can get worst, but it can't get better.
Most people struggle to live day to day.
Rome was sacked and rebuilt lots of times
u srs brah
The west has never been more prosperous than it has in the past 30 years. Just look at how pussified millenials are- good times creating weak men
People in first world countries starved to death not even 30 years ago if they didn't provide for themselves, the first world has never been more prosperous
Global suffering is at an all time low and people have never lived longer in all of history
>If you don't think we've been at hard times for the better part of thirty years, you've been spoiled and are one of those weak men.
It's the exact opposite. Sure we're on a slow decline but we still have it better than the vast majority of humans that have existed before us, especially since before 100 years ago. If you think these are truly hard times then it is you who is the spoiled one. Humans have been through (and are about to go through) much much worse than this.
>hard times
>good times
here we go folks, history viewed through the lens of extremely broad strokes and interpreted by a fucking moron (you)
All reference weak men . . .
>when the majority of men are struggling, and when the majority of men have no one to turn to for leadership, and no trust in themselves to become the leader, the culture becomes weak, and the times become hard.
Pic strongly related
All four are happening at once, forever.
In a sense, we're all "weak men" for posting on an anime image board instead of being out providing for a family, working for a lasting legacy and creating good times for those around us. I guess you could do both (live a well-balanced life and still post on Veeky Forums) but I'm assuming it's rare. Most posters on here are broken men/boys with no self-awareness, pretending they're something they're not.
The true "Red Pill" to becoming a better man would be spending a limited amount of time on the internet/social media and a MINIMAL amount of time on websites like Veeky Forums and Plebbit, which essentially act as an opioid so you can comment and critique everything to make yourself feel better without actually going out and making a substantial difference in the world. I'm 100% guilty of it too and it's a hard habit to break but one day I'm hoping that not only will I never come back to this website ever again, but I'll use the time that would have been spent posting bullshit and reading bullshit doing something that objectively makes me a smarter/stronger/more well rounded man.
vae victis
History is cyclical. That’s what the picture means. The rise and fall of every great civilization can be projected into those 4 stages somehow.
Good times create weak men. This will last for another 15-20 years.
Hard times create strong men will arise after one of the western societies breaks down. After a war, civil or otherwise. Or after the collapse of a government.
weak men create hard times stage
>tfw lifting for the hard times to come and be a strong man
>Veeky Forums and Plebbit, which essentially act as an opioid so you can comment and critique everything to make yourself feel better without actually going out and making a substantial difference in the world.