What the fuck is up with this onion meme? You fags want to actually get arsenic poisoning or something?
What the fuck is up with this onion meme? You fags want to actually get arsenic poisoning or something?
interesting thing ive noticed so far
(3rd day with 3rd onion) is that it makes my mouth feel really really clean
What do you expect from a Nigerian dick stretching discussion board? Intellectual depth?
It's an Antifa troll. I saw it on one of their forums. They put it on /pol/ to get all the "nazis" to start eating onions and fuck up their health. I guess it spread to Veeky Forums, but I doubt Antifa cares if we kill ourselves too.
if that is the case, than antifags are as stupid as to be believed. 'le make alt-lite smelly xD'
onions are used in basically every fucking dish
being worried about smell means you arent eating enough leafy vegs:
"It's first use for this purpose started in the 1950's when it was used to control odor from open wounds. ... He noticed that after taking the chlorophyll, the urine smell of the patients was greatly decreased. This led him to believe that chlorophyll taken internally could reduce breath and body odor."
although my breath didnt stink, it sometimes had a mild unpleasant smell to it even after brushing my teeth. yesterday i eat two onions and someone tells me my mouth smells good? can someone explain?
I am responsible for that, not Antifa. It was first posted on Veeky Forums by some other dude, but it wasn't as big as on /pol/.
Original thread:
Got way more traffic on /pol/, I memed at first, but the science is actually valid. Antifa is a soy prince NGO, they can't meme for shit.
seriously if you are concerned about antifa trolling
https:// 8ch net /pol/res/10899332.html :
/leftypol/ is finished.. Sucking cock
https:// 8ch net/leftypol/res/2248198.html
/cargo-cult/'s BO was recorded sucking cock. How will this affect their future as a board on this website? And more importantly, how will effect their cause?
Onion smells good. It's just landwhale roasties and (((journalists))) who tell you these stories. They hate us. Of course they will despite healthmaxxxing.
i remember when this shit was posted back on fit in 09 when the study came out
>pic related is thread from yesterday, got deleted by mods
Well, did it work out for you?
>inb4 of course not goy
How do you do fellow memers?
ogres are like onions
yes, im one of those guys that actually min maxes all the test boostan herbal bullshit from 'test boosters'. i just read the bottle and buy bulk for cheap.
honestly though people do fool themselves into thinking its going to help, and im too. do it all like an autist, or do none of it or take roids. im TYVD incarnate
here is list of shit that works that isnt just a given like creatine.
some is for test boost/gym shit, some are nootropics/brain health some is for fatter cum loads
rhodiola rosea
gotu kola
red ginseng
Bacopa monnieri
celery seed
Tribulus terrestris
horny goat weed
d aspartic acid
Tongkat Ali
(3) Pygeum, 100mg Strength, Taken 2 times daily = 200mg
this board as suffered the most as oldfags with knowledge have aged+left as life demands (family, career)
if it shows that onions can increase test level with 300% in humans would that make it illegal for athletes and would the anti-steroid lobbies remove onions from the shelves? :thinking:
We get a new shitty forced meme every other week or so.
they have le stink? XD
>eating onions
>bad for your health
Yes, an elaborate meme to destroy the goyim with vitamins and nutrients, a great plan b to starting a race war.
T. absolute fucking retard
>still using the filter here
How much of a retard are you, kampfy?
>Thanks for the offer but I don't eat onions and you'll never make it if you do. Every minute you spend eating onions is a minute you could be using to work on your body, or your career, or your social life.
It won't take you over natty levels
>on your body
Using onion to raise test and so increase energy and bodyfat
>your career
I eat my salad while trading cryptocoins
>social life
Even if it's a placebo (it's not) it's way better after onions
Get out of my swamp, soyboy
There is no proof against it, there's only the rat study and some puking morons.
We need to start a race war tbf
This. My tongue usually looks white and unhealthy. After eating onions for two days my tongue is not clean and healthy looking (pink).