is this achiveable natty?
Is this achiveable natty?
In like 4-6 months.
2 months of SS+GOMAD
Of course. Just stop working out.
but SS only trains your lower body
which routine?
full body?
wonder why is this so spreaded when the only lower body excercises are squats and arguably deadlifts
Isn't this guy a manlet
he totally is
pick literally any routine. do it for 6 months.
also depends on if you're a fatty or a skelly desu
That guy is a werewolf, no way you can make it natty
Hes also fat af now again
Squats train your whole body. Ever see someone squat 4pl8 with small biceps?
thank you
> mfw I used to think this was huge
> mfw this is probably my goal body, good size, good bf, good aesthetic, but sustainable while doing other things with my life
> mfw this is achievable for me now within 6-12 months
>is this achievable
>stand half otter mode routinely seen in CBT
Don't spam your autism retard and make slide threads
Sage in all fields
He's not even big, jesus.
This is nu-Veeky Forums, nothing is achievable natty
We literally cannot get out of bed without blasting trenbolone acetate
Idk but its doable
>he doesn't blast and cruise on 3g of dianabol
With onions.
Daaaaaamn Pepe looks like THAT!?
Yeah he’s been hitting the compounds real hard and eating onions in between sets
nice b8 m8
That gyno says otherwise
The original does not exactly look like that. I don't think Pepe belongs to Veeky Forums either, you stole it from an artist. would need to be at least skinnyfat prior to engage an intensive routine (2,3 hs / day) capable to achieve that in such time lapse.
I have my doubts it tho.