I just had a couple of cold ones after working out: heavy deadlifts and shit like that. The beers were low alcohol (3...

I just had a couple of cold ones after working out: heavy deadlifts and shit like that. The beers were low alcohol (3.2%) if that matters.

Veeky Forums approved? I think it will cultivate mass. I heard Arnie drank a pitcher every night.

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Beer lowers test

Nah, I'm not some soy boy and I love onions. Even if beer did affect test levels, I think it would even out.


Its really bad for you. Vape weed

>Vape weed

Fuck no. You people need to fucking die.

I will but after a healthy life and not dyel and yellowskinned choking on vomit 30years too early.

>healthy life

Pick one.

What's wrong with vaping weed user? It removes all the carcinogens that come with smoking, and is more discrete and therefore much less degenerate than smoking because there's no obnoxious smell. Not to mention all the money you save

a couple is prob fine, especially whatever coors shit at 3.2%
just don't get blitzed often


Is this a new meme?

Yeah bro, plus weed cures cancer.

>asks if beer is Veeky Forums approved
>gets negative answers
>becomes butthurt

Are you a child or a woman?

Yeah but you do realize Arnold was roiding, right? Anyways enjoy your bitch tits, you weren't gonna make it anyways

Literally die, you low IQ weed cuck.

I'm not the guy suggesting weed and I don't smoke btw.

Beer lowers test, not fit approved. It will cultivate mass, yes, but it will be fat instead of muscle.

Arnie was on a battery of steroids, he could have eaten chocolate cake and pizza if he wanted.

Arnie also took a lot of steroids.

arnold lied about shit like that to fuck with people, also he was on roids. They all were

These anons have seen the light

>i think it will cultivate mass

sub 4 plate deadlifting 18% bodyfat detected

if you're not competing who gives a fuck, enjoy yourself unless you're autistic like the majority of the dyels here


Anyone here likes non-alcoholic beers? Like Erdinger and the like? They are really delicious, lower in calories than regular beer, and safe for recovering alkies like me, because you couldn't get a newborn baby duck drunk with those things. I drink one after working out once or twice a week.