So my journey starts again, how do I stop relapsing?
NoFap day 0
Other urls found in this thread:
By not masturbating
Don't jerk off
Same OP
Relapsed twice yesterday after a 12 day streak. Just remind yourself that it isn't worth it and the delayed gratification of a full reset is better than the instant gratification of a 5 second dick sneeze.
>day 9
>looked at porn for about 30 minutes
>didnt fap
Should I reset my counter anyway?
im sorry to say that Veeky Forums is designed to get you to masturbate, if you arent already aware the government is out to fuck you in the ass until death, i wont go into that but i iwll say is all the erotic ads on literally every page of Veeky Forums, all the erotic OP pictures on every board of every catalogue, its all against you
>how do I stop relapsing?
It's your hand. You move it. Just move it away from your cock.
If you don't want to relapse, do yourself a favor, take some time for yourself and read ALL OF THIS
It works. It wil remove your porn addiction forever
Don't think you're going to make it in a single try. If you can - that's impressive, but you probably won't. At first you go 1 day before you start to struggle, then you adjust and can withstand longer streaks. I used to think about relapsing 1 day in, but now I can do a week no problem, two if I really put my mind into it. Treat it like lifting. But training to be strong willed creates the most precious gains.
What's up with this nofap meme? Are there even any benefits in it or do you just do it to prove to yourself that you have the mental fortitude to do it?
I get the point in not watching porn and not fapping too often, but just going completely cold turkey seems unhealthy, unless you have someone else too relieve you obviously.
Going cold turkey serves the purpose of eliminating porn addiction. You can't cut porn without stopping the fap at first. After a period, you can fap again, but without porn.
Not fapping is not unhealthy, you're supposed to have sex, not to fap. If you can't have sex, the body has many ways of eliminating semen, it's not like you're not shitting or eating
>Going cold turkey serves the purpose of eliminating porn addiction. You can't cut porn without stopping the fap at first.
This only seems to make it more difficult to quit desu. Instead of just having to cut porn, you're now cutting fapping as well.
And even if that would be the purpose of nofap, then why are there these memers that claim to haven't fapped for a fucking year. Surely you don't need to go that long to cure one from one's porn addiction.
Look brah
Fapping isn't that bad for you. Really, it's not, it can actually improve your prostate health. What you should really be giving up is porn. You probably fap too much because you watch too much porn! It's massively addicting and awful for your emotional and mental health. If you don't watch porn you can only masturbate to your fantasies, and then you'll be so bored that you'll end up having drastically reduced your masturbation habits anyway!
Good luck homie
Porn is worse than fapping imo. I went 7 days, jerked it but didn't watch porn, but I feel better than before I started the whole thing.
Seriously, if you're horny and you KNOW FOR SURE you're gonna crack, just jerk it without any stimuli. The noporn streak is more important than the nofap streak imo
Read the book I linked here if you want, even if it looks like a illiterate nigger from hell wrote it (and probably it is) he'd simply right.
It's the reason that 90% of recovering addicts fail: they don't quit cold turkey, they get temporary hopped on another addiction, then decide this new addiction isn't enough and they go back to their severe addiction once again.
With porn, this usually happens in the first weeks of noporn.
It's way easier to quit porn if you quit cold turkey. You're simply far too addicted to porn to quit that without quitting fapping.
Because in the beginning, it's not actual physical lust and horniness that makes you look up porn and fap, it's raw addiction in your brain. If you quit cold turkey, you may after a little bit just crave a fap, not a fap with porn. And that's the goal. You break, but this time, you don't fap to porn, you just fap without. This is important, and something to be VERY conscious of when about to break. Don't say "AH MAN I FUCKING GIVE UP" and look up porn. Say "okay I can't take it anymore but, BUT, I'll not use porn. I'll fap a few times, get it all out, and then try again, full on nofap."
I feel like when I fap my relationship goes downhill, like my gf can sense it or something, or the knowledge that I've done leaks into our dialogues or something
it's some kind of psychic magic, but when I don't fap at all we are super happy and lovey and lots of sex
>What's up with this nofap meme? Are there even any benefits in it
It's like the gluten-free fad. There's about 1% of the population who feels like shit all the time, and then they stop eating wheat, and it's absolute fucking magic because they've got an autoimmune disease where eating wheat damages their intestine and gives them subtle malnutrition, so they go around telling everyone how great it is, but for 99% it just doesn't matter. Adding to the confusion, the tests for it aren't great, and doctors thought it was a hundred times rarer than it actually was.
There's some men, and it's hard to get good numbers on how many because of the nature of the problem, but estimates range up around 1%, who have an autoimmune reaction to their own sperm, when it comes in contact with their urethra, or who have some other problem like a hormonal collapse after orgasm. So they may get flu-like symptoms, or joint pain, or depression, or all of these other symptoms that last for days or weeks after each orgasm. This is very poorly studied, because who wants to go to a doctor and ask him to study whether your masturbation makes you sick, when neither you nor he has ever heard of such a thing, or has only heard of a few cases of it ever having been found?
So there's this 1% or 0.1% or 0.01% who stop masturbating and it's a complete fucking miracle for them, and they want to tell everyone (anonymously) how good it is. But there's another 10-20% who will try any random shit and initially believe it's doing for them whatever they expected it to do for them. On top of that is how hard it is to actually stop doing it, so there are people who try to do it, fail to do it, and then go around telling people how well it works trying to psyche themselves up to believe in it strongly enough to stick to it.
>autoimmune reaction to sperm
Retard, porn addiction is a real problem. I literally had night where I cried because I had to watch porn.
Also, how coyld you have a reaction to your semen only when cumming? Spermatozoa comes from testicles while semen from your prostate, and they're always producing
Maybe this is the case, maybe, the sob stories of people getting their lives turned around for the absolute better in like 6 months of nofap is there, but I think who nofap TRULY is for is degenerates. You may not get superpowers and be the most social man in the entire galaxy, but going from degenerate to slightly more sexually normal and perhaps even slightly better when it comes to how desensitized you are to porn and sex can actually be a great help into becoming a normie and stop being that fucking weirdo. It really is true that while it's not as prominent as people think, the entire ordeal about interactions becoming more positive on nofap have at least some truth to them in my opinion. The worse of a degenerate you are, the better nofap is for you.
Literally retarded. The entire point of nofap/noporn is to heal dopamine receptors in the brain. Humans are designed to get the most dopamine for the most rewarding behavior , like sex and food. The thing is with porn you can continue to release crazy amouns of dopamine because your brain thinks that every girl is a new potential mate. Unlike doing cocaine , it will produce less. When you over do dopamine every other thing in life seems less important/ special / gratifying etc because youre brain has nothing left to reward you with.
TLDR - Porn fries dopamine receptors, making you more lethargic and less happy because the brain can't reward you for normal everyday activity etc
>how coyld you have a reaction to your semen only when cumming?
The urethra is more on guard against infection because it connects to the outside world. The immune response is different there.
It's a documented phenomenon. I don't know the details of exactly why it happens, but it does. Much more common is for women to have an allergic reaction to semen.
Im about to relapse guys, just got sent a video of 2 girls kissing which made my dick diamonds.
Usually something like that doesn't even interest me because its too vanilla but now that I'm 6 days in I can probably even cum to a stickman drawing with tits.
don't fap to it. if you're gonna fail now, fucking don't fap to it. that's the least you can do. i know it's "vanilla" but come on. why fuck your noporn streak together with your nofap streak? just fap without it if you really are going to fail.
>the sob stories of people getting their lives turned around for the absolute better in like 6 months of nofap is there
1) If you want to change your life, there's a pretty good chance of it happening in a span as long as 6 months, regardless of other factors. You get these same kinds of stories for prayer, or yoga, or transsexual transitioning, or taking a homeopathic remedy, or a thousand other things.
2) You don't get the statistics on how many lives improve as opposed to getting worse, with and without nofap.
3) You don't even know if the anecdotes are true, or wishful fictions.
For a lot of these arguments, it seems like putting yourself on a reasonable schedule and just limiting the kinds of porn you use would be far easier and just as likely to accomplish the desired goal. A rule as extreme as "no masturbation" is likely to be highly distracting and end in failure.
Fuaaaaaark this is too fucking hard
Read this
You should not watch porn, point.
What you're describing is like "I only do one strip of coke when I go out with the lads once a week" this is retarded, you just don't snort coke, point.
I recovered from a cocaine addiction so bad I was constantly bleeding from the nose and was almost on the point of stealing, I know what I'm talking about.
Porn is a heavy drug, even worse than cocaine because it escalates very quickly and without overdose.
You find yourself hooked heavily even if you try not to. Your advice is shit. You can't and won't control yourself on porn.
You either never knew what porn addiction, or any addiction really is, our you're so degenerate you can't even admit it's bad
Can I watch some porn, fap and then read it?
does browsing /s/ count as noporn?
how about watching yoga pants/squatting girls?
if i caress my penis without cumming, does it count as fap?
So porn is bad even if it’s the most vanilla shit? Like even amateur prom should be off limits?
This is what you call edging and yes its terrible for your brain. You end up releasing more dopamine when edging . Just stop looking at girls online / porn anything to reset your brain.
You can't watch any porn guys...
" Oh wait so like even this type of porn should be off limits then ?? "
What about roleplaying with someone and fapping to that? That's not porn right
Sadly, yes. You'll understand why if you read it. It allows you to watch porn while you read it, at the beginning.
Porn addiction isn't real. Deal with it nerd it's fiction
Start cutting, it lowers your sex drive. You can't do nofap if you're waking up with a throbbing cock every morning.
Also getting a gf you have regular sex with is really the ultimate nofap accomplishment, and then you won't have trouble doing it at all
> gf giving me a hand job for 30 min straight
> got so fucking frustrated that I couldn't come
> both persevered and when I did eventually climax it was one of the best orgasms of my life
> came so hard it she couldn't swallow it all and some spilled out of her mouth
I've been scaling back since getting with her but I now need to stoped fapping and watching porn cold turkey. Years of porn and death grip have conditioned me. That was on the weekend and I've been able to stave off fapping so far but if she's starts sexting me again I'll be totally fucked.
by gawd thats my kind of semen demon
If you´re stuck in an infinite masturbation loop then no-fap can have some really nice benefits like boosting your energy, your mood, confidence and even libido ( by that I mean the actual drive to have sex, not the "my hand is looking kinda sexy today" kind of deal)
>What you're describing is like "I only do one strip of coke when I go out with the lads once a week" this is retarded, you just don't snort coke, point.
Sure, but most people who do coke *don't* develop an addiction, just like most people who drink don't become alcoholics, and most people who play video games don't let their babies die of dehydration because they just can't tear themselves away from that raid.
Furthermore, there's little support in controlled studies for a cold turkey approach to dealing with addiction. Cold turkey sounds appealingly absolute, but cutting back to manageable use is not harder or more likely to result in relapse.
If you want to talk about life-ruining porn addiction, that's a whole separate subject from nofap, and you probably shouldn't come into nofap threads with the assumption that it's like an AA meeting and everyone there is a human trainwreck.
Will nofap restore my penis sensitivity?
Be proud of me Veeky Forums. I'm but I managed to stop myself.
>This is what you call edging and yes its terrible for your brain. You end up releasing more dopamine when edging
I dunno, if you want to stop masturbating, edging seems like a good intermediate step. In my experience, if you just decide you can edge as much as you want, but you're never going to cum, it's fairly easy to get into, because it feels good and you can just keep going and going. The trick is for your first few times, to keep going until your dick gets sore from being erect too long, that way you'll be happy just to stop and won't be tempted to finish.
But pretty soon, even without any original plan to do it less often, you get kind of a girl's sex drive, where you enjoy it once you get going, but you're reluctant to start anything yourself and get annoyed when there's something sexy in front of you, so you try to avoid it. You want another person involved in it, to define the end-point. You know once you start, it's not going to be over soon, you're not going to want to stop. You can't just rub one out in a couple of minutes, to turn off the distracting urge, so there isn't the temptation to do so.
I agree though, that you shouldn't try edging between going all the way. If finishing is an option, you start just using edging as a way to jerk off more.
>limiting the kinds of porn you use
If you're not jerking it to tranny porn so much you're considering HRT, who cares what kind it is? The best 100% real benefit of nofap is not wasting any of your time looking up internet porn.
>Day 37 nofap, no sex
>Confidence and overall life excitement increased up until week 3-4
>Slight decrease after that
>Not to chronical masturbator levels but still significantly lower
Maybe sex/fap every 3-4 weeks would be a good cycle?
>If you're not jerking it to tranny porn so much you're considering HRT, who cares what kind it is?
People tend to use more and more extreme porn to get the same effect, until they end up using some stuff that they find disturbing and wouldn't want to be caught with. Getting away from weird porn seems to be a common nofap goal.
If you just restrict yourself, for example, to girls in non-fetish sexy lingerie, it's probably not that hard to hold yourself to, its not something you're going to be embarassed to be caught with, and you can ask just about any girlfriend you could ever have to do stuff related to it and she's not going to find it weird or creepy. Just about any girl likes to wear sexy lingerie, and be admired visually before sex, to use her taste and creativity to beautify herself and be the variety any man craves.
Like if you look at this, it seems pretty wholesome:
It depends on what stage of no fap you're in
Basically being dependent on fap and every day isn't good in the long term
>Never fapping at all is also not very good
>Try something in between, commit for a week or so
>Than try longer and for a few weeks
>Some of these guys who do no fap and succeed not because of nofap but because they sat down and created some plan for themselves to follow
>nofap is the second step, the first step should be in everyone to just look at themselves objectvaley and figure out what else does their life need to benefit from instead of just nofap
Fix the foundation, before deciding nofap is for you and really your fucking foundation is broken and you're fapping every chance you can get just to realse tension and or fap....
Good luck getting over your deep seeded mental issues, OP. Here's something that I'm sure has no chance of turning you on.
i havent fapped for 12 days now but does looking at naked pics of just naked females considered porn?
Most nofap guys would say yes. I'm not nofap but I edge to still images of naked and clothed women (no drawings, men, dicks, or dildos allowed in the images) and ejaculate once to twice per week. Personally I think this has a much better impact on my sex drive. I did nofap for a few months a couple years ago and it put my dick into hibernation.
one more thing: if you're 12 days from a debilitation video porn addiction total abstinence might be the way to go.
i mean i dont edge and ejaculate and i dont think i've had serious porn addiction but idk maybe ill try total abstinence
>day 14 nofap
>texting gf
>Thanksgiving break so she's with her family, so no fug
>she tells me she went to Victoria's Secret yesterday and bought some things
>I get a boner just reading the text
>I ask if she bought anything sexy
>she says "You'll see this weekend"
>[boner intensifies]
There are some urges that are too great for man. I lost today and I need to stop thinking about it or tomorrow's going to be rough.
>dick in hibernation
That's the flatline period. Flatlining and eventually recovering is not a meme. This is where the reboot happens because either your dick is finally recovering from excessive PMOing, or it's the brain's last trick to make you fap.
Basically you got to the final boss of nofap and quit.
Day 6 here. Feel fucking great brehs. Haven't had any urges yet but week 2 is a lot tougher, I've never made it past.
Try doing pushups when you get the urge to masturbate. Mindfulness meditation will also help a lot as well, because it allows you to you realise when your unconscious mind is trying to trick you into relapsing, which is against your long-term interests.
You need to have a reason to actually be doing nofap and you need to value it more than the short term pleasure of nutting.
I just edged without coming, it kind of hurts my balls. Will it go away?
thats called being blue balled
I'm at day 53. I'm almost back to normal but want to keep going. I haven't been this content and calm in a long time. It's worth it guys. You'll see. Just don't touch the peen. Life has meaning again. Music sounds better. No bullshit. I feel perfectly balanced emotionally, ready to handle anything. It's been 8 years since I felt so at ease.
This guy's writing style is fucking awful. He spends so much time droning on about the original author and himself that it's actually difficult to read. Holy fuck. There is good info in there but damn it's gonna take a while to dig it out.
Just don't fap.
watched some degenerate stuff today for 15 minutes or so, but didn't fap, actually flet a bit disgusted by the images. I don't want to end my streak by fapping
good for you.
By conditioning yourself. Everyone you fap, trap your dick in the door. Over time you will associate fapping with pain and lose the urge
The easiest way for Nofap is just to have clinical depression.
I have had zero libido for 6 months now. Never get morning boners, and sex/porn literally crosses my mind. I force myself to fap once every 1-2 weeks, but I get it over with as quick as possible because its just pointless and boring
*never crosses my mind
Keep yourself occupied and don't worry about not masturbating, streaks will come naturally.
literally noone answers this question every time i ask it: is nofap bebeficial for people like me who jerk off every 3-5 days? am i an addict or a normal person?
Just try it and if quality of life improves you got yer answer.
I haven't fapped for 14 hours and I am already in a permanent boner mode, woke up with a boner and it hasn't gone yet. What do?
Ever heard of sexual energy
Guys I have a real problem. My girlfriend can only fuck a few times a week without getting sore but, I am horny as fuck so I tend to masturbate a lot. I don't know how to deal with this. I am trying to At least watch less porn but I can't cum without porn.
Ever stop jacking off for a week or two and realize how aggressive and social you become? Its almost as if...
>If you remain a jackoff your whole life, you will attain nothing.
Its that simple.
You might fuck up but how often you fuck up and how you handle it determines the course of your life. Nobody here likes hearing this; not the incels, not the niggers keeping themselves down certainly not the jews keeping us all down
Fight on and find a way to be righteous your way.
Yea well after you are no longer a virgin and realize one night stands are empty and a good way to catch diseases/ drama constantly being distracted by females and always horny and aggressive isn’t really a ptoductive way to live. Cut out the porn for sure but is quitting fapping really mandatory for single non autistic anons?
My huge nofap dick keeps dipping into the toilet bowl water. What do big dick guys even do?
I'm pretty much in this position now. I jerk off once a day to no porn and I pretty much feel the same as when I was doing nofap.
Fuck hookups and flings and all that shit, I really don't have the time or the patience, and since coming is coming, I'm sure I save myself a lot of stress not even bothering with thots while keeping my prostate healthy.
When will this meme end
you want hard mode?
no fap while looking at porn, hentai etc... i only lasted 14 days, and felt like passing out... almost became a saint
easy mode: avoid all porn, don't look at women...
That's not hard mode. You're just a cheater.
Every random hookup I’ve had has been awful when theres no emotional connection compared to after being in a relationship and actually caring to please your partner and explore their body and find out what makes them tick. After pumping and dumping random thots i just roll over, feel disgusted, think hoe many other dudes has she let do this, and want them to leave. Random hookups aren’t worth the energy required to attain them typically.
You lost to a text message?
day 2 here.
lets make it
Well this year i only relapsed 2 times and i have to say the first 90 days were amazing but these days its no longer there i still have days where i have no motivation still not that great at social interactions etc. I would say do the the 90 days after that i dont think there is much there. If you want to turn your life around the change must happen from within and nofap will come naturally because you will be too busy.
In for relapsecel
Will fapping once a week + eating a fuckton of onions give me Super Sayian Testosterone?
Forgot to mention nocturnal emissions are the worst thing, the amount of days where it completely ruined my sleep and as a result my productivity was quite numerous
For some reason I like music again. Just like when I was a high test teenager. I think test makes you like music just look at how much black people like it and their test is through the roof. Something primal.
reminder that if you edge during nofap you're a retard and you're not going to make it
reminder that if you look up anything that gives you a boner or masturbate to anything but your own imagination and nothing else you're a retard and you're not going to make it
It is important to understand how temptation works if you want to learn how to handle it. I am not of the opinion that masturbation is a sin, but it could be used as an allegory.
Suggestion: Our lives are absolutley overflowing with "suggestions" such as images, videos and thoughts. This is the stage we must wage war. No sin is commited at this stage. It is simply the "demons" pelting us with with arrows of suggestion.
Disturbance of the Intellect: This stage is the "calm before the storm"- the brief pause as we come to the self-awareness that we have no choice to fight for good or evil by accepting or refusing the suggestion. No sin has been commited at this stage either, but we are already beginning to play with fire by allowing a slight pause to go unchecked.
Coupling: The coupling stage is when we begin to become attached to the thought. We think of possibilites and create our own thoughts and imagine sinful deeds. This is the beginning of sin and we are guilty of any new thoughts conceived but the root thought is not intacted, so do not give up but cast the thought aside!
Assent: Once we decide to commit a sin, to act upon thought, we have entered the 4th stage and we are guilty of commiting the sin at least in thought, even though God willing, we might be saved from the actual action.
Predispositon: Continuesly slipping into the stage 4 leads to a "predisposition" to a particular sin or sinning. The fathers call this te "2nd nature". Our human nature is fallen and predisposed to sin but it is not our nature to sin. Sin can become our 2nd nature. In other words, our true nature is purity and sin is something foreign.
Passion: In this final stage the thought has become a passion, dominating our lives, making us obess over the sin and driving us to sin habitually and repeatedly. Despite this, the passion can and must be rooted out and healed. The effort will take every ounce of strenght we have, but God is faithfull and will deliver us!
who cares, we're all gonna die anyway
i don't do nofap because sin, i do it because having an ultradead libido at all times except when watching porn sucks dick, and i've had a really low motivation to do stuff this semester
By keeping yourself busy. Reading a book, playing a game of vidya.
Ideally something that keeps you out of the house.
Don't use your phone at night. Read before falling asleep. Good for the brain and for sleep quality not looking at a screen too.
Its works for some.
In my experience, many people feel shame when using porn/fapping. The reason for the shame is variable e.g. ideas ingrained from a religious upbringing, feeling inadequate when it comes to women and that fapping contributes to this, feeling like a cuckold for viewing another mans dick, etc.(common reasons, im not saying they are right or wrong)
Now in their minds, they are dropping a bad habit. This leads to overall decreased shame and fulfillment due to their achievement. You can see how this makes them happier and more confident, which might bring more benefits.
In short, it really depends on your prespective.
Who are you kidding here, kid? You are never going to make it.
I posted dr. petersons view on it because i found it to be interesting.
He states that porn entices you from real life. This has become my main reason for doing noporn. That and i try to not consume too much time doing it.
Originally, i started nofap because of religious shame(growing up a muslim in the middle east). Then when i got rid of that, my reason was feeling like a loser who sucked with women. Then after dating some women, i couldnt find a reason to discontinue fapping. I still dont view porn and when i do its usually pics of women in scantily clad clothing as i still have reasons to not view naked men or video porn.
However, dr.petersons reason made me feel i should only abstain from fapping if it affects my dating/sex life and if its time consuming.
I would like to add that may say its easier to kick porn if you stop fapping for a period of time first. Cuz 9/10 times you dont really want to fap, you want to see some virtual ass.
TL:DR; i have come to the conclusion that nofap is kind of a meme while noporn is not.
Also longest streak was 6 months if that counts for anything
Who the hell says you have to "have random hookups" you'll have a hell of a lot more sex by getting a normal girlfriend....just put down your dick for a few weeks at a time and gtfo there and talk to women you fucking spergs. It's not fucking brain surgery.
>hour one of nofap
Not sure I'm gonna make it lads...
>social anxiety can't talk to girls play 20 video games a year close 30 tabs after cumming room is a fucking mess no money no career no friends
>maybe if I don't jerk off it will fix all my problems
Why does it have to be either/or? I jerk off to some big titty girls too but still go out drinking with friends hit on girls and snag a few here and there. Talk to girls at work, in the office elevator, at lunch, in the mall, in the cashier line. Not fapping is not going to somehow magically fix all your problems. Sure it's a start, but don't change this little thing only thinking your life is going to be suddenly amazing.