ITT: dyels you respect
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Jordan barrett, always seen slaying women on his IG and snapchat stories
>i respect a person who achieved nothing through hard work but pure luck
yea i don't think you lift.
imagine having that face. life on cheat mode
I wouldn't want to have that. It is girly. I would like to have a kind of ugly but manly face rather than a handsome but a girly one.
Said no one ever
this guy looks like a faggot
Strang from MIT Opencourseware? He out there doin' bad shit y'all
>le meme scientist
I bet you don't have a fucking clue about any of his work
Met him. He's an asshole.
Ol Billy red tits
How come?
He's the sweetest. We're the real dyel's: Do you even "Linear Algebra"?
Why would you respect a male model? Literally got life handed to him on a silver platter
He is a professor in MIT but contributed nothing to mathematics. Just teachs already-known rules and writes hard-to-understand-books about them.
No formula, no theorem, no method. He will be forggotten in 20 years.
My nigga
Who said I respect him?
He was pretty fit when he was in high school/college.
Wouldn't stand to shake my hand.
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus ! :) hahah
ITT: Dyels you respect - my answer is, of course, my peenus weanus :D
this man's death could have been prevented if he was Veeky Forums
Rate my face
Aesthetic or pathetic
better haircut would add 2-3 points
Jim Morrison
's retarded cousin.
School shooter/10
Love you senpai
>>you have good facial proportions and features, you seriously need a better haircut though. I think you should try an undercut since you have the hair for it. Godspeed user
Surprise faggots that’s before Veeky Forums this is now
You respect a man who married a shrieking gorilla looking 40 year old nigress who openly pussywhips/cuckolds him??
This is not the face of a man who is respected
Well if he could choose anything he would prefer a manliest face
look dead inside
came here to post this.
Don't listen to the haters. You are handsome (no Homo), also your hair is fine. Just salty hairlets that are jealous. Only thing is try not to look so serious.
F. Gone too soon sweet prince.
> You will NEVER hear based Patrice talk about the 2016 elections and the crazy shit going on in Hollywood
the only true answer
I'm 19 at II, how fucked am I?
just take the faheypill my dude
Not a dyel
I don’t think it posted. In a vid he talks about benching 2 plates in college. Not amazing but better than the majority. Also he worked some hard jobs to get through college.. I think like railroad building.
Go fuck yourselves
>Rate my face
>Aesthetic or pathetic
Eyes too close
Yeah, I don't get it. Poor Cleo
your face is aesthetic your haircut is not
Why has no one brought up Elon Musk you doughnuts.
checked and yeah I miss patreeky so much
I respect the hell out of Bradley Martin. It can't be easy to have a YouTube fitness channel when you're the size of an anorexic tween.
Fuck you
>i don't respect a man who has achieved more than most while also suffering from a literally crippling disability that basically traps him in his own mind because I dislike associating with pop culture
Found the little bitch
He's British with an American accent.
Not to sound roastie but do smile, ya got noice cheekbones senpai
That's not my lord and savior
Reviewbrah is a true bro.