Can you wheyfufags explain the appeal to me? Not judging btw, I just want to know what you find attractive about muscular women. I like fit and healthy chicks but most of the girls in your threads look like they're on steroids. Is it a dominance thing? Is it that your Chad lifestyle matches theirs? Help me understand.
Can you wheyfufags explain the appeal to me? Not judging btw...
left is a little bit too lean for god tier mode
Right is absolutely disgusting
congrats ur gay dude
I respect you framing it as a serious question.
a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
Typically that ^
For some guys (like me) it's something they find hot and or sexy. I don't have any dom fantasies. Being a 'buff couple' is something appealing to me. Mixture of sexual attraction and similar lifestyles i suppose. There is a cut off point though, the right of OP's pic is around where i'd probably cut it off, though her lack of breasts is a slight negative for me (My girlfriend is somewhere in between the two pics but still has her boobs.) I don't find pumped up steroid monsters you see on female bodybuilding stages to be attractive at all.
Hope this was a helpful answer.
Im new and still love my woman chubby. Im also a little scared my wife has to look like scoobert in a few months.
I just like a firm body. I had sex once with a moderately muscled chick and it was awesome. Her pussy gripped my dick hard enough you could put it on the hydraulic press channel.
p much what this user said but I do like bigger grills
This makes sense.
Cute face but too big for me.
things i fap to online is not the same as what i desire in real life.
This is interesting. Would you reject a muscular woman irl?
Is this hypothetical, or are you cheekie making a pass at me?
Asian grill namefag with arms that would look big on a dude
It's less raw physical attraction, more admiration. most 'fit' girls are just skinny and maybe do cardio, it's so incredibly rare to find a woman who not only lifts, but lifts right that there's something to it.
A sedantary chick with great genetics and decent habits might be more physically attractive, but there's something to be said about someone who works hard and smart that's really attractive.
it's like fucking a guy, but you can claim you're not a faggot
To me the whole appeal can be summed up as "Abs are cute."
basically this
had a thing going on with an oly chick and by god was this the best sex i have ever had
plus fit girls you really do not have to worry that you'll somehow hurt them by touching them a bit too hard i.e. choking or stuff
I actually thought it was Klossy on the right for a second.
I wouldn't even go near pic related but I'm mirin hard
Because I'm gay bro but not THAT gay
This is the most stupid shit I've ever heard, I would admire a chick who helps other people 50x more like a doctor or someone who does charity or learn people to kode.
>mfw those delts
This is pretty much how I feel about it.
But to expand, a fit chick feels better. Fat chicks just feel like mush whereas fit chicks feel firm.
Anyways, I like my girls looking like a T-Rex.
Nothing like hugging a hard muscular body, right? Right? Come on guys it's not gay!
Not him, but guy he replied to.
I'm on the far end of individualistic. I don't give a rats ass if someone volunteers for charity or is a doctor, sure the status those positions have mean something, but the acts dont matter to me at all. Fitness is a direct way to visually impose your personal progression upon your body, which is inherently attractive to me.
What a fit woman's body tells me is that they can be independent, seek their own passions, have a generally healthy lifestyle, and apply their own goals above the standards of everyone else.
>What a fit woman's body tells me is that they can be independent, seek their own passions, have a generally healthy lifestyle, and apply their own goals above the standards of everyone else.
but you really need to look out when you're dating one
she will put her goals over yours, every single time
>tfw I'm the one who gets to lick the results of her effort
I'm looking for the best genitor for my children. I want the cutest, nicest, smartest woman with the best body I can get. Since I value weightlifting and the kind of discipline related to it, I find fit and muscly girls attractive. I still like curvy girls, but my scope extends to muscly girls.
Also, like most men, I prefer my girl to be physically inferior to me. So, If I was scrawny, I would probably be intimidated by muscly women, as I was when I was younger.
i did that breh, and i miss it a whooooole lot
Yeah that part just kinda comes with the rest. The relationships these kind of people have tend to be either mutually beneficial or it doesn't exist. It's just the nature of the beast.
>mutually benifical
god damn man.... literally why she broke up i guess
she wants to "learn" something from me and stuff, spot on there
I'm not into super lean chicks
/deltporn/ is my fetish
How are wheyfus not attractive is the real question? They are muscular girls with girl muscles. Nothing gay or weird about it. Muscle is attractive on anyone. It shows physical fitness and good genetics. Too low of body fat is gross however because it shows infertility. Thick wheyfus are good. Shredded wheyfus are bad.
>What a fit woman's body tells me is that they can be independent, seek their own passions, have a generally healthy lifestyle, and apply their own goals above the standards of everyone else
You underage vigins should go to reddit or something.
Veeky Forums chicks are emotionally like 5 - 9 year old. I've been in relationships with three (3) and they were all so immature and out of touch with reality, their lives revolved solely on fitness. That is all they got going for them. You don't want to chain yourself to something like that, period. Don't take my word for it, move in with her and check for yourself. Save this post.
>This is interesting. Would you reject a muscular woman irl?
obviously depends, but say Brooke Wells im attracted to her photos, but irl i've seen girls that reminded me of her and I wasn't so drawn to her, maybe i'd be curious but a conventionally hot feminine girl there is no doubt.
Same for the flipside i think siri pornstar is hot but would want a slim girl irl.
This makes me feel a little more comfortable about my gf
sometimes I feel a little insecure about the fact that she isn't big into fitness
>Shredded wheyfus are bad
Doesnt have to be accumulation of knowledge, but you pretty much need to be offering her something that she has no reason to want to remove.
If you both lived in sperate places and your relationship was based on shooting the shit and having sex, odds are you get dropped pretty fast. Sex is a cheap market for attractive women, not to go /r9k/ or redpill or whatever, but it is true.
If you really want to be with a chick like this, make yourself an asset to them through emotional strength, the ability to really make them happy, or even something as simple as offering them a really convenient service like meal prep.
If you were with a chick, would you dump them if they gave you emotional support when you need it, sex whenever you wanted it, and they prepped meals tailored to your macros?
Mutual beneficial relationships can be built upon a lot of things. No 'shoot the shit and sex' relationships work longterm, there's no reason some shallow 7/10 thot is worth more than another except for what they offer. Same goes for men, you can be attractive, but you're just another attractive guy unless you make yourself different or better.
TLDR, be a good boyfriend that suits their needs.
Life based on a passion is a totally a different way of thinking and navigating the world than any other way of going about it. If you don't or havent ever lived like that, you'll legitimately never know how it's like. Thoughts based on emotion have no place when you're dedicated to a goal.
Expression of emotions in this kinda person isnt standard, but it's readable enough to adapt to with a bit of critical thinking.
I love Dani
Muscle isn't hard, it's firm. A girl with muscle feels better to grab, whereas a fat chick feels like fucking mush held together by skin.
Anyways, go back to Tumblr fattie.
Pls be Florida.
>ywn hold her hand
Why even live?
you know you don't have to admire one person at a time right? i can admire a fit chick for her dedication while also admiring a doctor chick for being smart and helping people
folie a deux
there are 2 roid girls at my gym and they are absolutely retarded when it comes to training. Memelifts ad nauseam with a twist for some instagram recording. I guess if you're Olympian /athlete then yes, i am mirin, but if it's just a random gearhead, no point man.
Holy shit went to highschool with this butch lololol
I only speak for myself but People with a good body male or female are often People who are dedicated and discipline.
It also shows they know the Basics about nutrition.
Which is realy important for my Future Children i dont want my future wife to feed my children mc nuggets when Im at Work for example.
Also muscles are literally aesthetics which is the reason why most People train in the first place. If you associat muscles with manlynes and unfeminine I assume you Workout to compensate something or dont Work out at all.
>t. Soyboy
>tfw wife is young fit doctor
she roids
All of these thots have clits that are bigger than your hard dicks
>gay for liking women with muscles
>but you pretty much need to be offering her something that she has no reason to want to remove.
true... i guess really good sex wasn't enough for her
>fit/ chicks are emotionally like 5 - 9 year old
funny you're bringing this up, sometimes i had the exact same thought
a child in the body of a 22 year old
>Life based on a passion is a totally a different way of thinking
you're pretty much spot on about how she was, always wanted to have passion, some higher meaning to life
tfw was with a fit girl
tfw no normal girl can reach her place in my heart
what do i d
>Liking girls of any kind is gay
I think it's appealing to alot of other guys to have a gf who is into the same stuff as they are. A good deal of women don't understand the purpose for gym dedication let alone consistent physical activity.
I think that everyone has the right to desire a partner who holds themselves to the same standard as you. If that means you both smoke together or lift together, people want a person with similar interests.
literally looks like a 2nd pair of tits
>mfw had a Veeky Forums gf who also liked vidya and horror movies
Howd you manage to fuck that up?
>Would you reject a muscular woman irl?
no. The only girls I've ever been with were musclar. This is even when I was a tall skinny nerd
This fucker gets it. I always get envious when I see the couples in my gym since lifting together is considered as "spending time together". Normies will just define that as "his time" thus having to balance other personal hobbies along with couple activities.
A wheyfu is my dating holy grail in this shithole. Most women avoid the barbell like the plague & any who lift are almost always attached.
would lick/10
She's too lean in both pics, if she gained 10 pounds of fat she'd be perfect.
Part of it is mental attraction, athletic women work on their bodies and I can respect that. A skelly woman or cardio bunny is barely above a fat chick for mental attractiveness.
Also you know athletic women will stay sexy for years. She won't always look like that but even when her body gets worse it will still be sexy, while a lot of skinny girl end up fat in their 30s because it's hard to stay in shape without muscle mass.
Also it's just pathetic to have a girl who's so weak and helpless that she can't do simple tasks on her own. I had to help female friends move and the two of them together couldn't carry the sleeper sofa, me and another guy had to. I want a woman who can function
That picture is a lie. Smoking is degenerate.
Whats up weaklings ? hehe ;)
rate me boys ;*
yep im a fitness queen :*
I have this fantasy, where a fit gurl with massive quads lock on to my face, forcing her cunt on my face. As she begins to climax she squeezes tighter and tighter, slowly cutting of my oxygen supply. She cums all over my face as the blackness takes over my vision. The last thing I hear before I pass out is her loud moans of ecstasy and her screaming "oooh user"
fucking disgusting
not because fit, but for the insane amount of acne and that boob looks like a balloon without enough air, it would sag like hell without the bra
Terrible angle. Maybe the quads are nice, but I really can't tell for certain. Good shoulder separation though.
What’s sex with a muscle girl like?
learn to take pictures. Also probably one of those 0.01% examples that shows exercise cant help everyone.
nice roid acne
Ive only ever had sex with THICC girls, I love to grope during sex and I've always wanted to grope some Veeky Forums girls ass, biceps and shoulders