Well fucks guys, soon this is going to be a nationwide fad.
We can't let the normies steal muh secret knowledge like this.
Well fucks guys, soon this is going to be a nationwide fad.
We can't let the normies steal muh secret knowledge like this.
Other urls found in this thread:
>not being a testosterone-pumped sex warlord
>not being a sex warlock instead
The shilling against this meme alone is starting to make me wonder if it's actually legit.
Why else would (((they))) attack it so rabidly?
Wew, moobstream media really seems against this. Don't do it underlings... don't improve... just be comfortable... just die
I mean seriously. Don't these people have any ambitions? Warlock or bust.
Ive always had a lot of onions in my meals, now people are going to think Im one of you meme loving fucks
Could somebody clue me in about onions?
I missed out on whatever it is they're meant to do.
Boosts test 300%
But you are faggot.
I bet you smell terrible.
Rather be a faggot than a meme loving fuck
Hmmm let's see if we can suss out the truth based on this week's MSM narratives:
>Veeky Forums is stupid for ingesting lots of onions
>LOL soy isn't actually bad for you silly nazi scum
>Women find muscular men with money attractive and that's a problem because muh progress
Really invigorates my plums
I have yet to see actual studies saying onions boost test. You dyels are better off injecting test than eating onions
Link to studies?
Maybe, but no one has ever called it out if I do.
>y-you're stinky
Jokes on you, I'm already a Paki
>tfw eat raw onion regularly
>only have sex with actual women (read: hairy) that appreciate the manly musk
It's true, onions make you high test.
the ultimate feels bad man I'm so sorry user
calling placebo on this . .never heard of one bodybuilder doing this . . not to mention it had zero scientific basis: what exactly in an onion would boost anything but bad breath?
nothing boosts your natural test levels other than injecting test, period
Rats are pretty fucking close on an endocrine basis. We put far greater stock in rat studies all the time with drug testing.
why have they been trying to shut down this meme so hard? The first thread was posted sometime this weekend and these defamatory articles started to pop up as early as Monday. I honestly think the onion pill is bullshit but all this backlash is making me suspicious.
>nothing boosts your natural test levels other than injecting test, period
You do realize rats aren't really a good method in testing the effects of drugs and other things for humans, right? If it works for a rat majority of the time it won't for humans
Injecting exogenous test reduces endogenous test production, brainlet
Are onion eaters drumpf supporters?
I use one onion, medium to big sized daily, sometimes two.
does this have the same effect? I sautee that in either water or oil depending on how I feel
We saw the same kind of swift, organized response to the soyboy phenomenon last week.
But what self respecting nutritionist would actually expect a significant amount of people to start eating copious amounts of raw onion solely because of a meme started on the fitness forum of an anime themed image board?
onion has been a thing for months though desu
You do realize that what he just said kind of combats what you just said, right?
>You do realize rats aren't really a good method in testing the effects of drugs and other things for humans, right?
I prefer being a sex wizard.
>creatine pre-workout
what does it do
I actually do it post workout
also, isnt leafy greens raw on shakes a bad thing?
Do it before and after.
I tried onion for about a month and I saw 0 difference. Also tried ashwaghanda based on stuff I saw on this board. Imo if there arent' well-replicated studies in humans in reputable journals then it's almost surely a meme. Athletes go pretty far to give themselves a boost especially if it's legal so this stuff should be known if it's legit.
Never really noticed. It definitely didn't really take off the way it did until last week though. Because now you're seeing across multiple boards. At any given time.
Actually no, it has been a thing for exactly 3 days.
I imagine its pretty hard to get a nature publication for something relevant to sports nutrition. The strong journals tend to be more interested in more hard science, i would also say most biologist see these sports biomedicine type things as below them.
>mfw 1241 test natty
>mfw I've been eating onions like apples on average 2x a week since I was a kid
>mfw I learned this from my grandpa who started it and my entire family does it and everyone is manly af
>mfw seeing this onion meme
Grandpa is in his eighties and can walk and jog by himself no problem. Dad is in his fifties and can bench 185 without lifting for 10 years.
I thought it was that my family had good genetics, but apparently its fucking onions. My grandpa also drinks a small cup of olive oil like water every day and has done so for like 50 years. I've found it great for meeting your fat macros and instant calories if you're a lazy shit. Just make sure you get good quality extra virgin; (im sure you're familiar)
the cheap ones will burn your throat like 85 proof vodka
>I tried onion for about a month and I saw 0 difference.
Thats interesting, seeing as this study was just posted 3 days ago.
Redpill me on teleportation devices.
Aren't these guys just going to smell horrendous?
I'd say this year. There are loads of vids about onion in youtube and they're quite recent.
its 90% genetics
Hell, if onions increase my gains and longevity by 10% i'm up for it.
Not nature, but lots of good schools in western countries have exercise science departments. I saw shit coming out of Iran and India and that's what I mean by reputable. Shit there is corrupt and unregulated as fuck.
Idk what study you're talking about but the one I saw was one from Iran about rats along with some anecdotes that made me give it a try. It didn't improve anything.
Iran is one of the only non-ZOG nations left and they are literally the new East Berlin in terms of androgen and steroid research, would trust them over a Jewnited Statesian study any day.
what do you look like post body and face.
>not sex warchief
It's a long term thing. As long as you take it daily at around the same time it doesn't actually matter when that time is.
>take the onion pill
>next day call my parents literally crying about my problems
Is this the works of high test?
So we start dbthe year of with nasty Indian turmeric tea and now we are ending it with a bit of onion juice.
Wait, Charles Manson died? Rip
Are soyboy numales really that mad we are making fun of them that they are shilling onions in an unfunny meme this hard?
you man'd up and called your parents like a real man
Don't post on /b/ it's a Godforsaken porn board.
We use rat studies as reference for effects in humans all of the time faggot. Figures for acute and chronic toxicity of pretty much every compound ever are done on rats. Very rarely does a compound get enough attention to be tested on humans, and the ones that are dangerous are never tested on humans at all. The basic processes and structures in a rat's body is mirrored in humans, and while things shown to affect rats can't officially be declared to be an accurate human model, it shouldn't be ignored either, especially if there is no good reason to believe rats function any differently than us in that way.
On the one hand, all of the onion shilling which has just sprouted up and been shilled HARD makes me think it's bullshit
On the other hand, the fact that ((((MSM)))) is trying so hard to smother this in the cradle makes me think there might be something to it
What the fuck is a bugman? Also why does having a beard, glasses and a blad head make you one?
I'd rather wear glasses than contacts because shit irritates my eyes and is a waste of money. Should i not shave the sides when the top of my head is completely bald? I hate shaving in general so i tend to have a stubble or a short beard.
bugman detected
s m a l l s o u l e d
Do you actually believe in this shit?
Step 1: Eat an onion
Step 2: See if anything happens
It's really not that hard
Eric Bugenhagen praises raw garlic. He had a video where he eats half a pound of it in his car but I cannot find it now.
t. brainlet....
go use google.
Why pull something out of your ass like that?
What's the point?
But there are no studies.
my thoughts exactly.
For onions yes..
but on stuff tested on rats, and after that on humans with the same results ? there is plenty research for that....
>t. Brainlet that come up with a response and just says "u-use g-google!" Like every other day
You're a joke m8
The fuck is this supposed to mean? By the way, I forgot to mention that i don't enjoy anything else mentioned on the list. Also, where is that cucumber from I don't recognize it and who is that guy on the right and what does he have to do with this?
>[autistic insectoid clicking intensifies]
Sure thing kiddo, but at least I'm not stupid
Veeky Forums is a joke "m8"
>I'm not stupid
>chugging fucking onion juice which producing no benefit
Pick one and only one user
Regardless of whether you believe the claims about increased testosterone or not, onions are very healthy and we could all benefit from eating more of them.
Onions are chelating - and lots of modern folk have metals in the blood - perhaps detoxification of metals is having a positive effect on endocrine function, in turn optimizing endogenous hormone production
just a thought
>Onions are chelating
What is this supposed to mean? You know that the "normies" are making fun of you on Twitter, right?
Never did onions, but I ate 2 cloves of garlic a day for 2 months and never felt better. I was also the leanest I ever have been and strong. Only reason I stopped was because I got sick of the constant taste of garlic in my mouth in the evenings.
>mfw one bulb per day and onionmaxxing as well
>They're all gonna laugh at yew
>What is chelating
So much for that Ashkenazi vocabulary
>unironicly choosing warlord
Lmao have fun getting btfo by literally any other class.
Who else /assassin/ here?
I made my posts not knowing that you are against jews. Is ((())) this a code for something? Just asking.
>Is ((())) this a code for something?
OK dial it back a bit mayne, you had a good thing going for a sec but this is too goddamned obvious
No tell me please. Prove that you aren't an antisemite.
So sorry
AND be testosterone pumped sex warlords
c'mon man.
LOL oy vey
I would rather be an alchemist so I can conjure an unlimited supply of onion juice.
>Prove that you aren't an antisemite
Oh baby plz be real
You unironically make me laugh. What does the left lack in "meme-magic"?
>California numales on Twitter disapprove of me
Oh the horror!
How do I into garlic?
>Is ((())) this a code for something?
Oh hey - sorry, that's just a browser plugin I use. It activates whenever I'm talking to a communist.
Try eating it with your mouth, hope this helps.
worse than rats. two groups (control and treatment) of 10 rats each. and a study done in fucking iran.
And they straight up tortured the rats while feeding them raw onion juice.
Let's just say I'm not convinced.
>they straight up tortured the rats while feeding them raw onion juice
That this did not tank their test levels is just further proof of the power of onion