Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
Gym attire thread
Going to the gym today like this
Other urls found in this thread:
you can only wear IDGAF clothes if you are shredded or over 200 lbs skelly
>I'm alpha AF
You look like you're going to a gaybar, not to a gym.
Good thing I'm 6'3
>100% serious no sarcasm
I'll post video when I can
itt: OP tries to be like monkeyshirt user and fails miserably
Never heard of him
Requests for how autistic I should be?
I'm Down for a lot except sexual assault
don't be an annoying retard, go in, do your workout, go home
Wow that sounds fun..
I'm only really doing this because its fattie class hour and they take up large portions of the place with their heaving and wheezing. They are the annoying retards to me. Several 300+ lb people all doing not shit.
you really are ´tarded arent you OP
So y'all gonna slide my thread in favor of LE ONIONZ
I will literally do almost anything you ask of me and record it
>I'll post video
>Wow that sounds fun
you're going to the gym fucknut, not the god damn county fair
>fatties trying to better themselves
>they are the annoying retards
if you go to the gym only to purposely be an obnoxious retard you're never gonna make it. go in and work for you gains, dickhead.
Never post again. No video necessary
>even allowing yourself to get THAT bad
I've been overweight before, not morbidly obese +10
I have no sympathy for these fat faggots
They constantly complain loudly right by my stations.
So I'll just have to do my own shit with no help of any of you.
Stay tuned
you're a real cunt, maybe go post this shit on reddit instead
Nice jest. Get a better haircut
cute vest, where to cop?
That's the whole point of it, I tried to make it as ugly as possible. Its usually combed up
Think it was from walmart
Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
>I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
Well, you do care what they think since you've specifically chosen to dress like a faggot. The irony is hilarious.
You look like a goober user, why not just wear something normal? No one gives a fuck that you don't give a fuck, so why don't you stop giving a fuck and actually not give a fuck for once? Fuckhead.
I'm arriving now.
Right at 5 when the classes start
So meme status can't be attained...
Classes aren't running holiday week
you fuckin dork
Bullshit. They told your stupid ass to fuck off. Oh well, guess it's back to /r9k/ huh, op.
Videos not uploading right
Yeah of course it's not. You're trying to make yourself a meme.
Reminder that these are the types of people who make vegan threads.
>good thing I’m 6’3”
lol wut? It’s one thing to make fun of manlets, it’s another to think you’re alpha just because you’re tall. You are ugly and dyelmode bro, sorry to break it to you
Hello Brüno
>meme status can't be attained
Reminder, these are the people telling you to eat onions & that SL doesn't work
They are in the gym. That's step one.
I've honestly been trying to upload this video I shot on my phone but there's so many aggravating stipulations just to post it here
So I just decided to be a YouTube cuck cause webms fucking escape me.
My phone died while trying to do this whole fucking process immediately.
This is all I got, sorry to dissapoint
I'm alfalfa AF
>let me cover up my tattoo so nobody notices me i'm sure the fact i own this shirt won't be enough to out me
but really tho w2c
look like shit fag muffin
>its one thing to think you're better than me because of my trolling
You think I'm ugly? The OP pic was literally an instant snapshot
>feels the need to prove he is alpha
>isn't alpha
Not big enough to pull it off
What the fuck if your problem?
>Not taking the time to rotate the video so that it's completely vertical
Never going to make it.
shoo shoo satan
i always forget there are people this autistic posting here until they out themselves
was this supposed to be a flattering picture?
Now I think you're even uglier
He's got that look in his eye.
>D-don't make him angry, I heard he was alpha AF!
Meh feelingz
Not flattering, a laying down bed pic that was just on my phone
Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
>bitchweight and breathing like a faggot
Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
then try taking a flattering pic
Here's a famous photo from /soc/
Ayy lmao
somebody nuke this piece of shit
>tfw this will never be your gymbro
Jimmy Neutron forehead, manchild look, shit hairstyle plus lanky fingers = retarded baby of Leonardo DiCaprio and Nicolas Cage
Also it looks like your eyebrows lift more than you do, faggot
Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
you have a love live tattoo don't you
>i actually did it Veeky Forums
again OP, literally no one gives a fuck about your retarded little tryhard stunt
Show the wings on the back please
poor guy. that shit really fucking sucks.
stop bumping his thread
if you're gonna post in here at least sage it
6'3" skeleton with a faggot haircut and pedo facial hair
>if you turn your screen, its like his eyes are following you.
Shave your stupid facial hair
>Idgaf what people think of me
>Pls pay attention to me I will do anything pls
Lol bump
This isn't that bad of a meme
I'll take anything over gay ass onion threads
you look like a jojolion character
i like it not gonna lie
whats the tattoo?
Going to the gym today like this.
I'm not that retarded or anything I just like people knowing I don't give a fuck about what they think and that I'm alpha AF standing out from the pack.
I'll try to get some video here soon.
I like you op
despite all the people in this thread calling you a faggot retard, you still did what you set out to do.
People itt take life way too seriously. There's nothing wrong with acting like a retard once in a while.
do this op
meme, but the groaning got a laugh from me
godspeed my dude, you aint bad
Lol where can I get a bee movie costume anymore. I'd do it too
Thanks I try to make light of boring situations.
T-this is bait right?