Can we ban the following threads?
>fad diets (keto paleo atkins vegan etc)
>obvious bait threads
>soy threads
>blatantly not fitness related threads (usually about girls)
Can we ban the following threads?
>fad diets (keto paleo atkins vegan etc)
>obvious bait threads
>soy threads
>blatantly not fitness related threads (usually about girls)
Other urls found in this thread:
or just use filters
>state of the board threads
Yes we should censor them. I don't know why someone would be posting in bait threads.
I just recently came back to Veeky Forums after a 3 year hiatus.
This thread you’re making is the same complaint then as now. The memes are the same. Everything is the same.
Nothing will change. This board will not improve to your liking.
/pol/s weird attempt to discredit soy is fucking annoying
they can barely read their studies
>you have to be a nazi from /pol/ to not eat soy
>Meta on /qa/ only.
>All meta discussion of boards is to be redirected to /qa/.
If you treat the board like shit, it will become a shitty place. Treat this board like your body (hint: well)
hi reddo
fuck off, soyboy. this place exists to troll retarded noobs.
No, shit posting is why Veeky Forums is fun go get your autism fix by reading lines of code, there is nobody besides you that enjoy autisticly obsessing over fitness information that is not only free, but easily accessible and as old as the first civilized state in human history.
does fit even have mods? we can basically do whatever the fuck we want here. never seen a thread deleted here
give it a week it'll die down
Most of the girls threads are turning Veeky Forums into /rk9/ so I agree with you. But I love me them Veeky Forums girls.
Diet threads are fitness related though. Let them keep generals for that.
Three years ago half the threads were >tfw no gf. This place is a paragon of discussion by comparison.
>doesn't mention trap and faggot threads
>mentions girl threads
Go back to /lgbt/ you fucking peter puffer.
Onion threads are a healthy staple of Veeky Forums
trap threads are the heart and soul of fit.
>Can we ban the following threads?
>>fad diets (keto paleo atkins vegan etc)
>>obvious bait threads
Only if they are memes I don't personally like, such as the onion thing
>>soy threads
>>blatantly not fitness related threads (usually about girls)
>please ban things I don't like
do you have the image where jimmy's dad talks about the jews?
Vegan isn't a fad diet, it's a lifestyle. Dumbufck
Oh nevermind, I found it.
>soy and onion shills are still out in full force
>all of this shit is allowed
>tinder threads of fitiziens drowning unsuspecting sloots with their unfiltered autism get deleted
Life is just not fair.
Why would you ban anti soy threads lol ? Soy products is a serious health epidemic in the USA and Europe. If anything it should be noted in the STICKY that eating soy that containes oestrogen will have adverse affects on health ( eg. Man boobs and low testosterone ).Here's a youtube video about it: ( in case you are misinformed or ignorant to the soy product public health problem ).
I recognize that filename. You're that vegantrap tripfag.
It's just /pol/ being retarded as usual
The reality is that talking about nothing but fitness would be boring as hell. Just think of this board as a tamer version of /b/ where a bunch of users claim to lift weights and you'll have a better time.
Yes :)
Gook posters should be banned also it's no different than gore, shit makes me vomit everytime i see it. Seen one gook, seen them all.
I don't know why that filename stuck with me, shit's weird sometimes. How you doing?
Overall I’m pretty okay. Working lots, dealing with family drama. I was just working out but it felt like I was like half a second away from pulling a muscle just lateral to my left kneecap??? And now it hurts to do even a bodyweight squat so I’m done for the night. I think it was from trying to hold a heavy hip thrust at the top for 30 seconds.
How are you? :)
Not too bad. Broke some personal records but my knee is busted so i can't squat and my eczema has flared up a bit as well.
Omg I have eczema too! We’re like twins :)
I find that diet plays a HUGE role in how bad it gets. Have you been eating cleanly, or eating processed stuff and like wheat lately? Bet your diet’s been less than perfect :P
Steroid cream works, but it’s best to treat the cause of a problem rather than the symptoms. Imo :)
Yeah I think I talked with you about it a while ago. Not that you could've guessed because this place is anonymous.
I think it's because of the laundry detergent I used. Bought a different one than I usually do because the store i was at had ran out of the good stuff.
Oh, yeah probably. Detergent is some awful stuff. Cleans the shit out of clothes but comes with a cost...
Hope your skin improves soon :(
And I know! The anonymous system makes zero sense. We should all have names imo. The way things are it’s like impossible to make internet friends here :/
That mindset leads to boards becoming like /v/.
if you want to meet friends then fuck off over to reddit
I'll just have to use my ointments and not scratch it so it will heal up faster.
I quite like this place this way. It's good to have some anonymous places as well. Besides, if people want to use a trip they can.
>ban things i don't like reeeee
This isn't reddit.
yeah reddit is pretty great. they seem more helpful over there but there's less crazy fun.
omg you should never ever scratch at it! don't you have benadryl cream???
also if you use a trip here everyone calls you mean names and there's a drama shitstorm every single time you post :(
the system would work better if people were nicer
Yeah i do and ive gotten quite good at not scratching my skin over the years. Shit sucks if you do it while asleep though, hardly any ways to counter that.
Could just grow a thicker skin. Who cares if someone calls you names on an anonymous basket weaving forum?
this probably isn't a solution for you lol, but acrylics work pretty well.
also what should i call you? we should be Veeky Forums friends :)
i literally have thin skin. side effect of the estrogen! increases tactile sensations though which is super interesting. but figurativelyi have thick skin. it just gets very old when you try to talk about something and instead of talking about that everyone calls you a fag and tells you to kill yourself. like maybe just try talking to me instead of that? but whatever i guess...
Get the fuck off of this site you sissy cuck faggot
Add to the ban list these:
>Manlet Threads
>Fasting Threads
>Dumb Facebook bitches asking dumb shit
>Women in general asking for advice without showng ass/tits
>Supermang Threads
>PLG/Fraud Threads
Thank you chink m00t
you can't ban shit you reddit newfaggot
But what would fill their place?
someone's insecure
Half of those fall under bait threads to be honest.
Show ass kawaii desune trappu channnnn!!!!-*_*-/ arigatoooooo~
I dunno. You can call me whatever, I lack the imagination.
I enjoy those threads bitchboy. Get more autistic or fuckin leave
My cock
Open wide you ass fuck boy imgonna make you learn a big lesson today Todd
Wasnt supermang a thing in 2014? That quasimodo has probably croacked already or at least entered snap city. His form was so shitty it even hurt to watch
you must be really new around here because that shits been going on, on this website for the decade that I've wasted here.
Yeah you ger used to it after a while. I'd say the name calling was more frequent back when i started coming to this website in 2008.
Well I’m glad I made a friend here, anyway. Lol.
Not too new no. I’ve basically been here for my entire fitness journey so far! But I’ve noticed that when you use a trip everyone would rather talk about your trip code than whatever you actually want to talk about...
Oh okay. Are the hip thrusts working??
Show your ass sweetheart
Ha I really suck with names, so I couldn't come up with anything. Anyways, I'll go take a nap. Catch ya later, cutie.
That's very nice indeed,idk about the tattoo but the rest is nice,are you femenine enough to completely fool bois into your trap?because you could do that with me you know?
But ONLY if you fool mebecause otherwise anons and my family will call me gay and I aint gay I swear
Waaaah, mommy, please stop people from saying things I don't like! Kill yourself.
Sweet dreams! I gotta get ready for bed now blahh. Gotta wake up 4am for work as always :P
I’m pretty fem and have passing voice but a gigantic adam’s Apple lol. Need that surgery and some others...
god damn that pic is hilarious
She's got a nice face at least. Dunno how the boobs are
Jeez what an early wakeup, try get enough sleep. By the way your voice sounded nice, totally passable.
Because tripfags are annoying and shit up the board with the oh everyone look at me I have a name I'm special. It defeats the purpose of anonymous posting. There are plenty other other places online where you can get that.
Yeah, because it's full of normies with gfs now
>implying this is better
I learned about the soy thing years ago from fit. Why is it a pol thing now?
I dont care about your adams apple lol I have fucked some transvestite/trap that had a femenine voice,and out of this world ass but had that adam apple and shit didnt matter once she put her hands on me damn I miss that ass,like really I had to ask if it was real or surgery but no,shit was real I was just amazed.
Also had a masculine torso not gonna lie but was a total femenine girl in bed,loved it!
The virgin sensor vs the chad ignore