its not working
Its not working
Never forget that you missed the chance to find your sweetheart in grade school
Your pictures will never measure to this
what isn't?
who cares?
>co-college is just like school!
>t.18 year old high school senior who's still a kissless virgin
have another onion
I missed the chance to find my sweetheart in college too. I don’t think I ever will.
I went to a private school with barely any girls and none were interesting on top of that. I never had a chance from the start.
Are u supposed to find your sweetheart in college?
If so I am fucked.
No worries bros I didn't find the love of my life until after college while I was still working my bs minimum wage job.
literally #metoo
If you feel bad about it, then you haven't realised how mundane being in a relationship is after a while. Better work on yourself and the bitches will come now.
I'm going to university in 4 months, how do I have sexual intercourse with a woman once im there?
i was scouted for the wrestling team cause i was tall but i turned them down cause anime
no use dwelling on the past my dude
My school had the hottest chicks on earth, like literal supermodels, I made an ass (or better yet, retard) of myself in front of pretty much every girl I attempted to talk to.
You're non-meme up against this.
you basically just fix your shit
thing is, guys like this have high school sweethearts
>isnt a millionaire
Well no shit its not working dumb ass
Yes you will never be surrounded by as many smart sexy women. I wish I would have had the sense to find my wife when I was in college. Now it’s all fat single moms FML
You only get to pick one
tfw in the past 6 years i had 2 relationship...
>in the past 18 i've had zero
get on my level nerd
>tfw i can compete against this
there are 1 of these guys per 20 betas anyway
also there are usually AT LEAST 50/50 boy/girl ratio
more often its like 40/60
i thought i'd be with someone with 26 by now, whom i would marry in a couple of years
instead i have to deal with a breakup, with the same girl, again
then she's not the right one, keep looking then
you complain about a breakup for 2 weeks max then hit the streets again
I didn't though. I was popular as fuck and had my own band. Shit was cash.
Autism came later with full force, though.
imo there is no right "one"
Be black. Not even joking, the amount of experimenting all white women do in college is amazing. I’ve been blown in the women’s bathroom by random white girls for being black. Before you say something, yea I know they are using me.
well then get the best one
Im glad
Its a well known fact that the greater your life is in school the shittier your life is after you leave it.
Only exception for ultra rich kids.
>tfw have banged 2 girls off tinder and 1 from a nightclub in the past fortnight and regularly get compliments on how I look from girls but still felt a twang of sadness/regret/rage when I saw the OP picture
Is this college or highschool football? Not american
I'm 100% a mixed martial arts and weight lifting guy. The exact two things that don't attract women unlike team sports.
could be either honestly
Damnit I knew that I should have gone with black.
Looks like high school to me (source: American)
Just look at them, definitely adults
Girls only do this to assert power. Walk it off, OP. Find yourself an authentic QT.
Pareto principle :)
What about half black on the darker side/not pale brown
Do I have to act black I can't really do ebonics
Yeah, We should have picked our own fucking cotton so you nogs wouldn't be over here scumming up our society and women.
>Technically it's not your fault, the kikes push race mixing and consumerism of shitty nog culture everywhere they go and white women are helpless to the lies of the Jew
oh and
>Nothing personal, no hard feelings
>Had oneitis all throughout high-school. Pretty much perfect.
>She gets hot in Grade 10 while I still look like a dork (braces, greasy hair, thin as fuck, acne).
>Shows me attention but dates more alpha guys.
>Fast-forward to grade 12. Grow to 6'3, acquire Justin Bieber tier hair, get tan to kill acne, and have braces removed. Become alpha.
>End up together with this girl. Take virginity, go to prom, date for 3 years, go to same university.
>She dumps me in Uni because I become a clingy loser.
Pretty sad to admit that that one year in high-school was probably the happiest I ever was. Everything else (decent job, great girlfriend, healthy family) kind of pales in comparison to getting the girl of your dreams when you have zero responsibility. Feel bad for those who missed out on that experience.
>having sex with someone with a different skin color is 'experimenting'
All this goes to show is how fucking stupid and racist all Americans are. Associating ideas and principles to people based off a genetic factor irrelevant to life.
>thing is, guys like this have high school sweethearts
Who they all cheat on
better to have love and lost then to have never at all
t. also only had one gf ever
what was ur height in grade 9/10 user
Agreed. Took me a couple years to accept that. Not salty but she also has lost a large amount of her appeal (looks, lifestyle choices) in the last year or two so nbd. So that makes everything easier.
>Everything else (decent job, great girlfriend, healthy family) kind of pales in comparison to getting the girl of your dreams when you have zero responsibility
Yeah no.
You lucked out in school and fucked up your adult life.
Maybe 5'10 in grade 9 and 5'11 / 6'0 in grade 10?
"Fucked up your adult life" at 26 hahahaha.
That moment in time was pretty special and will be hard to top. You sound like you had that and are doing even better now care to share the secret?
20 yr old kissless virgin here. Not even that bad looking. Just a terrible personality. Already accepted my incel-dom and am now working on building a compound in the forests to defend during the(hopeful) collapse of america
whats your footsize though
>mfw didn't go to public school for almost 3 years because I was a little delinquent shithead
>get my shit together what would've been last half of my Jr year and cram to go to school for Senior year
>feels like I was late to the party, keep to myself and graduate
>enlist in Muhreens because few options and Muh Freedums
>mfw first 2 years of the Marine Corps was pretty much High School for me
now Im going back to church, the people my age here are so gentle and innocent, it puts a smile on my face
in the same boat senpai
wew lad, how does it feel to live in a homogeneous community?
is that nigger anthony joshua? cos if so all those white guys are freakishly tall as fuck
how come? Can a chad turn into beta just like that?
^me2. Was class president, on homecoming and prom court (a faggot ended up winning both) and ran through pussy. Idk what the fuck ballwnes since I still lift5+ days a week and an attractive but it feels like I have no game whatsoever.
>tfw met gf in sophomore year of high school
>she followed me to college, then followed me to med school
>now 22 with a 6 year relationship
Honestly love the stability and connection. I don't think I would have achieved half the stuff I have so far without her support. This girl is a saint, the only reason it keeps working so well is because were so compatible.
We're talking about getting married before I finish my preclinical years up.
It's v good but the fear of her changing or getting resentful is real. Don't want to lose her to my own complacency or cultural degeneracy, we've both put so much into building this that it would suck to see it swept away.
So there's pros and cons. I feel like I'm a rich man who's constantly working to ensure that his treasure doesn't get lost or wasted or stolen.
Delete this, please
See you on /r/theredpill after she cheats on you with Chad and gets everything you own in the divorce bro.
Lol see you there bud
Similar. Except I turned down the wrestling team because I was too self conscious about my gynecomastia. Literal fucking hormonal poison foods as my family has no history of it.
She was such a let down... boring as fuck and making out was awkward. I ended up dating a bunch of randoms and then loosing my virginity to one of the randoms with the best tits ive ever sucked on... the high school sweetheart still hangs around but I could never fuck her shes just really awkward.
Actually if she wants to make any money she'd better do it fast because I'm not done paying off my student debt until my thirties.
Generally I think a woman have a hard time remarrying to desirable guys past about 30.
>not playfully bullying awkward lady
If you aren't close enough to comfortably talk shit then you were never close to begin with.
Theres always home my dudes, I was fat and an uberautist in high school, by the second year of college I had become both fit and less autistic. Now I just fuck my gf and the occasional slut comes in for a threesome. At this rate, ill be drowning in pussy senior year. We're all gonna make it brahs
>MFF Threesomes
Hows the meme life treating you
Well, mostly MFF, couple times with a trap. Looking for a cute twink whos down to get his ass pounded is a work in progress.
i did tho
took her virginity and have been dating her for 4 years. shes qt and traditional as fuck. you have to get them young when youre in highschool before theyre unspoiled.
Make friends in class/gym/hobbies/clubs and then constantly ask around about any parties during the weekend. Really easy mode when you live on res.
If she stood by you at your worst, she'll stand by you at your best.
I believe this too, good to hear tho
Enjoy her ignorance of better options while it lasts.
I did
It was awful
I think she's the only person I ever genuinely loved.
>mfw the only chick I've ever found to be a genuine 10/10 was a senior in HS while I was a freshman
Never had a chance
Fuck no, those relationships rarely ever work out.
She knows she could pull any dude. I could pull any chick, too. We chose each other without scarcity forcing the decision.
But I will keep lifting and eating lean and staying chill so I don't turn unattractive.
>I could pull any chick, too.
I'm glad your ego keeps reality at bay. Keep on coping.
>But I will keep lifting and eating lean and staying chill so I don't turn unattractive.
That's right, because that's the only thing that matters.
Haha alright man.
Veeky Forums used to be such a positive place. What would Zyzz say if he saw you posting like this?
>mfw I smashed and dated girls from my highschool and other highschools in the area
I am not him, why you have to be negative? Do you have 'crabs in the bucket' mentality?
Ever since reddit banned /r/incels they've been spending more time various boards. Just ignore him.
I can’t believe I share this site with 9th graders.
>Don't make me come out of this hot tub.
What a crushing blow! How will I ever recover?
>Ever since reddit banned /r/incels they've been spending more time various boards. Just ignore him.
fucking elliot rogers ruining Veeky Forums imo
As if Veeky Forums isn't a bunch of incels already.
Jesus man have you considered that you may be projecting on those around you?
Maybe take a minute and introspect, you might actually learn something.
Right, I'm the one with a problem here. Please tell me more about projection.
and? it used to be about making it
now it's a bunch of dweebs who don't even lift complaining about shit
Don't respond to him man he thinks he's trolling.
Then leave.
Congrats. You've sent me into my 500th depression spell today.