Per month.
Mine is $47 dollars.
How much does your gym cost?
20$ for PF (closer, cardio days mostlt)
20$ for a janky little gym that's father but cozy AF little place to train
5 bucks a year at my city rec centre
Fucking country, always everything too expensive.
Free. I worked for the organisation that runs it. After I left they said I can keep free gym.
They pay me to go.
£13.99 per month
No undesireables anywhere, small price to pay.
$15 per month
But I'm on a family plan so it's 60 a month
Nothing cause I'm in college.
So actually 10k a year...
Basically no niggers, jews or mexicans
$30 but I get reimbursed $250 through work every year
What the shit. I work for the same company and they still charge me 17USD a month (down from 35).
$21 with military discount
$15 US dollaroos, or about nothing compared to what is expected to pay for a gym.
>no jews
are you retarded
>implying jews even lift
Name one ethnically jewish athlete
>Imagine living with this much fear and hate
didin't you know living around blacks increases your blood pressure.
Thats why blacks need to move to white neighborhoods, to lower their blood pressure.
20 cdn @fit4less but I never use any of the premium stuff I should have just opted for the 10 option
50 leafbux
Per month? Let me do some quick math uh....about 4800$. Thanks medical school gym....
Being poor raises blood pressure, being racist probably raises it too
10 dolla
Goodlife fucking sucks
Like goddamn fuck off with the promo shit and personal trainer stuff.
$40/mo for 24 Hour super sport membership in Socal
Is that covered by your insurance?
Julian Edleman
Sandy Koufax
Top of my head. Two near stars in NFL and MLB and one all time great
Bill Goldberg
$0 a month. My job pays for it.
Free, pretty much any on-base gym I want. I work at the Navy Exchange.
poorfags btfo company covers 35 of that..
About $70 a month and I fucking hate it. As soon as my lock-in contract ends I'm gone.
$25 a month
Three squat racks
Tons of free weights
No radio = no nig not pop music
...he didnt mention which company.
Explains why niggers are always dying from cardiovascular disease
free, but it would be 180 per month if i didnt work for the hospital that owns it.
Mine is normally $75/month, but if you go at least 15 times a month like I do, they give you a 50% discount.
On exchange in Finland, gym is 21 euros per month
wouldn't they want you to go fewer times? less wear and tear and equipment
anyway mine is $50 a month. but it's pretty comfy
Holyshit my gym uses the exact same plates and they fucking suck. Everyone always struggles with taking them off, only good thing about them is that you don't need any clamps because they won't slide off anyway.
Also, €30/mo
10gbp per month, but you take 3 months in advance.
Fcuking nice dude, 4pl8 squat when?
$25 for LA fitness
jews don't spend their money, that's why they have money
t. nigger
Comes with free Arabs who smell and steal
I work at an LA Fitness so they actually pay me to use the gym lmao
I work front desk on occasion, basically. Is it worth it? No. Dealing with retards and foreigners make me not even want to go there to work out because my mind has a negative association. My workout frequency for the past month has been shit.
Really want to go to a gym that has the equipment I want with none of the riff-raff, but there aren't any nearby. :'(
daddy's rich so I have a collection of stuff at home
I haven't got membership yet since I just moved back to aus but gyms are fucking expensive here
Most gyms are around $70-100+ and the cheapest one I could find was $55 but you have to pay for a full year to get it that cheap
Any ausfags know cheap gyms in syd?
$10, in leaf money.
Its obviously run by jews
Company gym cost free.
it costs you lower wages
Try Crunch
Germanfag here
20€/month for the cheapest gym in town
30€/month for gym+classes+sauna
and then there are fancy gyms for 50 or 60€
£15.00 a month 24hr gym use it every day before work then jump in the shower there no other frills but a lot of floor space and good kit
About 10 yuros per month out of my gross salary. I can exchange 1 vacation day every year to pay it.
190 euros a year, LA fitness
10 europoorfag money units
studentfag here, 11 euros per month and its pretty comfy
About €33, Netherlands
£26.99 24/hr gym
Get there at 4am and leave at 7am and then head to work.
Nice working for an emergency service that sees fitness as a basic thing to look after its employees
1.25 euroshekel get mad
19.95 Ronaldos
40/mo for the Y and i can access any Y in the world when i travel for work or visit friends in other cities
40 €
It would be $32.42 but I work at the front desk but I get an employee discount it’s free.
The previous gym I went to was $10.99
I pay £25 which is prob around ~$50 but I get access to over 100 gyms across my whole country which I think is a pretty fair deal (although I only use 2 of the gyms kek)
60 bucks, but my gym is a rock climbing gym with a full regular gym and access to the other local climbing gyms.
It's awesome. Boulder for a bit, get my back and grip good and strong, head over to the mostly empty squat racks and then lift. They got all new equipment recently, so everything is so fucking fresh. It's like being in an adult playground.
Where is this hpoa gym?
260$/yeay tax In, Can dollars
I wish I was kidding but my gym costs $250 a month :/
It’s pretty sick though, not going to lie
build your own gym
29$ bucks
>mfw that Veterans discount
20 european dollars for a shit tier gym thats open 24/7.
$40/month. I lift with Jews, Latinos, black people and Asians and it doesn't bug me at all because I'm not playing out a make pretend race war in my head 24/7.
€60/month for gym, classes, and spa (two saunas, pool, steam room, etc.). Germany
Niggers and spics are dirty and annoying, spics less so but still. Whenever they are in the gym they are loud and never clean up after themselves.
t. cuck
50$ for a shit gym that only has 1 squat rack.
Also if you wanna try the gym just for a day it costs 30 fucking dollars.
Fucking jews man.
I live in an apartment in Manhattan, no way that works
At my gym you've got to have stocks in the company to train there.
Yet another reason to carry lube in your gym bag
$100 per month. Limited membership strength gym with expensive equipment.
Well that's the most jewy thing I have seen today.
He meant he still works with HIS OWN company. Learn to read faggot.
Mine is $350 for a year, you pay it upfront, but if you want to pay it monthly they rape you with $50 for it.
It's worth it, it's got the equipment I want and it's those kind of posh gyms where doctors, strippers and girlfrinds of drug dealers go.