Bitconnect Exit in less than 2 months

Bitconnect will exit scam within 2 months time. The UK has demanded that bitconnect give sufficient proof that it is not a ponzi scheme within 2 months or else it forfeits all property and rights to the crown. They will exit scam before this happens. The pink wojacks will be immense.

Other urls found in this thread:

>pink wojacks
if anyone on Veeky Forums is actually in bitconnect, know this:

you are a gullible idiot
you will lose your money
everyone is tired of you

Of course they will. They're already winding down hard, and the signs are obvious to all of those who aren't retarded or niggers. It's going to be fucking funny watching the normies pink wojak for once. It'll be the one time all of BIZ actually gets to laugh at the losers.

bitconnect is british?


This shit is going to take a dump on the whole industry


Consequences will never be the same bizraelis.
Normies get rekt and all of crypto will suffer

Post UK demands source or it didn't happen

google it you lazy fuck, like i have anything to gain from fuding this garbage lol

>normies will lose their money and kill themselvez
>thats good
>but the normie death rattle will fud everything, including my bitcoin
>thats bad
>but the fudding will give me a lower dollar cost average as i buy more bitcoin
>thats good

You bought bitconnect? you scurred?


They will find a way to make it not look like a ponzi don't worry

How can I profit from this?


why is it that the biggest bitconnect shills are always fucking filthy niggers and arabs?


Only ones gullible enough to fall for a ponzi

his reasoning for bitconnect always being around was hilarious

>bitconnect is connected to bitcoin. its in the name. bit connect. as long as bitcoin is around so will bitconnect be too

Because you're a /pol/tard with clouded judgement.


Niggers, Mexicans, Philippines live MLM's

I guess it has something to do with cognitive bias

His "TA" is hilarious too. Nigger just draws some lines and spouts whatever bullshit that comes to mind.

>implying TA in crypto is anything else

I put 300$ into it and im making decent gains. Yall can spread FUD all u want

I can't wait till you lose it. I will laugh so much. God I really can't wait for the incoming pink catalog. Bitconnect is dead.


What am i looking at faggot?

Watch the video. These are all fake DoBs and addresses of top bitconnect promoters. I live near one of them, so I'll be seeing him tomorrow. Of course, he won't be there.

Fucking idiots. You need to learn how businesses in the UK operate. It's got nothing to do with them proving that they are (or aren't) a ponzi you fucking kike fucks.

A quick google search will explain whats going on to you fudding fudders.

New Company filing and directors

PHD (MIT) sheds some light on BCC

the assumptions everyone uses on BCC is so far off you look like this guy Barring regulators coming down on the ENTIRE crypto space, the actual MATH shows BCC will be here well into 2021-22.

>even if you make gains on a ponzi the SEC takes them back
have fun getting audited

doing math on how long a ponzi will stick around, LOL

once they have more money than theyll ever need they will just exit scam, have fun with that math

unless it's not a scam. maybe watch that second link and try to form a rebuttal. I'd love to here it.

fuck. i finally got financially independently and the government is trying to shut us down

Lol I actually watched this fucking video
>CEO of bitconnect doesn't want to be known because it's dangerous to run a successful company

you really believe this shit? they are anonymous because its a ponzi and they are going to exit scam you dumb fuck HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

We'll see

Like I said, 2021-22 is when the POS is projected to end. Then of course, if it is a ponzi, they have to sell all the coins to incoming investors to actually grab all that money so maybe another 2 or 3 years after that...

Why do people with no knowledge of a topic spread misinformation? By this time tomorrow, I can have formed a new company called BitConnect Voyage LTD with 10 fake directors.

I'm about to put some money in in a week or two. Why shouldn't I?



The same bitch that was promoting controlfinance before they exit scammed promotes bitconnect. Everyone in controlfinance use to say the same thing "its all FUD from haters were gonna make so much money!" then poof gone


they have an office and ph (aka fake hire-a-presence shit) there but i dont think they exist there

they should be able to show proof of buy/sell orders of their trading bot making profit if its legit

would be very easy but of course they dont because of course its a ponzi

>the creator of bitcoin doesn't want to be known because it's dangerous to create an anonymous currency that is void of central bank influence.
and no, I'm not comparing the group running BCC to Satoshi. Just pointing our our logic is flawed.

Maybe BCC is a scam or maybe it's simply a PEGGED currency utilizing a POS chain and was pre-mined, solidifying the company's funding for payments. (In layman's terms, they're acting like a bank paying you out in their currency which they pegged to BTC. As long as BTC is around and continues to grow, so will BCC)

is this really your logic? what happens when it doesnt grow? poof 10 billion dollars magically gone?

>filed in July 2017
Whats up with that

go ask Simmons to show you the algo that ran his Medallion fund. lol
I know it's not an exactly perfect analogy but my point is that BCC doesn't have to show anyone anything.

lol you are clearly retarded. have fun losing your money

btw i have this great invesment that returns 2% a day guaranteed if you put in 100k upfront, you interested?

It's a POS system! The system is setup so that they will always hold the majority of coins over a long duration and they've pegged the coin to BTC so they'll literally be printing money. it's pretty ingenious actually. Again, as long as BTC is around, they'll be able to pay.

BTC doesn't grow? Where do you see BTC in 2020? in 2025? be honest?


POS so they print coins all day, interesting. This is a pretty well thought out system whether or not its a scam etc.

lol All I'm asking for is an honest convo. Show me anything other than conjecture or an opinion.
I'm completely open and I'm more than willing to change my mind. It's just that everything I've seen, read or watched is opinion based. I first did my analysis on BCC during their ICO and wrote them off. I revisited them when they hit $50.

BTW, did you know their platform was lending successfully for 1 year before they created their own coin? reason for the coin? clients were losing due to slippage by the time BTC settled. Which is EXACTLY what pegging one's currency is designed to do.

Did you know XRP and BCC are 2 of the highest returning coins of 2017? They put everything in the alt space to FUCKING shame.

Know what the 2 most heavily FUD coins are?

I hope this retard loses all his money. Fucking idiot.

wait... youre determining that bcc isnt a scam because the coin price goes up?

the price goes up because of the demand caused by idiots and blacks trying to get into the lending ponzi.

this is going to wipe out a billion dollars from crypto. and unfortunately bcc is quickly becoming the new normie money entry point thanks to these ridiculous referral system.
vietcong-pajeet: the coin
check the last third of the video too

Uh yeah. try this one.

March '17 BCC was trading at .16cents. $10k gets you 62,500 BCC.
in order to "lend" and earn your 1% outrageous return everyone criticizes, you have to lend bitconnect your BCC. THEY STAKE IT and earn the new coins on top of any appreciation BCC has over the duration.

today - BCC is $265.
The 62,500 coins you "lent" them is now worth $16.5 million + plus new coins from the POS.
you earn $125k....

Yeah, it's not a ponzi or a scam dude, it's just a genius trading platform.

also, just checked the charts for this crap, congrats to everyone that made a profit on this scam, but dont forget to take some before this shit colapses

First links when googling "bitconnect" is about it being a scam

Majority of youtube videos about it being a scam

>could easily prove its legitimate by providing any kind of trade history but just decides "nah"

if you actually think this isnt a ponzi you are literally a fucking retard

Do you even understand how staking works your porch monkey. It doesn't just create new money out of thin air. Staking generates new tokens which is inflation which LOWERS the marketcap and thus the value per token. WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID OMGGGGGGGG

Dude, pull up a chart of BCC and pull up a chart of BTC. You'll see they're mirror images of each other.
They're pegging or banding their currency to BTC and that's why they'll be successful.

Again, where BTC goes, BCC will go.

Now, be honest, where will BTC be in 2020? 2025?

its fucking smart

so they are raking in BTC while trading some fucking BCC trash between users where its only value comes from the demand of people wanting to get into the system.

they created value out of thin air.

pretty fucking jewish

inflation is irrelevent because the bitconnect people have total control over 99% of the supply

look at this:

see anything funny about the graph?

Checkout bitcoin in 2013/2014. Bitcoin is a speculative asset and is not immune to bear markets especially when the scaling solution is 2 years off. What do you think happens to bitconnect if bitcoin goes through a lengthy down trend? Think they are still gonna pay out tens of millions a month in compounded interest and referral bonuses? You are either trolling or the stupidest person I have ever met.

Killed by BCH... or later by ethereum if lucky this time.

they really havnt created any more value than the broken window fallacy does senpai

BTC - mining generates new coins which >generates new tokens which is inflation
but muh 21million limited satoshi dream

>which LOWERS the marketcap and thus the value per token.

and you're calling me retarded....

bitcoin does have inflation and the inflation goes down over time and eventually goes to 0

what is your point? im about 99% sure you are just trolling at this point

you literally just argued against your own
BCC has inflation which goes down to zero as well.
(and sooner than BTC)

1% interest compounded daily turns $1000 investment into 50million in 3 years. That also doesn't count their huge expenses on multi level referrals.

You basically admitted you know that it's a ponzi but you think that BTC is going to go to 1million so the ponzi will survive. Can't wait to see you get cucked. Also fuck you for the damage this shitpile is going to cause to the entire crypto community. I hope you get AIDS

I remember that time period well...
since BCC hasn't been tested in a real bear market I honestly don't know but I'll venture a guess.
They continue to print coins because of the POS and they lower their daily payout rate. BTW everyone says they guarantee 1%. no they don't. go through the history and you'll see plenty of 0% days.
I would assume if BTC went through some kind of major change (BCH flippening) they would just start pegging to BCH. It's like they're their own central

interesting question. If you invested $10 (the minimum) and compounded until it got way up there...
At what dollar level would you stop compounding and start withdrawing? be honest...

so you want bitcoin to fail?

dude, you can't take the average of a variable rate return and then apply it. learn to math.
That's not even close to the rate that they've paid out since march of 2016.
I actually did the research and DID THE MATH! $10k got you like $650k today...
again, their coin went from .16 cents to $265.
they are siting on $15mm an investor would have given them had they entered the platform

Also, see my question here and answer it honestly.

argumentum ad hominem