Veeky Forums don't miss the newest episode of the gymcel chronicles.
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Veeky Forums don't miss the newest episode of the gymcel chronicles
Find out next time on Dragon Ball V(irginity)
what were they thinking
They'll only end up fucking each other. No way they pull girls.
>just some workout video
>not an actual Veeky Forums series like murdoch murdoch
that looks comfy
>tfw no gymcel gym crew to hit heavy ass weights and stare longingly at women
> Be Alex fan
> Cool, finally we get to see what he is like outside of the gym
> "Ayyy HOMIES nd HOMETTES, what chu' got over here phil"
>hah-ha hes doing a Chris Jones impression
>"Got ALL KINDZ of fuckin sushi over here"
>"Buffet segemnt BRAH"
>What the fuck is he doing
>"What YOU got overe dere' Josh"
>"erm, 100 grams protein, 20 grams of carbs, 40 grams of fa-"
>"Sushi, smoked meat, green beans,prett clean actual-"
lmao his early videos are painful to watch
the soy sauce rumors are real , he became a soyboy :'(
>You'll never go to a buffet with Alex and Phil
Nothing wrong with this, I don't think they have interesting hobbies to talk about.
I like him but the buffet scene is fucking cringe
>snatch grip rack pull
>grip is little bit outside shoulders
Do you think when Alex sits down his little feet touch the ground?
i was sweating because of how uncomfortable that was to watch
who the fuck even responds to 'what do you have on your plate?' with
'100 grams protein, 20 grams of carbs, 40 grams of fat'
you really have to be autistic for that
>((((((alpha)))))) destiny
Can't even go to out with close friends without sperging out and showing off his real autistic personality.
His lifting personality is proably the biggest fraud in youtube fitness atm
He could be Blahas foster son.
yeah lol i'm pretty sure that he's a virgin
he's spilling spaghetti while he's eating with what seem his friends, can you imagine him being with a girl
Yeah its pathetic. Remember that the same guy gives dating advice on his website and in older videos
what the fuck is this retarded accent
Lmao i bet they can't even Get a conversation going when the camera's off
Beta destiny is getting fucking fat.
Keep in mind that they want to look cool and the video is edited and they probably only showed the least autistic stuff of in here.
This is supposed to be the most alpha stuff that happened at this buffet. TOP KEK
>thick neck like a bulldog
ebin comparison
They're pure meatheads. This is how the whole world saw weightlifters for the past decades. Now that we've finally started to get rid of that image these fucks are out there getting publicity
t. Soyboy
last 2 digits determine how many girls they fucked this day
Why does he talk so strangely?
>zero raw onions
low test/10
>"Because I'm so short"
idc what you guys say I genuinely enjoy Alex's videos
anyone on here who enjoys his videos is always accused of being alex lol
Why the fuck does he talk like a nigger?
Has he no self-respect? I would respect a black guy more doing this shit because that's in his genes.
Wiggers are disgusting, a white man.shpuld have self-respect, honor and dignity
black guys dont talk like that, he's sounds more like a guido (if that shit is still even a thing)
Why all the hate?
I haven't seen that many of his videos but he gives solid advice
Comfy vid