Well Veeky Forums today is the day I am officially FUKT.
I turned 18 today, and my parents kicked my ass out of their house. I have my laptop, school laptop, phone, two jackets, a blanket and the clothes on my back. I have my wallet, no cash, but debit card with like $932 in the account. My parents were always really nice to me, and never did anything like this, but we got into a fight over me and my gf spending too much time together, and its lowering my grades.
>As and Bs
It's BS. Id stay with her, but she's out of town for thanksgiving. SO, I have no friends, no nothing. Im basically homeless in a middle class town that has no homeless people, so idk wtf to go. Am I gonna fucking die? Its like 20 degrees F out here and still freezing. Now Im gonna lose all my gains, and then my gf, and then eventually my life. What the fuck am I meant to do? Why is adult age so close to the age of high school graduates? I don't even have my diploma yet so I can't get a job above $8.39/hr. HOW DO I KEEP MY GAINS AND MY LIFE?
>mfw posting using krogers wifi
Parents kicked me out - how do maintain gainz
Other urls found in this thread:
Go into drug treatment. Tell them you are smoking meth or some shit every single day. Usually you can get free housing
Your parents are niggers. Sorry, user.
you fucked
Gains are the least of your concerns now.
if things don't work out for you i suggest killing them and then yourself to teach em a lesson
How do I find drug treatment? Do I just go to a hospital and cry to them?
For real. Absolutely unequivocally this.
I just realized I have my gym membership card, but they're only open like 5am-10pm. Maybe I could pay for a 24/hr fitness and kinda live out of there?
>in old days families would live and work together
>Boomers are such selfish shitheads that they started the tradition of toss your ass out the day you turn 18
Im trying to live you nigger
Look up rule 25 and tell the assessor you don't have any insurance
Go to the hospital ask for help if you’re in the states it will work
Yeah, look for any rehab centre/shelter. If you have a job, then use the fitness centre's showers before going to work, and explain to them your issue. If you're able to, ask for an advanced payment, and consider looking for rent in the meantime.
Do you have a car or way to get around?
A cheap hotel room can be less than 60 bucks a night.
Go to a diner/McDonalds
No car, my parents always told me "its basically yours user, don't worry about it" but when I tried to take it they threatened to call the police and say I stole it.
post on craigslist and say you'll suck dick for a couch to sleep on
it's a proven fact that semen from men is a good source of protein.
Also, if the entire fucking fight was because you were spending too much time with your GF, how about - oh I dunno - Go stay with your GF for a bit?
faggot, do you read?
Yeah, but do you walk? Do you know how to take a bus?
Apologize to your parents..tell them they were right, and you are a dumbass..and that you will do whatever they say. Move back in and start saving every penny you have till you can support yourself and get a place of you own...
Buses dont operate here at night bruh. I can walk, but nobody is open. FFS the mcdonalds dining room is closed.
Just to get through the night, call a cab and get the shittiest cheap hotel room you can find. Look into shelters in the AM.
If all else fails invest in a tent and sleeping bag, not even kidding.
Uber to the cheapest hotel you can find nearby, call around for sympathetic friends. Live with them for a while if you can to avoid paying for hotels and call your folks after a few days and the fight has calmed down to see if you can move back in. Meantime look for a job. If your parents are that unreliable you need to be able to support yourself
Eat onions.
Call 911. You could die of hypothermia.
Besides, what's the worst thing that can happen?
I feel you bro I've been homeless in the dead of winter before.
I get some type of PTSD thing from shivering now.
Now is not the time to have any type of ego, now is the time to survive. Steal your food and save every dollar, fucking beg on the streets.
Stay safe and don't sit down in 1 place too long.
Take my advice and get into drug treatment right away. They can likely get you in a place within a day
Sadly the right post. I wonder what sort of logic parents who do this go through.
>hmm, billy isn't t doing well in school eh?
>how terrible, how is he going to grow up to be a successful, well scholared gentleman now?
>i want my son to be said things
>the best way to ensure this happens would be to kick him out of the house and make his chances of becoming said things fifteen times harder
Shit nigga this is an impulse thing they're probably over it by now, go back and join the military. And look on craigslist saying you
Don't fucking do this, they'll charge your ass hundreds of dollars.
It could be his parents are just shitty people and don't want to deal with him.
You don't just kick someone out the second its possible over some petty argument
How come white people don't value family? My uncle is a deadbeat who was in jail for 8 years and my father gave up on him long time ago yet the thought of kicking him out of the house never crosses any of our minds yet white people do it all the time.
Your parents are right. School takes priority over the GF.
Kicking you out of the house in the middle of winter is fucked, though, unless you took a swing at one of them. If you did, appoligize. Otherwise fuck them.
Gains are now low priority. Ditch your GF. Get a roomie. Get a job or second job. Apply at Kroger's while you're there. Drop out of school if you have to. You're going to have to fucking hustle.
Im gonna take your advice, Ive been sitting on an apartments porch that has a nice chair, but I saw a cop car drive by a couple times... Gonna go try the wendys downtown.
I mean, I think it depends on the white person and the family desu. I've got a fijian friend who's parents are really caring, and my family is as well. But with his family, the slightest disobedience from him and they'd kick him out, where as i'm not allowed to drink or take drugs.
Every family has a different threshold to what they tolerate, and some families will not tolerate disrespect whatsoever
real talk user
If you live in suburban USA, there is a fire station, sheriff/police station, or hospital within walking distance of you. That is where you need to go first if you don't know where any shelters are.
Also, if you're still in middle class suburb area, try to hitchhike. Most cars will reject you, but you might be able to hitch a ride with a dad (ideal). Just don't look too homeless. Even just stopping them to ask directions is good.
If you encounter a cop car, then you're pretty good to go. Simply wave them over, explain your situation, and they'll drive you where you wanna go if they aren't on call. Cops patrol city/town streets 24/7
Fight hypothermia by moving constantly. Don't stop and sulk, not in the cold.
Oh and seeing that you're 18, your parents MIGHT not be total cunts, and there's a chance one of em might be driving around looking for you. So keep an eye out, and avoid if you want
You're rather lucky though you've got that money, worst case you can find a craigslist room for like 400 a month
Just do not ever get sleepy outside.
You WILL fucking die if you pass out in the cold
You have enough to get an apartment be poor for a bit.get a fast food job and get on your feet.then do calisthenics till you can afford membership.good luck and you got this
Go back and apologize you fucking retard
Tell them it's time for you to get your own place soon and start planning for it
>I don't even have my diploma yet so I can't get a job above $8.39/hr
Your parents literally kicked you out of the house into freezing temperatures and you haven't graduated high school?
This may be because I literally do not care about my parents at all, but if they did that shit to me I'd burn their fucking house down. Luckily my mom is a dead-beat and stuck with some loser and my dad is also a dead-beat who lives with whoever will give him a place to stay, usually members of his church who also pay him to do work for them.
Thank G*d I live with my grandparents.
this. get as much food out of that job as you fucking can user.
good luck.
Where do you live OP? If you live in my area we can have a sleep over
Bro, unironically post your home number. We're gonna tell them we found you passed out and raped in an alley and they are being charged for child endangerment.
Do you not have a single friend or what?
1. Your parents suck (big cock)
2. Your gf sucks (big cock)
3. You suck (big cock)
man you are only 18 what the fuck you cant live on your own properly
go back to your parents or you suck (big cock in the streets for money)
Military looks like your only option user
Dude just be a normal person and go to the cheap side of town and get a shitty motel. You could prob get 3 days for 99$. Use that time to get any gig or job. Spend 8 hours a day walking into businesses, talk to people, start converstions, say your looking for work. At least 1 out of 50 people have some sort of lead for a job they know of, or know a position opening up. Thats how it was done in the old days, still works now too, people just aren't taught how
easy way: cave in to your parents, say they were right, admit fault and figure shit out after that.
moderately difficult but long term character building way: get a cheap motel, find a job ASAP, start saving and be welcome into the shitty part of adulthood.
high risk but financially rewarding way: start turning tricks in the gay part of town. you'll be rolling in dough but a permanent butt slut. risk of STDs is fairly high as well.
GB Michigan
Middle aged white people are selfish, retarded adult children who are only marginally better than Jamarcus and his momma down in the hood. I would say American society as a whole has become shockingly infantilized after the second world war and everyone basically acts like a selfish brat, which fucks over people who are actually young and financially unstable.
So, basically, you're fucking off with your 'girlfriend' too much, and your parents, who have been more than fair with you your entire life, sit down to have a word with you about it. You proceed to throw a hissy-fit like the spoiled, entitled little suburbanite cunt you really are, acting more like a 6 year old than an 18 year old (and by the way I doubt you're 18 anyway), you probably said some rather vile things to them, called them cunts, or niggers, told them to fuck off, etc, maybe even threatened your dad with violence, and they did what any reasonable parents would do in this situation: threw your worthless, ungrateful ass out of the house to fend for yourself.
>wat do?
Go apologize profusely, be prepared to be treated like a 6 year old for at least a few weeks, and get your suburbanite room back, you stupid shit.
>go on airbnb
>find cheapest room
>live there until gf comes back
>gf comes home
>move in with her
>tell parents to kill themselves
Been in a similar situation. Except I had a car to sleep in. Landed an engineering student co-op in Calgary and lived with my cousins. Played a bunch of poker and was making 2 grand a weekend. Family thought I was a gambling addict and kicked me out. Slept in my car in -35 degrees celsius, while having to look professional at my job.Rent a motel for a day, and then look for a job/ cheap rooms to live in on craiglist. gl OP.
I know thats the case with 99% of people in my situation... But it really isn't the case for me.
Just start applying every place you can. People think that you can only apply to places that are advertising they are hiring.
I recommend food industry. The highend restaurants go through workers fast and my experience most places offer compesation for hard work and loyalty. One day maybe cleaning the kitchen and slowly learning how to cook. I started as a dish washer, went to busser, switch to serving, and then I got my boss to promise me a bar tending postition if I get training and certs. All in less than 3 weeks. You don't get how much hard work and dedication gets you in some places.
Really just walk into every business with nice attire and ask to see a manager and find out about any openings or atleast fill an application. Small businesses don't have the money to advertise, they rely on word of mouth.
Burn the house of these pieces of shit with them inside if you really didn t do anything wrong
Wow your parents are scum
Good luck bro,idk if I were you I would find a comfy place in the streets or wherever you can find one and try to get a job or something.
Forget about gains for now,try to survive.
Also maybe being homeless for a while will teach you a thing or two,just a reminder that Buddha came back enlightened after going into the homeless wandering life.
That's how it works in first world countries, pajeet. Time to become an adult.
>hard work and dedication
>there are places which won't even let you work more than 30 hours because reasons
OP here
Im pretty much done with this shit anons, the local mcdonalds doesn't open till 5, so I am SOL for the next two freezing fucking hours. I have school at 7-12 as its a half day, but I think Ill be able to stay at a friends place for a day or two. I found a nice spot outside some apartments where heat comes out of a little pipe; it feels fucking great. Im gonna buy a bike tomorrow, and apply around at some jobs like you guys said. I don't really think I can get a hotel, because my town is dead center of nofuckingwhere. GF says I can stay with her folks starting Sunday, so I really don't have a whole struggle ahead of me.
This thread reminds me of this: reddit.com
Except the guy in the le reddit thread had an actual talent so everything turned out right for him.
>40 years of sucking boomer dick
Once they go, you're going to go with them faggot bootlicker
Greentext what happened bro,it's very strange that any kind of non fucked up parents would kick their son outta home cuz girlfriend.
Are your parents fucked in the head?
>be me 17yo KV
>Depressed af
>start senior year of high school
>QT3.14 mires me all the time
>Get her number
>text A LOT
>Get to know her really well
>We start chilling a lot, but my parents think she's trashy so they don't let her in the house
>I go to her house a lot, and become a not KV
>This chick says she loves me, I think I love her too, but Ive never really felt love before.
>Spend A LOT of time with her
>My parents only see me for like 1hr a day at most
>Parents were always barking at me, GFs house is way more chill
>Her mom makes me gains meals
Fast forward: today
>Turn 18
>Go to school
>Come home because GF is out of town
>Parents tell me Im a degenerate because I no longer get all As. I get As and Bs.
>I tell them that for once in my life, I spend less time with them, and all of the sudden I don't want to kill myself anymore
>Tell me Im an idiot, and I should just leave them for good
>Say "fine you want me gone? Going."
>They tell me to not ever bother coming back.
Your parents don't deserve kids, they are fucking retards.I bet their marriage is so shitty that they are very jealous of you.
>be me
>10000 euro is lost in their secret stash
>parents accused me of stealing money from them
>decide to leave a house because this thing is happening many times
>parents come near me and tells me
>stop user! Even if you took the money we don't want you to be homeless and leave on your own
>first you need to find a good job and get a house or apartment, then you can go from this house
>few hours later, they found the money
Mfw I don't have nigger parents like the OP
>tell them that for once in my life, I spend less time with them, and all of the sudden I don't want to kill myself anymore
this is where you fucked up
they didn't kick you out you dumbass, you decided to leave
tfw even though I havenigger parents, at least my country isn't overrun by muzzies
OP here is advice for you.
If someone tells you , you are degenerate just reply them with agree and amplify, dissagree and amplify or ignore.
Never pull ultimatums to anyone because it will force people to see how true you are to ultimatums.
Also say less than necessery.
If they say you are degenerate just say, Yes it is my bad I will study harder than ever ,thank you for reminding me.
Of course people are going to bitch at you if you tell them they are wrong and you will leave them.AVOID THIS THING in your life, with your parents, gf, boss etc
My country have 0 muzzies because we ship them right away to germcuckia.
sitting in the cold is fucking hard... every ten minutes feels like an eternity
download uber and go somewhere warm, brainlet
Go tell them you are wrong and you will study better.Tell them you will balancw between seeing your gf and study
I am similar to your situation, I am seeing gf everyday and she cooks me nice gainz food.
I use my laptop to study for hours in her house and when I get tired, I call her for cuddle and sex.
Also if you want to be at your gf house, take all your study material and study hard there and tell your parents that you will deliver them results.
Having gf is not centre of your life, she is compliment to your life.
>dont have nigger parents
they sound like niggers if theyre accusing you of stealing.
This user is correct.
Take it from someone who has a good decade of life on you and was in a similar position back then. Don't throw your future away for a high school sweetheart. Cut back on how much time you spend with her if you have to, but do what it takes to get back into your parents good graces. They are your easy ticket to success. Apologize, beg, whatever you have to do. If this girl is worthwhile she will understand and stand by you. If she decides to peace out because you need to focus on your studies, trust me when I say that you are MUCH better off. Chances are you will break up with her at some point during your time in college anyways, so don't jeopardize or plan your future around this chick.
my mom lived off of me as soon as I got a job that payed more than hers at 19.
Kill them and take what is yours.
They served their biological purpose now they are a waste product.
Kill yourself, that'll show them
Is it wrong that I unironically thought this? Idk but that statement feels really strong.
Anyway update:
My parents begged me to come back over text, admitted they were wrong, and that its unfair to hold me to an all A standard, but we agreed if I ever got below an 85% Id have to cut back.
>mfw Im actually not a hobo anymore
what kind of parents throw out their son onto the streets in such fucking freezing cold? your parents are fucking retarded,move out asap
be respectful of your parents, they may have their faults but they have worked to feed and house you for 18 years and that means something
Yeah? If I were thrown out because of any reason back then,I would have rather lived as a homeless than to go back to my house. We are humans,this type of behaviour is not acceptable.
Congratulations OP. I was really worried for you.
This is good advice, ultimatums are for fictional scenarios, don't back yourself into a corner!
>Never pull ultimatums to anyone because it will force people to see how true you are to ultimatums.
Well then, the advice should be to never pull an ultimatum if you don't mean it.