Is Madcow 5X5 the best intermediate program out there?
Is Madcow 5X5 the best intermediate program out there?
If you don't know what to do, probably.
How do I reach Black Flag mode
"200 lbs is 200 lbs."
Guy is DYEL as fuck, so he was probably talking about squats.
Maybe for fatty powerlifters but if you wanna look good and get big then it’s a pretty bad routine. There are ppl on here (fat powerlifters) who shill the shit out of it but that’s the truth
He's been said to be able to squat 400+.
vid or it didn't happen
it's actually by far the worst intermediate program ever given a name and popularized on the internet
Second only to vanilla 5/3/1
What about TM?
good for squats.
actually yeah i forgot about vanilla 5/3/1 despite being memed into doing it (BBB challenge) in 2013
good for squats, ??? for deadlifts, abysmal for upper body (like any rippetard offshoot routine)
I did few weeks of TM, failed very early on my bench..max was 275, used a spreadsheet, volume is so low, and the gap is so big between your 5x5 and new 5x1 that I fucked up early
Doing madcow currently, not working for my bench, fucked up on week 3 at 240x5, but its working for squat and deadlift atm, so I used disbrow for bench right now (1week in) and use madcow for the rest
>actually yeah i forgot about vanilla 5/3/1 despite being memed into doing it (BBB challenge) in 2013
Even BBB is shit?
What makes 5/3/1 so bad? I hear a lot of contradicting opinions on it.
3X5 mosh pit punches
1X5 drug offer turndowns
1 hr of thrashing around on stage (cardio)
well motherfuckers if youre so fucking good at judging routines give me a good 3 day strength routine to supplement 5-6 days of muay thai/bjj a week.
It's a family of programs first of all. Second of all the very basic versions of the program you'll be doing maybe 15 reps of working weight plus whatever you get above your AMRAP, per week. Do you think 15 reps for OHP is adequate volume. The next week it'll be 9+AMRAP. The week after that, 9 again but the intensity will be higher.
Then you deload.
Because a lifter MUST spend 25% of their year deload get.
Did I mention this is all done with 90% of your 1RM? So when you're doing a lift at 80% intensity it's 80% of 90%
Now there's back down sets and assistance which is all well and good and Jim Wendler is definitely right when he says a lifter should do conditioning too. BUT the volume is shockingly low especially since you only touch a lift once per week. IMO something like the GZCL method is better for building a base of strength.
What does GZCL stand for? I can't seem to find what it means or the significance.
And would you suggest it for me when I finish my linear progression, then? What's it geared towards?
Worked great for me when I did 12 weeks of Madcow with a week off in the middle.
Stats before:
24 y/o, 5'11, 78.0kg
Five rep maxes:
Squat 115kg
Bench 70kg
Row 80kg
Press 45kg
Deadlift 150kg
Stats this week:
24 y/o, 6'0, 82.5kg
Squat 140kg
Bench 85kg
Row 95kg
Press 55kg
Deadlift 182.5kg
Going for some 1RMs next week, blessings upon me.
The henry "danzing's cumrag" rollins workout
>get molested
>get buttfucked while being a druggy fagot roadie
>fall in love with Glenn Danzing
>Get butt ravaged by Glenn "chocke me daddy" Danzing
>become a legit SJW and write about anti stablishment ON the pinnacle of consumerism magazines
>write about how you hate being famous while sucking dick to remain relevant
>tell stupid jokes
Do that during a lifespan and you will be golden.
How do you guys manage to get your deadlift so high? I can't get past 110kg which is frustrating desu. Always feels like my back can't take it (and my grip is too weak), any tips? Also doing madcow atm.
1) It's a push, not a pull. You brace real tight and you push yourself to stand up straight.
2) When you get down to grip the bar, lean your ass back and use your bodyweight as a lever to help get the weight off the floor.
I suggest this program or one of Greg Nuckols programs. It's geared towards people who want to get bigger and stronger
i think it's just his username
it's geared towards intermediate lifters I believe
never personally tried it
i'm small
isn't it literally SS but 5x5 scheme instead of 3x5?
It's curious how the people that shit on rippetoe always shit on SS but nobody talks about TM
damn, you even grew one inch
It's aight, it's better when you cut out some rest days so instead of AxBxCxx you do ABxCxA... It's not super demanding and higher frequency is tied to higher gains, look at the Norwegian frequency project if you don't believe me.
I prefer madcow to TM but only slightly, and I think a higher volume three day DUP program is probably the best, but they're all fine.
"Vanilla" 531, which literally nobody except for drooling mongoloids do, would be literally one top set AMRAP per week for each lift, which is obviously retarded and a ticket to nogains. Doing that plus backoff volume and a few assistance lifts is just fine and has worked very well for many many lifters.
Are you new? Why would you even talk about TM if you don't have an idea about it? Everybody shits on TM.