what are you doing to improve yourself today
managed not to kill five people that I wanted to today.
still finding a reason to live and then improve myself
>inb4 her
Started mobility work. Started studying for math midterm
what did you do op
Lifting and cardio.
But I'm a depressed loser with no friends, talking is an effort and often what i say comes out weird or i stutter so usually avoid talking to anyone. just too self-conscious and hold very low opinions of myself. i can't even envision how to become intimate with a girl or how to stay in a relationship which i feel are both impossible for me. i'm so incredibly boring that no-one could stand to be around me.
Finished my final exam for this semester. Now I have about 4 months of holday. Besides wagecucking how do I be productive with this time?
I started learning about Stoicism. I've only read a couple of articles and watched a short TED video on it but it sounds manly as fuck.
>Sick and yet happy, in peril and yet happy, dying and yet happy, in exile and happy, in disgrace and happy.
went for a run although this next week is going to be the slowest of my recent life
Can you give me a quick rundown?
started the day pretty bad, I was supposed to be up at 7, didn't get out of bed until almost noon. Fuck depression. I have an engineering midterm in the morning so I'm gonna be up all night to hopefully get above a 50%
Tomorrow I'm starting an Arnold split, which I'm pretty excited about. Also am only 13lbs from my goal weight, I look the best I have in years. And also getting shitfaced drunk at night to celebrate existence
How many people have you killed in total?
do it for you :)
I have similar troubles, we both won't improve our social interactions unless we push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Own your stutter, it's part of you. I have a high opinion of you, so get yours to that level as well. Girls don't matter if you're unhappy, forget about them. You'll become intimate after meeting a qt 3.14 and getting to know her and ending up liking her and asking her on a date. A few dates later and bam, you're making out in the car. Take it slow user, one day at a time. :)
i've got this weird thing going on with my ex. i call her my ex, but it's more like a break than anything. i am giving her a lot of space and letting her hopefully come to miss me. she messaged me sunday and was very receptive in conversation for a few hours.
i am planning on asking her if she is free to get a coffee on saturday morning and kind of reintroduce myself. it will have been like a month since i've seen her, and i know she wanted to see me.
so i'm literally stuck, brooding and waiting for a week before i can call her and ask. i'm nervous as it is, like i'm asking her on a first date again. god i hope she says yes.
>actively try to improve things that you can control
>do not feel angry or sad about things that are out of your control
>do not dwell on the past
>act rationally instead of emotionally
I'm still learning more about it, but these points stuck out to me the most. I think a mix of Stoicism and mindfulness meditation are going to really help me develop a stronger mental state.
getting back into journaling.
it's surprisingly cathartic
There's not much else to do. I set up a routine, now all I need to do is give it time.
I also need to study more for my final exams which will be placed next week and the one after.
Other than that, I wish that I still had my ex phone number. Just so I could send her one last sms saying that I realized how terrible she was and how shitty she was for doing such a important thing in our first year anniversary just to break up a week later.
But maybe it's better that I don't have it, so fuck it.
>jerked off 2 times yesterday
>feel like crap
>skipped gym
>a break
She's already fucking others.
>people tend to have sex
well, color me surprised!
I didn't uni work.
I ate at a deficit.
I read.
sick of the stupid bitch invasion of Veeky Forums
That sounds really useful but impossible to implement, although i guess the meditation helps. Ill check it out dude.
I’m going to a dance class
I watched a movie
Took my vitamins
Ate healthy
nah i'm like 99% sure she isn't. she's just gone from working part-time, living at home with her family and having a lot of spare time to living by herself, working 50 hours a week with a side job she couldn't leave yet.
Post the video
Just curious
How many times do you workout within a week?
Overall I could only workout 10x a month at max, I am way too fucking busy at work. I still look like shit but at least I lost weight though it took me 10 months to lose 10 kg. Not impressive I know
>cardio + kettlebell shit 3 times a week
>heavy lifts 3 times a week
basically every day but saturday.
How many minutes do you spend on working out?
i'm pure shit at running but that's about 30 minutes, maybe 40 max right now.
kettle bells will be like pm if running is am, and that's about 60 minutes.
heavy lifting will be 90 minutes or something like that. it took a bit longer last night because i hadnt fully recovered from cardio/kettlebells the day prior to it.
meant for
Being circumsized in 2 hours.
It's short but provides an overview and some of the historical background:
I also heard this podcast episode is pretty good too, but I haven't listened to it yet:
so how did it go?
>nah i'm like 99% sure she isn't.
You are 99% wrong
I'm the user from yesterday. How are you holding up, brah?
People here trying to rid themselves of emotions while I cling to the edges trying to climb out of that pit.
I'll be doing some animation as part of my game design hobby, then picking up all the things I'll need for Thanksgiving. I'm in a new city so this weekend I'm going to see if anything interesting is going on and I'll try and go out and meet people.
Point is to try to be better.
I do have friends but I'm boring too I think. First time in my life it looked like a girl was showing interest until I talked with her and knew when I fucked up after a while. How do I get less boring and talk with girls?
Whats up /sig/
I will post something even if not directly Veeky Forums-related
I have started working as an intern in the hospital (gastroenterology) in my 4th year as a med student. The work climate is pretty rough, everyone seems overworked and underpaid and I keep making mistakes on my paperwork and in my observations, causing me to get yelled at by the assistants who themselves get yelled at by the higher ups and nurses.
I have been learning and I am getting better, but I cant ask for help because the assistants dont have time so it feels like I have to fuck up until I get it right by myself.
Its been a very rich and humbling experience but I am scared I might not be good enough for the job and scared of my private time and lifting schedule after I am done studying.
I really am scared of not being good enough for my (future) patients once I have full responsability, but /sig/ always reminds me that strength comes from weakness, so I will persist no matter the cost.
I lift also to be a good role model for my patients because I also used to be a former fatty and I dont wanna go back.
Thanks /sig/ for keeping me motivated, reading these threads always gets my spirit up after a hard day.
As long as there is drive, we're all gonna make it.
I've been racking my brain for a productive hobby all week
I don't want to play video games or watch TV or YouTube because they are just time wasters
I've been reading and lifting, but i'm still finding myself with a bunch of time on my hands
What did some of you guys do to become productive?
post your productive hobbies
preferably stuff that helps develop a skill unlike collecting or vidya
currently i just read and practice french, i need more to do
Hey friend that's how it goes sometimes, you gotta have some trial in error in everything you do. If you you got just a few things wrong, but everything else is right, i'd say you're doing okay.
You just gotta have the will to improve
Looks like im not the only one
Currently fine tuning how to drive (i.e parallel parking, backing into a parking space) and cooking.
My mind is in a bad place lately so I want to focus on those two until I stop being a colossal faggot and get back to college.
OP you forgot to post the sticky! 4chanfit.wikia.com
I'm currently painting. I have drawn quick draft and are working on getting good at different objects. Currently i'm working on trees, and i'm kind of good at skies and water already. When i feel sufficient i paint the object into the canvas.
3d modelling. Made me learn 3d printing too as a result, and I'm all over it now. Sculpting your own model out on the computer and then seeing it be made right in front of you is an amazing feeling
I don't know if it's a waste of time but I use a shitty free program called LMMS to produce music with. I just make hiphop beats, but i don't have any formal knowledge of music theory or anything.
Laying in bed recovering from surgery. FeelsBadMan
tell me more user?
what kind of painting do you do?
whats the learning process like?
water color seems pretty cool and i think i might try it, although having to learn anatomy and other fundamentals has put me off of art for a while
get well soon brah, we're all gonna make it
Stoicism and meditation have made a huge difference to me. Issues at work that a year ago would have infuriated me and had me howling for the perpetrators to be impaled and their entire extended family flayed alive and turned into slippers now leave me unfazed, and my coworkers are noticing that I’m a little more Dalai Lama on a bad day and less Vlad the Impaler on meth in terms of mood. My blood pressure and stress levels have come down a lot, and I am less depressed. Of course, the exercise is helping too.
Shooting, chess, Go, reading.
researching how to make money
so far
>real estate
>car rental business
It is actually very interesting. I haven't taken any professional courses, i am self-learnt. I'm painting realism with watercolors. Sketching and planning is very important, as well as putting an emotional touch to the painting. I find it as a calm and creative hobby which makes me think.
i dont know brehs
listening to peterson and other psychology stuff, trying to improve, trying not to be a "fraud" while doing it
i feel like especially improving socially is hard, since everyone in my class (my only social interactions) is either considerably less intelligent, even worse socially or both.
I need to improve conversation skills, but i just cant go from 0 to running the entire conversaiton even tho im not interested, not interesting and simply not good at it.
i'd like to talk about different stuff, but people are just too young, nerdy, private af and only talk jokes, school and video games.
You don't need productive hobbies if you work a lot. You get more production done through working than doing hobbies. I just work and workout, seems to be bringing in the dough while my muscles grow.
Does cooking counts? I'm a really big fan of cooking, baking and being a barista. It motivates me and is something that I want to do in the future. Open up a cafe and work my ass off on some real nice dishes. My ex knew it, she always told me she would gift me some kitchen stuff but never did. Meh, I hope she meets a terrible cook and misses my food.
I've been learning Deutsch too and meditating every single day.
Thanks brah. Good thing is I'm on Thanksgiving break so the girl I'm into doesn't have to see me in this condition. Only thing is that I can't lift and I'm afraid I won't be 100% when uni starts up again
>I think I'm asexual
>I hate sex so god damn much
>Maybe it's bc I just had sex
>Didn't come though
>improved myself for the wrong reasons
>Lost motivation for self-improvement
>thank god my therapy starts soon
Thanks for reading Veeky Forums
Just had my 20th birthday yesterday, felt like I improved more in a lot of ways this past year than the 19 that came before.
What advice would you have for a 20 y.o in self improvement until I get 25?
Okay you are 20 now. Sit down and write down a plan. What's your ambitions, who do you want to become, and how are you going to achieve it. Spend one hour every sunday thinking and editing this plan. Time goes fast, and this is the most important years of your life. The actions you take now will set the path for the rest of your life, the people you hang with, the places you are. Think about it.
Get your self a good education, money, gains and high quality friends
>Doctors appointment
>He asks me if am active
>Tell that i exercise, row 1km every session.
>Doc says "um.. i'm 57 and i row 5km with ease, you should exercise more."
That really made me think, i'm a DYEL. Is it possible to have a great exercise session after you've rowed 5km?
just actively thinking about it probably puts you ahead of a lot of people already.
Wouldnt take any adive too seriously or as "must do this".
i always dismiss shit like "learn a language, dont play vidya". i just dont agree with it, its basically the number one LOOK AT ME IM PRODUCTIVE meme.
You should always lift before you do cardio. That's common knowledge
Lifted this morning
Got some whey protein and made a 1000 calorie shake this morning feelgoodman
Found out I don't have cancer
About to start Plato - Republic
Learn piano / musical instrument
Draw (drawabox.com)
Cooking, learn some new recipes
Yes, i kind of knew that. I've been rowing as a closing exercise, i row until i can't anymore in the end. It was the doctor who did it as a warm-up exercise.
have you got the rest of these book guides, user?
Part 2 if anyone cares
>Found out I don't have cancer
Congrats man
Then it's bad advice. My doctor told me squats will fuck my knees up. They are always more concerned about your health. And they're no coaches and don't know everything
my weightlifting shoes just came in today, I was worried they would be too big but they're perfectly snug and very stable. I'm going to go to the gym and squat and do some oly lifts/technical drills
I'm at a point where I wish I were motivated to tackle my reading list but I feel so dissatisfied (not even burnt out) with school that I have no desire to do something intellectual. I find sports and training so much more satisfying.
T-today was l-legs day... I didn't skip it...
We call it leg day. Without a 's'.
Sorry, english is not my native language.
Chess, tennis
I am on day 24 of nofap. I have a strong desire to impregnate a woman.
also I've become very happy from just letting go of stress that I don't need. but things that I can't just cut from my life such as classes continue to stress me out because I really don't want to be in college but everyone tells me that I should finish my degree because I'm at a very good school and will regret it if I leave now. I have 3 semesters left here after this one. It's not all bad, I just feel that meeting degree requirements often gets in the way of me becoming the person I want to be. it's tough to continue doing something that you don't want to do just to check a box for other people. I swear this will be the last thing I do to allow other people's expectations to define my life
I eat even less today, cause I can't lose weight.
I've been feeling kind of empty over the weeks. I am living with my girlfriend and I don't know how to feel.
I want to be sometimes alone but I can't. I am feeling empty or something like that
what do you want to feel?
talk to your gf user, she's your partner and there to help you through tough times, and same goes for you helping her. You're a team.
Which 3D printer do you have? Anet A6/A8? What are you modelling/printing?
I kinda want to get into 3D printing but I don't want to spend 200 € on a printer that is just going to collect dust in a corner after a month.
I'm setting up my own physio practise in the gym where I work out my self. I have no experience with all this shit lmao
1) Job orientation went smooth for my retail bullshit job
2) Didn't sperg in front of hot ginger at work
3) Finishing my black coffee before I go do some paused squats
this. If you have the opportunity, do bjj. Nothing has helped me more this past year than training bjj. It forces you to continually deal with failure and teaches you that failure is an opportunity for growth.
I do cheerleading, it got me out more
Once a month I go to this little shack on a public estate where this old guy runs a blacksmithing course.
I'm thinking of asking him for an apprenticeship so I can properly learn all the ins and outs, and actually get busy a bit more often.
For a long time I was worried about that I don’t have a passion in my life, or a strong calling. I don’t let it worry me anymore, maybe I have one, maybe I don’t. My life right now is much better then I’ve been making it out to be. I finally feel alive for the first time in my life, like I’m a part of every day and every moment. The future still worries me a bit but that’s what I’m trying to work on. I’ve got a plan for the future and as much as I’m not a fan of my major it will set me up to complete my plan. My major is meh, it will make me money to live my life how I see fit so I’ll continue to work and work even harder at it. I have a goal to live rural and living so close to the city for so many years and if working my ass off can get me a small plot of land that I can raise a family on and have a little bit of woods to explore then I’ll do it. Finally feel like I’ve figured it out Veeky Forums.
Stoicism is not about getting rid of your emotions at all. It's about being aware of the fact that in the end, the only thing that's fully in your control is your own reactions.
How do I start the process of getting a gf? New girl at work is qt as fuck
Slowly, but surely, improving. Almost done with Peterson's self-authoring program, done present and future, started past today. It has been very helpful, I started setting weekly goals for each of the 8 future goals I wrote down.
Stopped learning Chinese, it was using up too much time for too little reward, instead of that I'm increasing the time I devote to reading philosophy/economy/engineering.
Also trying to work on my health now that I have lifting and dieting down, have been to a lot of doctors, and trying to eat healthier.
That's pretty awesome user good luck.
A couple weeks ago I convinced a friend to start exercising with me
He thought it was kinda gay at first but he's into it now
I had tried to get into exercising regularly before but it never lasted too long.
Now today we convinced a couple more of our friends to start joining us
>tl;dr me and my friends work out now instead of just smoking and being bums
yeah not too bad. I really want to move all this ahead and see her saturday but I know it isn't a good idea. I might send a snap her way tomorrow of something we talked about on sunday and leave it at that for the week until I talk to her next week.
the best thing I've done is really think about why it ended and I've got some pretty strong insight into it now with a lot of pondering. that gives me some hope I guess. Plus a shitload of guitar so if I get back into her room, I can give her a show.
Ikr what are these subhumans doing here
yeah could be, but it seems to be a bit of a stretch. she's had sex with 4 people, including me, in her entire life and all within some sort of a relationship. she so rarely goes out and kisses guys that when we did it, her friends said she never does it and took photos of it. the only reason she would go against all of that is as a fuck you to me, which she has no reason to do.
so yeah look I am quite sure she isn't and I hope she isn't. I wish I could now but I can't so i will just have to wait and see.
What kind of mobility work are you doing?
What do you do for work, user?
Very glad Veeky Forums is the home board now, /pol/ is more shill than poster now that the net neutrality vote is coming up.
Besides that i've been reading a ton more, getting to my studies too, it's been a good week.
Had a pretty big disappointment today.
>Be kind of into this girl, friends since childhood
>Thicc and very intelligent
>comes over to visit
>shoot the shit for a couple of hours have a good time
>start talking politics
>calls trump "nazi rat"
>uses the term "toxic masculinity" unironically
I'm so sick of all the girls around me becoming sjws
Bitching about girls being girls makes you sound like a fag, buddy. it happens, dont let it get to you and move on.