>Pumpkin delts
>Watermelon carrying lats
>Neck devouring traps
What else?
>Pumpkin delts
>Watermelon carrying lats
>Neck devouring traps
What else?
what about this guys rear delt?
looking aesthetic
This is the type of guy you accuse of roiding in the gym, then he gets really pissed and tells you you're just lazy and don't work as hard as him. Then you start arguing more and all the women in the gym comes to his defense and call you a fat, ugly, lazy manlet. Then you start crying and go home.
I would say the delts are the only roid flag, with decent genes and enough work you can for sure get the lats and traps. Nice descriptors though.
its so big you can see it from the front
>cannonball delts
>neck eating traps
>veins popping out across the chest, shoulders, thighs, calves, front part of lats
>roid gut
>back acne
>gyno while being jacked
>roid tricep (lots of definition)
>lots of vascularity near the wrists
>tren face
>dark pink/orange tint to skin
have fun pointing out the frauds
and he always bench presses 3x10 with any random weights under 225
>tfw I had more backne and shoulder acne before roids
>tfw whenever I go off cycle it comes back
arm size being above 20"
The delusions of a young virgin
I find that people who blast and cruise on tren looks like they are about to blow up for being so fucking pink and breathing heavily.
do people think this shit looks good? looks almost as bad as synthol t b h
>roid tricep
I am natty and i have plenty of definition in my tricep. Come to think of it most people in my gym who have made it tend to have good tricep definition even compared to the juiced up guys.
What the fuck is the point of roiding if you're gonna like shit?
This guy's proportions are completely fucked up. What's with those huge delts and tiny arms? For fuck's sake, nobody in their right mind would find this good looking or aesthetic, you just look like a retard.
I'm not even ironic bro, this shit makes me mad. Why go through all the pain if the end result is this.
>roiding for this
>not roiding in considerate amounts to achieve Jujimufu modo pre-gut
Is this a smiths song?
I don't really think veins, or vascularity for that matter is a good signaling factor that someone takes roids. A lot of people are just naturally vascular, myself included.
This, all day every day
Why do you care if someone roids?
It is illegal you know, so ofc they're not going to admit it to some random faggot. It's not like roiders are obligated to carry a card that says "steroid user" on it.
Red flag: carries needles and syringes in pocket which occasionally fall out during max rep sets
Pumpkin delts? Looks more like onion delts to me
> Chest and shoulder acne
> Stretch marks
> Huge whilst doing meme exercises
In my country it is legal and they still won't own up, so dont push that crap excuse. They don't admit it because they are embarrassed, they want the body but cant put in the effort. They feel that the body they have came in a syringe and dont want to share that fact.
>he's really big
>but he doesn't smell of onion
dead giveaway
>Stretch marks
>What else?
It's the overall 3d look where someone looks composed in photoshop. A natural body will flatten out as it becomes increasingly lean. By the time you're deep in single digit bodyfat, it's normal to have lost a lot of fullness.
Onion memes aside, people really overestimate what testosterone alone can do for your physique. If you want look like the /fraud/ guy on the left, you need a combination of drugs.
It's their choice, they can use em if they want fast results, I see nothing morally wrong with it.
But remember user, the roids giveth...
I think his supplier was overcharging him due to fame and so he got off them thinking he could maintain the physique.
He was wrong.
Who's this guy again? I swear I've seen him somewhere before but I can't remember the name
whats the science behind roid delts and traps?
They are the parts of the body with the most androgen receptors so respond the best when you put androgens in your body, aka testosterone and most anabolic steroids.
>looking like you lift
I was gunna say being bigger and leaner than me as a joke but desu being bigger and leaner than I have ever been
>projecting this hard
>stronger than me
Fucker must be juicing.
isnt that connor murphy?
his under eye support is exceptionally terrible, infact his whole midface, eyes, nose, mouth are fugly af, any good looks he has come from awesome jaw/chin and having cheekbones, he seriously looks like an incel who has had plastic surgery imo
Yes! Cheers, I couldn't remember
What befell this man? He looks like shit
I roid and I tell people at the gym I don't huehue
>absolutely devilish
How can you tell how strong he is from that photo?
Whilst he is a state, especially taking steroids as a teenager which will absolutely cripple him when he stops - it just looks like he's had an allergic reaction there, hayfever or dust. I had hayfever as a kid and my eyes were like that most summers.
nah he just has a weak maxilla and pathetic suborbitals
Depends, there are circumstances in which i think it is fine such as when you have reached your natty limit or want to train more than naturally possible; then circumstances in which i think it is actually good like injury recovery or when on the low end of natural test.
However doing it purely because of vanity and poor willpower is morally detestable, it speaks volumes about the person who does it. Fortunately those doing it for that reason usually dont do any research and jump on orals, no AI at 17 and fuck themselves up for life.
how about doing it so you can make well over a quarter million dollars a year after taxes for years filming videos of you lifting and hitting on girls while shirtless?
BigNig you’ve really gotten into facial aesthetic haven’t you?
I also support that, there are some clear circumstances whereby not only is it worth it career wise but also health wise as the care you can afford as a result is much greater. If i were an actor or a model i would be on gear as a given.
I left that out as it's really not applicable for most people.
t. Guy who thinks America is the whole world
from which video is that? last uploads on his yt channel are 2 months old
>Being bigger than me
>Lifting more than me
>Being better looking than me
>he looks better than you
>why do you care if someone foods
why do you care if someone uses counterfeit money? the reason rousers are despised is because they inflate the minds of women. these assholes post pics showing off how "hard" they work and make people believe that shit is natural. so when a guy like me has his shit set up perfectly and works out every day and don't get the same results, people just tell me "you just don't have the genetics." fucking fuck you
>that guy who pins between sets
I roid and post shitty info on Veeky Forums while claiming natty
anyone who challenges me I post a selfie and challenge them to do the same
>be low test natty
>have high levels of DHT
>still have better delts than most people on juice
Fuck testosterone.
just gotta work harder with your split bro
This. Normies are the biggest cucks to people they admire. I have one friend who is clearly on gear, he doesn't do any actual lifting just sports and is always jacked to shit. He goes out drinking 3 times a week and doesn't care much about diet. I once pointed out that he was definitely on gear and everyone jumped down my throat saying i was jealous because he was just naturally huge.
It was as if i personally insulted them by suggesting this friend would so such a thing. I pointed out that 3% of the entire male population, not just gym goers, is on or has been on steroids. They just said bullshit. It's frustrating because i do some fitness 6 days a week and control my diet just to have normies think im shit at it compared to some guy who "naturally has a six pack".
how small does your dick need to be to think that shit looks good?
Post pic of friend
i post fitness advice that i dont even follow that is objectively garbage yet i look like shit irl
I dont post any photos whatsoever here, both out of respect to people and also a deathly fear of being found to use the site, especially a different board.
>t. jelly gymcel
stop being a crab in a bucket
They are bigger than me. That's the only requirement.
>guy is three times my size
>very low bodyfat
>he benches more than he deadlifts
>i can outdeadlift him
>he never actually pushes himself in the gym
It isn't really that, i get compliments and mires all the time including being in a long term good relationship. I've known this guy for years and never brought it up but it was in a relevant conversation.
He has a secondary channel, I think.
I have roid shoulders and traps after a shoulder workout but I'm natty.
I have a friend like this too.
>Way more jacked than any other of us in our group despite all of us starting to lift around the same time
>Bacne, delts and traps
>thick torso
>I know he has access to a dealer.
I dont really have any reason to bring it up and hes a good friend but I cant help shake the fact that hes a /fraud/
same. kek
>do people think this shit looks good?
Shitty false flag.
kys roid monkey
lol there's four or five dudes at my gym who are on clearly on roids but claim they're not
they run a cookie cutter bro split with garbage frequency, bench 225 for 3 sets of 10, fucking barbell rows with 135, and shoulder pressing 70s but are fucking massive
Every time I see someone who I think roids, I weasel up to them and ask for some "supplements", you know, all implicatory and shit. They deny it at first, but I keep on begging and eventually they say, "OK man, but you gotta keep this private. The dealer's name is -" and then I shriek at the top of my lungs: YOU'RE UNDER ARREST, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST, CITIZEN'S ARREST
and don't stop screaming until they kick us both out.
The look on the guys' faces - priceless!
Most are necklets
>terrible skin, looks bloated and dehydrated
>bigger than me
100% roids, everytime.