Rate my natty quads.
Rate my natty quads
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your outer thigh is fine but your adductors need some serious work
Lmao fucking calflets when will they learn
If you want alpha male quads, then follow this power lifting routine.
More like fatty quads
olympic lifter?
i take that back, your legs looks like a fucking tumor
ITT: Jealous leglets
how do you wear pants, what the fuck
my legs are 28 inches and i already have trouble fitting into most jeans even with meme athletic fits like 541s
>when you actually buy the starting strength book
fucking midget lol
183cm alpha male.
It's like you have cellulite
id swear i saw you post here before, are you that ugly roid cunt who tried to be MasT for like 2-3 weeks?
You look like a freak. Did SS claim another victim?
I just train legs.
holy shit fucking mirin
I'm natty.
natty fatty quadson
Post your whole body then I'll be impressed cunt
Mirin hard, routine?
Thanks. Push/legs/pull.
What are your accessories for upper body? Your arms are huge for your frame
You're a thic boy
Whats the poing on having such big disgusting lega if you cant run a sub 10 sprint or you are not a top tier olympic lifter ?
You look strong as fuck, mirin
How much do you lift?
this what you do for ur arms?
so that you can masturbate to yourself
T-that doesn't look healthy...
how many inches around, mine are like 27 and chafe
Nothing special. My main focus is chest and back but it's all about genetics.
Your legs look like nazi pants