>I fucking hate lateral raises
I fucking hate lateral raises
Why user?
me too man
fuck those shoulder killers
midscapular plane, thumb above pinky, do not internally rotate
just do them fag, the effort:aesthetic benefit ratio on lateral raises is among the highest of any lift
>tfw 25lb dumbbell lateral raises
>could only do 15lb a year ago
>thinking of increasing it to 30lbs
what weight do you use?
Then don't do them, it's a dyel meme exercise and the only reason you do them is because of your pathetic ohp numbers.
t. shoulders like my grandmother
trips don't lie
>wah wah it hurts a ickle bit MOMMY make the bad burn go away
I don't understand how otherwise knowledgeable gymbros fall for this shit exercise. You will never be able to use enough weight in this exercise to overload the muscle, so your only option is to do endless sets which is boring af and a poor allocation of one's time.
I hate squats
>you will never be able to use enough weight in this exercise to overload the muscle
are you a fucking idiot or what, the lateral delt is a tiny muscle, and you have the gigantic moment arm of your entire fucking arm between the dumbbell and that tiny muscle
not everything has to be done (or can be done) with heavy barbell compounds, and almost every great set of delts in your gym is the product of tons of lateral raises in addition to pressing
do them diagonally with a cable
So dont do them
OHP and one arm row on a bench hit all the delts
Useless dog shit exercise that only the most clueless morons waste time on.
i think that's placebo
you think powerlifters or olympic lifters etc do fucking lateral raises? lateral raises don't even hit the side delt that well unless you twist your arm in an akward position that makes it click and grind like a bitch
Smaller muscles need less weight to stimulate. Each of your shoulder heads is tiny individually.
DYEL? I don't get any clicking or grinding.
>This exercise is great for bodybuilding
>>Oh yeah? Then why don't these non-bodybuilders do it?
You're a retard.
>you think powerlifters or olympic lifters etc do fucking lateral raises?
>pic related
my delts have been blowing up since I do 20 rep cable lat raises for 5 sets 3 times a week. My OHP has been going up too, almost 1.5pl8
Upright rows are better
the chinese weightlifters do loads of bb work to supplement their training and they're the ones who always look the most muscular, someone already responded with lu xiaojun, tian tao does it too
>Crane gently moves her wings kung fu move
about 5kg for 3x12
one arm dumbel row for me, just because I have to kneel on the bench and am used to it that way.
t. lateral raises 15 lb dbs with his pinkies pointed up for 12 reps
does your lateral delt get tired doing them? you are overloading the muscle dumb dumb. stop worrying about having super high numbers on everything.