Anyone here been successful in increasing their vertical jump significantly? How did you do it?
thinking sprints, plyos, squats etc. but need more help
Anyone here been successful in increasing their vertical jump significantly? How did you do it?
The best way to get better at jumping is to jump often, maybe with some weights.
I'm currently practicing depth jumps, 1 leg jumps, and pistol squats.
IMO, you don't require weights for jump-specific skill training if you're jumping for max effort/power every rep. Just keep squatting and doing oly lifts.
how have they been working for you so far?
And yeah might start doing some olympic lifts, they look pretty explosive so hopefully will translate well
Went to space and now my vertical is insane.
Unfortunately I need to be able to jump higher for earth-based competitions
not telling
Never going to leave humanity behind with that attitude, user.
Sorry for the ruse, athletes who train for explosive power do quarter rep squats to build their vertical jump. Since strength is joint angle specific, you can overload the quarter squat as it is the same position from which you explode up in your vertical jump. Quarter squatting is used in the training regimen of elite sprinters, running backs and basketball players for decades. You could also try isometric connections in quarter squat position which will maximise power output and consequently increase your vertical. Deadlifting would be a good accessory movement to train the movement pattern of exerting downwards force through your feet.
What this guy said. However I wouldn't add deadlifting, but olympic weightlifting.
Snatches and C&Js are a great way to build up explosivity, the same goes for pulls and all the olympic w. accessory movements.
This is 100% true. Would also include shock training.
Actually no, jumping with weights not helpful.
Jumping more often also no. Need to be maximal effort, low reps, low volume, a couple times a week.
Very good, especially considering I haven't had access to a barbell in months.
try one of those vertical jumping programs, these will give noticable gains, mind you they are very punishing and truly will take you to your limit
Your vertical can be optimized, not increased. Lose weight, condition yourself, practice a bit and you will find your max vertical. However, you cannot train it further beyond that point. This is why the vertical jump is a common measurement of athletic potential.
absolutely retarded. optimized, as in the vertical jump height is increased? semantics.
also, you're completely wrong anyways. stronger legs with the ability to make use of the strength fasts translates into a high specific impulse. you jump higher.
>Your bench press can be optimized, not increased. Gain muscle, condition yourself, practice a bit and you will find your BP max. However, you cannot train it further beyond that point. This is why the bench press is a common measurement of athletic potential.
So all those old dudes at the gym i see quarter squatting 2 plates were just training their vert all along, who'd have guessed.
Shock training being drop jumps, depth jumps right? I'll be sure to add those in
Neat, ill use those for sure
What programs? They all want my money / seem like scams and I'm reading through the jump bible which I downloaded for free
lol ok
Try doing jump squats and jumping lunges
>jumping lunges
I prefer to sit while eating
I increased mine significantly over a pretty short period. I was training legs four days a week and twice a week I was super setting squats or deads with vertical box jumps. For squats I'd do five reps, deads three reps, and always seven for the box jumps. I'd show you guys a video, but my phone is shit. My vertical isn't that impressive to me, but people always come up to me to say something when I'm training my vertical.
Read "with that altitude"
Squatting to depth is still the best way to develop legs, as it recruits more muscle fibres along different angles and increases tension.
However, quarter squatting trains the movement pattern so that the motor units responsible for activating muscles at that joint angle become more efficient and therefore able to exert more force, increasing your vertical.
It's important that you develop a good set of legs in addition to training for exclusiveness. Quarter squatting was also standard advice during the golden era, so the old timers at your gym are probably following advice from their youth. It's also pretty common in high school football coaching to focus on quarter squatting in paet due to sports science of joint angle specificity, but mainly to inflate the numbers and egos of the football squad.
Squat to depth = overall leg mass
Quarter squat = explosiveness and movement training for vertical jump and maximal power output.
Everything that trains the stretch reflex of the calves is also helpful. Example would be explosive calf raises
have a (you) that was pretty good
>explosive calf raises
>not explosive cow raises
fucking DYELs
What if a raised calf is a cow?